mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 18:49:18 +00:00
* initial theme plugin setup, changes to layout frames
* update visual tests
* Changes to gauge, layout borders, and background
* Make background image a DIY theme variable. Fixes made to gauges. Deleted custom font.
* More changes to overall background colors. Added glass layer effect to menus
* changes to menu
* Fix to make theme easy to run
* Fix tab colors and add glass background to menus
* make highlightd corners longer
* Initial changes to font styles
* Add temporary numeric font style. Test numeric font in gauges.
* Initial changes to alphanumerics in layouts
* Updated variables
* update plugin.js file
* Fix highlighted corners on frames such that it uses outermost frame
* renaming theme plugin and rename branch
* fix button colors to be more readable
* change background image
* Fix bad merges from other theme files. Fix gauge and alphanumerics such that they dont have darkmatter borders
* more fixes
* Fix where mixin is used such that when an object's frame is hidden, highlgihts disappear
* remove blur from meter gauges
* Add comment about this theme being in beta mode
* Delete draft .scss file that is no longer needed
* Fix major accessibility issues
* Fix PR review comments
* ✨ fix: Correct import file name for DarkMatter theme.
* Fix other theme code that was failing e2e tests
* Revert index.html
* Fix linting error
* Fix for failing percy test regarding padding
* Fix for failing percy test regarding padding part 2
* Fix for failing percy test regarding padding part 3
* Remove mixin that may be causing percy issue
* Another fix to resolve percy issue
* Add back some code that was deleted during debugging, and create new variables for the object padding
* Fix gradient clipping in inspector
* Restructure all constants-.scss files
* Change bg image to be square and NASA official picture
* Final fixes to darkmatter variable layouts
* Address PR comments
* Change darkmatter to darkmatterTheme
Co-authored-by: John Hill <john.c.hill@nasa.gov>
Co-authored-by: Jesse Mazzella <jesse.d.mazzella@nasa.gov>
593 lines
22 KiB
593 lines
22 KiB
* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
/************************************************** DARKMATTER THEME*/
// Fonts
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto+Condensed&display=swap'); // Header font, Roboto Condensed. This is an alternative to the DIN Alt font, which is not available on Google Fonts.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Exo:ital,wght@0,100..900;1,100..900&display=swap'); // Body Font, Exo
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Chakra+Petch&family=Roboto+Condensed&display=swap');// Temporary numeric font, Chakra Petch (need to import local font instead).
$heroFont: 'Teko', sans-serif;
$headerFont: 'Cabin Condensed', sans-serif;
$bodyFont: 'Exo', sans-serif;
$numericFont: 'Chakra Petch', sans-serif;
@mixin heroFont($size: 1em) {
font-family: $heroFont;
font-size: $size;
@mixin headerFont($size: 1em) {
font-family: $headerFont;
font-size: $size;
@mixin bodyFont($size: 1em) {
font-family: $bodyFont;
font-size: $size;
@mixin numericFont($size: 1em){
font-family: $numericFont;
font-size: $size;
@mixin discreteItem() {
background: $colorDiscreteItemBg;
border: none;
border-radius: $controlCr;
.c-input-inline:hover {
background: $colorBodyBg;
&--current-match {
background: $colorDiscreteItemCurrentBg;
@mixin discreteItemInnerElem() {
border: 1px solid rgba(#fff, 0.1);
border-radius: $controlCr;
@mixin themedButton($c: $colorBtnBg) {
background: radial-gradient(rgba($c, 1) , rgba($c, .7));
box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 0.5px 2px;
@mixin telemetryView(){
border: 1px solid $colorBodyFg;
border-radius: $controlCr;
@mixin browseFrameBorder() { // Used on main object container to add highlighted corners to non-hidden frames.
