Shefali Joshi b8949db767
Memory leak fixes for several views (#7057)
* Change the mount utility to use Vue's createApp and defineComponent methods

* Fix display layout memory leaks caused by `getSelectionContext`

* fix some display layout leaks due to use of slots

* Fix imagery memory leak (removed span tag). NOTE: CompassRose svg leaks memory - must test on firefox to see if this is a Chrome leak.

* Fix ActionsAPI action collection and applicable actions leak.

* Fix flexible layout memory leaks - remove listeners on unmount. NOTE: One type of overlay plot (Rover Yaw) is still leaking.

* pass in the el on mount

* e2e test config and spec changes

* Remove mounting of limit lines. Use components directly

* test: remove `.only()`

* Fix display layout memory leaks

* Enable passing tests

* e2e README and appActions should be what master has.

* lint: add word to cspell list

* lint: fixes

* lint:fix

* fix: revert `el` change

* fix: remove empty span

* fix: creating shapes in displayLayout

* fix: avoid `splice` as it loses reactivity

* test: reduce timeout time

* quick fixes

* add prod mode and convert the test config to select the correct mode

* Fix webpack prod config

* Add launch flag for exposing window.gc

* never worked

* explicit naming

* rename

* We don't need to destroy view providers

* test: increase timeout time

* test: unskip all mem tests

* fix(vue-loader): disable static hoisting

* chore: run `test:perf:memory`

* Don't destroy view providers

* Move context menu once listener to beforeUnmount instead.

* Disconnect all resize observers on unmount

* Delete Test vue component

* Use beforeUnmount and remove splice(0) in favor of [] for emptying arrays

* re-structure

* fix: unregister listener in pane.vue

* test: tweak timeouts

* chore: lint:fix

* test: unskip perf tests

* fix: unregister events properly

* fix: unregister listener

* fix: unregister listener

* fix: unregister listener

* fix: use `unmounted()`

* fix: unregister listeners

* fix: unregister listener properly

* chore: lint:fix

* test: fix imagery layer toggle test

* test: increase timeout

* Don't use anonymous functions for listeners

* Destroy objects and event listeners properly

* Delete config stores that are created by components

* Use the right unmount hook. Destroy mounted view on unmount.

* Use unmounted, not beforeUnmounted

* Lint fixes

* Fix time strip memory leak

* Undo unneeded change for memory leaks.

* chore: combine common webpack configs


Co-authored-by: Jesse Mazzella <>
Co-authored-by: John Hill <>
2023-09-20 10:34:05 -07:00

146 lines
6.6 KiB

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