John Hill 0413e77d8a
test(e2e): Major refactor and stabilization of e2e tests ()
* fix: update broken locator

* update eslint package

* first pass of lint fixes

* update package

* change ruleset

* update component tests to match linting rules

* driveby

* start to factor out bad locators

* update gauge component

* update notebook snapshot drop area

* Update plot aria

* add draggable true to tree items

* update package

* driveby to remove dead code

* unneeded

* unneeded

* tells a screenreader that this is a row and a cell

* adds an id for dragondrops

* this should be a button

* first pass at fixing tooltip selectors

* review comments

* Updating more tests

* update to remove expect expect given our use of check functions

* add expand component

* move role around

* update more locators

* force

* new local storage

* remove choochoo steps

* test: do `lint:fix` and also add back accidentally removed code

* test: add back more removed code

* test: remove `unstable` annotation from tests which are not unstable

* test: remove invalid test-- the "new" time conductor doesn't allow for millisecond changes in fixed time

* test: fix unstable gauge test

* test: remove useless asserts-- this was secretly non-functional. now that we've fixed it, it makes no sense and just fails

* test: add back accidentally removed changes

* test: revert changes that break test

* test: more fixes

* Remove all notion of the unstable/stable e2e tests

* test: eviscerate the flake with FACTS and LOGIC

* test: fix anotha one

* lint fixes

* test: no need to wait for save dialog

* test: fix more tests

* lint: fix more warnings

* test: fix anotha one

* test: use `toHaveLength` instead of `.length).toBe()`

* test: stabilize tabs view example imagery test

* fix: more tests be fixed

* test: more `toHaveCount()`s please

* test: revert more accidentally removed fixes

* test: fix selector

* test: fix anotha one

* update lint rules to clean up bad locators in shared fixtures

* update and remove bad appActions

* test: fix some restricted notebook tests

* test: mass find/replace to enforce `toHaveCount()` instead of `.count()).toBe()`

* Remove some bad appActions and update text

* test: fix da tree tests

* test: await not await await

* test: fix upload plan appAction and add a11y

* Updating externalFixtures with best practice locators and add missing appAction framework tests

* test: fix test

* test: fix appAction test for plans

* test: yum yum fix'em up and get rid of some dragon drops

* fix: alas, a `.only()` got my hopes up that i was done fixing tests

* test: add `setTimeConductorMode` test "suite" which covers most TC related appActions

* test: fix arg

* test(couchdb): fix some network tests via expect polling

* Stabalize visual test

* getCanasPixels

* test: stabilize tooltip telemetry table test, better a11y for tooltips

* chore: update to use `docker compose` instead of `docker-compose`

* New rules, new tests, new me

* fix sort order

* test: add `waitForPlotsToRender` framework test, passthru timeout override

* test: remove `clockOptions` test as we have `page.clock` now

* test: refactor out `overrideClock`

* test: use `clock.install` instead

* test: use `clock.install` instead

* time clock fix

* test: fix timer tests

* remove ever reference to old base fixture

* test: stabilize restricted notebook test

* lint fixes

* test: use clock.install

* update timelist

* test: update visual tests to use `page.clock()`, update snapshots

* test: stabilize tree renaming/reordering test

* a11y: add aria-label and role=region to object view

* refactor: use `dragTo`

* refactor: use `dragTo`, other small fixes

* test: use `page.clock()` to stabilize tooltip telemetry table test

* test: use web-first assertion to stabilize staleness test

* test: knock out a few more ``s

* test: destroy all ``s

* refactor: consistently use `'Ok'` instead of `'OK'` and `'Ok'` mixed

* test: remove gauge aria label

* test: more test fixes

* test: more fixes and refactors

* docs: add comment

* test: refactor all instances of `dragAndDrop`

* test: remove redundant test (covered in previous test steps)

* test: stabilize imagery operations tests for display layout

* chore: remove bad unicorn rule

* chore(lint): remove unused disable directives


Co-authored-by: Jesse Mazzella <>
2024-08-07 21:36:14 +00:00

113 lines
4.6 KiB

* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file ( included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
import percySnapshot from '@percy/playwright';
import { createDomainObjectWithDefaults } from '../../appActions.js';
import { MISSION_TIME, VISUAL_FIXED_URL } from '../../constants.js';
import { test } from '../../pluginFixtures.js';
test.describe('Visual - Display Layout @clock', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.clock.install({ time: MISSION_TIME });
await page.clock.resume();
await page.goto(VISUAL_FIXED_URL, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const parentLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Parent Layout'
const child2Layout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Child Left Layout',
parent: parentLayout.uuid
//Create this layout second so that it is on top for the position change
const child1Layout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Child Right Layout',
parent: parentLayout.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'SWG 1',
parent: child1Layout.uuid
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
name: 'SWG 2',
parent: child2Layout.uuid
await page.goto(parentLayout.url, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Edit Object' }).click();
// Select the child right layout
await page
.getByLabel('Child Right Layout Layout', { exact: true })
.getByLabel('Move Sub-object Frame')
// FIXME: Click to select the parent object (layout)
await page.getByLabel('Move Sub-object Frame').nth(3).click();
// Move the second layout element to the right
await page.getByLabel('X:').click();
await page.getByLabel('X:').fill('35');
test('Resize Marquee surrounds selection', async ({ page, theme }) => {
//This is where the beforeEach leaves off.
await percySnapshot(page, `Last modified object selected (theme: '${theme}')`);
await page.getByLabel('Child Left Layout Layout', { exact: true }).click();
await percySnapshot(page, `Only Left Child Layout has Marque selection (theme: '${theme}')`);
await page.getByLabel('Child Right Layout Layout', { exact: true }).click();
await percySnapshot(page, `Only Right Child Layout has Marque selection (theme: '${theme}')`);
//Only the sub-object in the Right Layout should be highlighted with a marquee
await page
.getByLabel('Child Right Layout Layout', { exact: true })
.getByLabel('Move Sub-object Frame')
await percySnapshot(
`Selecting a sub-object from Right Layout selected (theme: '${theme}')`
await page.getByLabel('Parent Layout Layout', { exact: true }).click();
await percySnapshot(page, `Parent outer layout selected (theme: '${theme}')`);
test('Toolbar does not overflow into inspector', async ({ page, theme }) => {{
type: 'issue',
description: ''
await page.getByLabel('Expand Inspect Pane').click();
await page.getByLabel('Resize Inspect Pane').dragTo(page.getByLabel('X:'));
await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Elements' }).click();
await percySnapshot(page, `Toolbar does not overflow into inspector (theme: '${theme}')`);