Shefali Joshi 510d3bd333
1.7.8 master (#4373)
* Notebook conflict auto retry 1.7.7 (#4230)
* Use timeFormatter.parse to get the timestamp of imagery since the source could be something other than key (#4238)
* If there is a pending create request for an id, queue a duplicate request. (#4243)
* [Telemetry Tables] Handling Request Loading (#4245)

* Fix file selection on pressing enter key (#4246)

* starting loading as false, since that makes sense (#4247)

* Hide independent time conductor mode if only 1 mode option is available. (#4250)

* Fix bargraph color selection (#4253)

* snapshot clicked while in edit mode should open in preview mode #4115 (#4257)

* Fix missing object handling in several vues (#4259)

* Flexible Layouts display Condition Sets as their editing/browsing interface (#4179)

* Flexible Layouts display Condition Sets as their editing/browsing interface #4141

* [Telemetry Table] Progress bar tests (#4249)

* Remove alert styling and hide pause button if in Fixed Time mode. (#4263)

* [Table/Collection Fixes] Clearing correctly, no mutating options, no duplicate requests (#4261)

* Condition sets only persist if actively editing (#4262)

* Imagery views should follow time context (#4264)

* Equal stacked plot y widths for all it's sub-plots (#4267)

* Fix Bar Graph related CSS (#4270)

* Bar graph review comment fixes (#4232)

* Mct4196 - Fixes Conditional Styling not being applied when editing a Condition Widget (#4255)

* Fix plot zoom when child of time strip (#4272)

* Resume plot if no pan, zoom, or drag action is taken (#4138) (#4256)

* [Telemetry Collection] No duplicate requests on load (#4274)

* doing the easy thing first (#4278)

* Bargraph time metadata should consider 'source' (#4289)

* Show clicked image in large view (#4280)

* added icon for inspector (#4275)

* Bar graph style nullcheck (#4291)

* Stacked plots need to align the Y axis  (#4286)

* Duplicate Request Fixes (#4295)

* Add braintree sanitize url lib and sanitize form urls (#4296)

* Mct4177 fix for telemetry endpoints with '.' in the key (#4308)

* Remove additional request to load plots when mounted. (#4314)

* Fix plots dup requests (#4324)

* Merging 1.7.8 into master.

Co-authored-by: Andrew Henry <>
Co-authored-by: Jamie V <>
Co-authored-by: Nikhil <>
Co-authored-by: Khalid Adil <>
Co-authored-by: Charles Hacskaylo <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Bell <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Rogers <>
2021-10-26 13:35:23 -07:00

142 lines
4.8 KiB

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