border-image: radial-gradient(circle, #575757, #6c6c6c, #818181, #979797, #aeaeae);
border-style: solid;
padding: 10px;
$browseFrameCornerWidth: 4px;
linear-gradient(to right, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 0 0,
linear-gradient(to right, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 0 100%,
linear-gradient(to left, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 100% 0,
linear-gradient(to left, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 100% 100%,
linear-gradient(to bottom, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 0 0,
linear-gradient(to bottom, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 100% 0,
linear-gradient(to top, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 0 100%,
linear-gradient(to top, $browseFrameCornerColor, transparent $browseFrameCornerWidth) 100% 100%,
rgb(0, 0, 0, .4);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 35px 35px;
border-radius: $interiorMarginLg;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 2px rgb(140 140 140 / 20%);
// Functions
@function buttonBg($c: $colorBtnBg) {
@return radial-gradient(rgba($colorBodyBg, 1) , rgba($colorBodyBg, .6));
@function pullForward($val, $amt) {
@return lighten($val, $amt);
@function pushBack($val, $amt) {
@return darken($val, $amt);
/**************************************************** CONSTANTS */
$fontBaseSize: 12px;
$smallCr: 2px;
$controlCr: 3px;
$basicCr: 4px;
$shdwBtns: rgba(black, 0.2) 0 1px 2px;
$shdwBtnsOverlay: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 1px 5px;
// Base colors
$colorBodyBg: #17171B;
$colorBodyBgSubtle: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorBodyBgSubtleHov: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorBodyFg: #aaaaaa;
$colorBodyFgSubtle: #9c9c9c;
$colorBodyFgEm: #fff;
$colorGenBg: #222;
$colorHeadBg: rgba($colorBodyBg, .5);
$colorHeadFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorKey: #1C67E3;
$colorKeyBg: #015fca;
$colorKeyFg: #fff; // Darker version of colorKey for use in major buttons
$colorKeyHov: lighten($colorKey, 10%);
$colorKeyBgHov: lighten($colorKeyBg, 10%);
$colorKeyFilter: invert(36%) sepia(10%) saturate(2512%) hue-rotate(170deg) brightness(100%) contrast(200%);
$colorKeyFilterHov: invert(63%) sepia(88%) saturate(3029%) hue-rotate(154deg) brightness(101%)
$colorKeySelectedBg: $colorKey;
$uiColor: #0093ff; // Resize bars, splitter bars, etc.
$colorInteriorBorder: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$colorA: #ccc;
$colorAHov: #fff;
$filterHov: brightness(1.3) contrast(1.5); // Tree, location items
$filterHovSubtle: brightness(1.2) contrast(1.2);
$colorSelectedBg: rgba($colorKey, 0.3);
$colorSelectedFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
// Body constants
$bodyBg: $colorBodyBg url('../ui/layout/assets/images/darkmatter-bg.png') no-repeat center 85%; // Reference: https://science.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/s2-1280.jpg?w=4096&format=webp
$bodyBgSize: cover;
$bodySize: 100vh;
// Object labels
$objectLabelTypeIconOpacity: 0.9;
$objectLabelNameColorFg: $colorBodyFgEm;
// Layout
$shellMainPad: 4px 0;
$shellPanePad: $interiorMargin, 7px;
$drawerBg: lighten($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$drawerFg: lighten($colorBodyFg, 5%);
$sideBarBg: $drawerBg;
$sideBarHeaderBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$sideBarHeaderFg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
// Status colors, mainly used for messaging and item ancillary symbols
$colorStatusFg: #888;
$colorStatusDefault: #ccc;
$colorStatusInfo: #60ba7b;
$colorStatusInfoFilter: invert(58%) sepia(44%) saturate(405%) hue-rotate(85deg) brightness(102%) contrast(92%);
$colorStatusAlert: #ffb66c;
$colorStatusAlertFilter: invert(78%) sepia(26%) saturate(1160%) hue-rotate(324deg) brightness(107%) contrast(101%);
$colorStatusError: #da0004;
$colorStatusErrorFilter: invert(10%) sepia(96%) saturate(4360%) hue-rotate(351deg) brightness(111%) contrast(115%);
$colorStatusBtnBg: #666; // Where is this used?
$colorStatusPartialBg: #3f5e8b;
$colorStatusCompleteBg: #457638;
$colorAlert: #ff8a0d;
$colorAlertFg: #fff;
$colorError: #ff3c00;
$colorErrorFg: #fff;
$colorWarningHi: #990000;
$colorWarningHiFg: #ff9594;
$colorWarningLo: #ff9900;
$colorWarningLoFg: #523400;
$colorDiagnostic: #a4b442;
$colorDiagnosticFg: #39461a;
$colorCommand: #3693bd;
$colorCommandFg: #fff;
$colorInfo: #2294a2;
$colorInfoFg: #fff;
$colorOk: #33cc33;
$colorOkFg: #fff;
$colorFilterBg: #44449c;
$colorFilterFg: #8984e9;
$colorFilter: $colorFilterFg; // Standalone against $colorBodyBg
// States
$colorPausedBg: #ff9900;
$colorPausedFg: #333;
// Time Colors
$colorTimeCommonFg: #eee;
$colorTimeFixed: #59554c;
$colorTimeFixedBg: $colorTimeFixed;
$colorTimeFixedFg: #eee;
$colorTimeFixedFgSubtle: #b2aa98;
$colorTimeFixedHov: pullForward($colorTimeFixed, 5%);
$colorTimeFixedSubtle: pushBack($colorTimeFixed, 20%);
$colorTimeFixedBtnBg: pullForward($colorTimeFixed, 5%);
$colorTimeFixedBtnFg: $colorTimeFixedFgSubtle;
$colorTimeFixedBtnBgMajor: #a09375;
$colorTimeFixedBtnFgMajor: #fff;
$colorTimeRealtime: #445890;
$colorTimeRealtimeBg: $colorTimeRealtime;
$colorTimeRealtimeFg: #eee;
$colorTimeRealtimeFgSubtle: #88b0ff;
$colorTimeRealtimeHov: pullForward($colorTimeRealtime, 5%);
$colorTimeRealtimeSubtle: pushBack($colorTimeRealtime, 20%);
$colorTimeRealtimeBtnBg: pullForward($colorTimeRealtime, 5%);
$colorTimeRealtimeBtnFg: $colorTimeRealtimeFgSubtle;
$colorTimeRealtimeBtnBgMajor: #588ffa;
$colorTimeRealtimeBtnFgMajor: #fff;
$colorTOI: $colorBodyFg; // was $timeControllerToiLineColor
$colorTOIHov: $colorTimeRealtime; // was $timeControllerToiLineColorHov
$timeConductorAxisHoverFilter: brightness(1.2);
$timeConductorActiveBg: $colorKey;
$timeConductorActivePanBg: #226074;
// Browse
$browseFrameColor: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$browseFrameBorder: 1px solid rgb(89, 89, 89, .4); // Frames in Disp and Flex Layouts when frame is showing
$browseSelectableShdwHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.3) 0 0 3px;
$browseSelectedBorder: 1px solid rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.4);
$filterItemHoverFg: brightness(1.2) contrast(1.1);
$interiorMarginObjectFrameVertical: 10px;
$interiorMarginObjectFrameHorizontal: 10px;
// Missing Items
$filterItemMissing: brightness(0.6) grayscale(1);
$opacityMissing: 0.5;
$borderMissing: 1px dashed $colorAlert !important;
$browseFrameCornerColor: $colorKey 4px; //Color used for the corners of frames
// Edit
$editUIColor: $uiColor; // Base color
$editUIColorBg: $editUIColor;
$editUIColorFg: #fff;
$editUIColorHov: pullForward(saturate($uiColor, 10%), 10%); // Hover color when $editUIColor is applied as a base color
$editUIBaseColor: #344b8d; // Base color, toolbar bg
$editUIBaseColorHov: pullForward($editUIBaseColor, 20%);
$editUIBaseColorFg: #ffffff; // Toolbar button icon colors, etc.
$editUIAreaBaseColor: pullForward(saturate($editUIBaseColor, 30%), 20%);
$editUIAreaShdw: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 2px; // Edit area s-selected-parent
$editUIAreaShdwSelected: $editUIAreaBaseColor 0 0 0 3px; // Edit area s-selected
$editUIGridColorBg: rgba($editUIBaseColor, 0.2); // Background of layout editing area
$editUIGridColorFg: rgba(#000, 0.1); // Grid lines in layout editing area
$editDimensionsColor: #6a5ea6;
$editFrameColor: $browseFrameColor; // Solid or dotted border applied to non-selected frames in a layout; move-bar on frame hover
$editFrameBorder: 1px dotted $editFrameColor;
$editFrameColorHov: $editUIColor; // Solid border hover on frames; hover should not be applied to selected objects
$editFrameBorderHov: 1px solid $editFrameColorHov; // Hover on selectable frames
$editFrameColorSelected: #ffefc2; // Border of selected frames while editing
$editFrameColorHandleBg: $colorBodyBg; // Resize handle 'offset' color to make handle standout
$editFrameColorHandleFg: $editFrameColorSelected; // Resize handle main color
$editFrameSelectedShdw: rgba(black, 0.4) 0 1px 5px 1px;
$editFrameMovebarColorBg: $editFrameColor; // Movebar bg color
$editFrameMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 20%); // Grippy lines, container size text
$editFrameHovMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 10%); // Hover style
$editFrameHovMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 10%);
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorBg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorBg, 15%); // Selected style
$editFrameSelectedMovebarColorFg: pullForward($editFrameMovebarColorFg, 15%);
$editFrameMovebarH: 10px; // Height of move bar in layout frame
$editMarqueeBorder: 1px dashed $editFrameColorSelected;
$editFrameSelectedBorder: $editMarqueeBorder; // Selected frame element
// Icons
$colorIconAlias: #4af6f3;
$colorIconAliasForKeyFilter: #aaa;
// Holders
$colorTabsHolderBg: rgba(black, 0.2);
// Buttons and Controls
$colorBtnBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 20%);
$colorBtnBgHov: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$shdwBtnHov: inset rgba(white, 10%) 0 0 0 100px;
$colorBtnFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 100%);
$colorBtnReverseFg: pullForward($colorBtnFg, 10%);
$colorBtnReverseBg: pullForward($colorBtnBg, 10%);
$colorBtnFgHov: $colorBtnFg;
$colorBtnMajorBg: $colorKey;
$colorBtnMajorBgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorBtnMajorFg: $colorKeyFg;
$colorBtnMajorFgHov: pushBack($colorBtnMajorFg, 10%);
$colorBtnCautionBg: $colorStatusAlert;
$colorBtnCautionBgHov: #f1504e;
$colorBtnCautionFg: $colorBtnBg;
$colorBtnActiveBg: $colorOk;
$colorBtnActiveFg: $colorOkFg;
$colorBtnSelectedBg: $colorSelectedBg;
$colorBtnSelectedFg: $colorSelectedFg;
$colorClickIconButton: $colorKey;
$colorClickIconButtonBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.3);
$colorClickIconButtonFgHov: $colorKeyHov;
$colorDropHint: $colorKey;
$colorDropHintBg: pushBack($colorDropHint, 10%);
$colorDropHintBgHov: $colorDropHint;
$colorDropHintFg: pullForward($colorDropHint, 40%);
$colorDisclosureCtrl: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.5);
$colorDisclosureCtrlHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
$btnStdH: 24px;
$colorCursorGuide: rgba(white, 0.6);
$shdwCursorGuide: rgba(black, 0.4) 0 0 2px;
$colorLocalControlOvrBg: rgba($colorBodyBg, 0.8);
$colorSelectBg: $colorBtnBg; // This must be a solid color, not a gradient, due to usage of SVG bg in selects
$colorSelectFg: $colorBtnFg;
$colorSelectArw: lighten($colorBtnBg, 20%);
$shdwSelect: rgba(black, 0.5) 0 0.5px 3px;
$controlDisabledOpacity: 0.2;
// Menus
$colorMenuBg: rgba($colorBodyBg, 0.6);
$colorMenuFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorMenuIc: $colorKey;
$filterMenu: brightness(1.4);
$colorMenuHovBg: rgba($colorKey, 0.5);
$colorMenuHovFg: $colorBodyFgEm;
$colorMenuHovIc: $colorMenuHovFg;
$colorMenuElementHilite: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$shdwMenu: rgba(black, 0.8) 0 2px 10px;
$shdwMenuInner: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(white, 0.2);
$shdwMenuText: none;
$menuItemPad: $interiorMargin, floor($interiorMargin * 1.25);
// Palettes and Swatches
$paletteItemBorderOuterColorSelected: black;
$paletteItemBorderInnerColorSelected: white;
$paletteItemBorderInnerColor: rgba($paletteItemBorderOuterColorSelected, 0.3);
$mixedSettingBg: (transparent rgba($editUIBaseColorHov, 0.7)); // Used in .c-click-icon--mixed
$mixedSettingBgSize: 5px;
// Forms
$colorCheck: $colorKey;
$colorFormRequired: $colorKey;
$colorFormValid: $colorOk;
$colorFormError: #990000;
$colorFormInvalid: #ff2200;
$colorFormFieldErrorBg: $colorFormError;
$colorFormFieldErrorFg: rgba(#fff, 0.6);
$colorFormLines: rgba(#000, 0.2);
$colorFormSectionHeaderBg: rgba(#000, 0.1);
$colorFormSectionHeaderFg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.8);
$colorInputBg: rgba(rgb(70, 70, 70), 0.3);
$colorInputBgHov: rgba(black, 0.1);
$colorInputFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorFormText: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorInputIcon: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 25%);
$colorFieldHint: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 40%);
$shdwInput: inset rgba(black, 0.4) 0 0 1px;
$shdwInputHov: inset rgba(black, 0.7) 0 0 2px;
$shdwInputFoc: inset rgba(black, 0.8) 0 0.25px 3px;
$formTBPad: $interiorMargin;
$formLRPad: $interiorMargin;
$formInputH: 22px;
$formRowCtrlsH: 14px;
// Inspector
$colorInspectorBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorInspectorFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInspectorPropName: $colorBodyFg;
$colorInspectorPropVal: pullForward($colorInspectorFg, 15%);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderBg: rgba($colorBodyBg, .75);
$colorInspectorSectionHeaderFg: pullForward($colorInspectorBg, 40%);
// Tabs
$colorTabBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabFg: $colorBodyFgEm;
$colorTabCurrentBg: rgba($colorKey, .71);
$colorTabCurrentFg: $colorBodyFgEm;
$colorTabsBaseline: $colorBodyBg;
// Overlay
$colorOvrBlocker: rgba(black, 0.8);
$overlayCr: $interiorMargin;
// Indicator colors
$colorIndicatorAvailable: $colorKey;
$colorIndicatorDisabled: #555555;
$colorIndicatorOn: $colorOk;
$colorIndicatorOff: #777777;
$colorIndicatorBgHov: rgba($colorHeadFg, 0.1);
$colorIndicatorMenuBg: $colorHeadBg;
$colorIndicatorMenuBgShdw: rgba(white, 0.6) 0 0 6px;
$colorIndicatorMenuFg: $colorHeadFg;
$colorIndicatorMenuFgHov: pullForward($colorHeadFg, 10%);
// Staleness
$colorTelemStale: cyan;
$colorTelemStaleFg: #002a2a;
$styleTelemStale: italic;
// Limits
$colorLimitYellowBg: #b18b05;
$colorLimitYellowFg: #feeeb5;
$colorLimitYellowIc: #fdc707;
$colorLimitOrangeBg: #b36b00;
$colorLimitOrangeFg: #ffe0b2;
$colorLimitOrangeIc: #ff9900;
$colorLimitRedBg: #B60109;
$colorLimitRedFg: #ffa489;
$colorLimitRedIc: #ff4222;
$colorLimitPurpleBg: #891bb3;
$colorLimitPurpleFg: #edbeff;
$colorLimitPurpleIc: #c327ff;
$colorLimitCyanBg: #4ba6b3;
$colorLimitCyanFg: #d3faff;
$colorLimitCyanIc: #6bedff;
// Events
$colorEventPurpleFg: #aB8fff;
$colorEventRedFg: #ff9999;
$colorEventOrangeFg: #ff8800;
$colorEventYellowFg: #ffdb63;
$colorEventPurpleBg: #31204a;
$colorEventRedBg: #3c1616;
$colorEventOrangeBg: #3e2a13;
$colorEventYellowBg: #3e3316;
// Bubble colors
$colorInfoBubbleBg: #dddddd;
$colorInfoBubbleFg: #666;
$colorThumbsBubbleFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorThumbsBubbleBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
// Items
$colorItemBg: buttonBg($colorBtnBg);
$colorItemBgHov: buttonBg(pullForward($colorBtnBg, 5%));
$colorListItemBg: transparent;
$colorListItemBgHov: rgba($colorKey, 0.1);
$colorItemFg: $colorBtnFg;
$colorItemFgDetails: $colorBodyFgSubtle;
$shdwItemText: none;
// Tabular
$colorTabBorder: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorTabBodyBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabBodyFg: pullForward($colorBodyFg, 20%);
$colorTabHeaderBg: #575757;
$colorTabHeaderFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorTabHeaderBorder: $colorBodyBg;
$colorTabGroupHeaderBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 5%);
$colorTabGroupHeaderFg: pushBack($colorTabHeaderFg, 10%);
$colorSummaryBg: #2c2c2c;
$colorSummaryFg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
$colorSummaryFgEm: $colorBodyFg;
// Plot
$colorPlotBg: rgba(black, 0.1);
$colorPlotFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorPlotHash: $colorPlotFg;
$opacityPlotHash: 0.2;
$stylePlotHash: dashed;
$colorPlotAreaBorder: $colorInteriorBorder;
$colorPlotLabelFg: pushBack($colorPlotFg, 20%);
$legendHoverValueBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$legendTableHeadBg: $colorTabHeaderBg;
$colorPlotLimitLineBg: rgba($colorBodyBg, 0.2);
// Gauges
$colorGaugeBase: $colorKeyBg;
$colorGaugeBg: rgba($colorGaugeBase, .35); // Gauge radial area background, meter background
$colorGaugeValue: $colorKeyBg; // Gauge value graphic (radial sweep, bar) color
$colorGaugeTextValue: #fff; // Radial gauge text value
$colorGaugeMeterTextValue: #fff; // Meter text value, overlaid on value bar
$colorGaugeRange: $colorBodyFg; // Range text color
$colorGaugeLimitHigh: rgba($colorLimitRedBg, .5);
$colorGaugeLimitLow: $colorGaugeLimitHigh;
$colorGaugeNeedle: $colorGaugeBase; // Color of needle in a needle gauge.
$transitionTimeGauge: 150ms; // CSS transition time used to smooth needle gauge and meter value transitions
$marginGaugeMeterValue: 10%; // Margin between meter value bar and bounds edges
$gaugeMeterValueShadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);
// TODO: This is some code regarding how we can make Gauges include a border or glow. We may need to revisit this.
// padding: 5%;
// background: radial-gradient(circle, transparent 0%, transparent 65%, rgba(255, 255, 255,0.4) 64%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%)
// Time Strip and Lists
$colorPastBg: #444;
$colorPastFg: pushBack($colorBodyFg, 10%);
$colorPastFgEm: $colorBodyFg;
$colorCurrentBg: #666;
$colorCurrentFg: $colorBodyFg;
$colorCurrentFgEm: $colorBodyFgEm;
$colorCurrentBorder: $colorBodyBg;
$colorFutureBg: $colorPastBg;
$colorFutureFg: $colorCurrentFg;
$colorFutureFgEm: $colorCurrentFgEm;
$colorFutureBorder: $colorCurrentBorder;
$colorInProgressBg: $colorTimeRealtimeBg;
$colorInProgressFg: $colorTimeRealtimeFgSubtle;
$colorInProgressFgEm: $colorTimeRealtimeFg;
$colorGanttSelectedBorder: rgba(#fff, 0.3);
// Tree
$colorTreeBg: transparent;
$colorItemTreeHoverBg: rgba(#fff, 0.1);
$colorItemTreeHoverFg: #fff;
$colorItemTreeIcon: $colorKey;
$colorItemTreeIconHover: $colorItemTreeIcon;
$colorItemTreeFg: #ccc;
$colorItemTreeSelectedBg: $colorSelectedBg;
$colorItemTreeSelectedFg: $colorItemTreeHoverFg;
$filterItemTreeSelected: $filterHov;
$colorItemTreeSelectedIcon: $colorItemTreeSelectedFg;
$colorItemTreeEditingBg: pushBack($editUIColor, 20%);
$colorItemTreeEditingFg: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeEditingIcon: $editUIColor;
$colorItemTreeVC: $colorDisclosureCtrl;
$colorItemTreeVCHover: $colorDisclosureCtrlHov;
$colorItemTreeNewNode: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.7);
$shdwItemTreeIcon: none;
// Layout frame controls
$frameControlsColorFg: white;
$frameControlsColorBg: $colorKey;
$frameControlsShdw: $shdwMenu;
// Images
$colorThumbHoverBg: $colorItemTreeHoverBg;
// Scrollbar
$scrollbarTrackSize: 7px;
$scrollbarTrackShdw: rgba(#000, 0.2) 0 1px 2px;
$scrollbarTrackColorBg: rgba(#000, 0.2);
$scrollbarThumbColor: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 50%);
$scrollbarThumbColorHov: $colorKey;
$scrollbarThumbColorMenu: pullForward($colorMenuBg, 10%);
$scrollbarThumbColorMenuHov: pullForward($scrollbarThumbColorMenu, 2%);
// Splitter
$splitterHandleD: 2px;
$splitterD: $splitterHandleD;
$splitterHandleHitMargin: 4px;
$colorSplitterBaseBg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterBg: pullForward($colorBodyBg, 10%);
$colorSplitterFg: $colorBodyBg;
$colorSplitterHover: $uiColor;
$colorSplitterActive: $colorKey;
$splitterBtnD: (16px, 35px); // height, width
$splitterBtnColorBg: $colorBtnBg;
$splitterBtnColorFg: #999;
$splitterBtnLabelColorFg: #9d9d9d;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorBg: #222;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorFg: #555;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorBgHov: $colorKey;
$splitterCollapsedBtnColorFgHov: $colorKeyFg;
// Mobile
$colorMobilePaneLeft: pushBack($colorBodyBg, 2%);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$colorMobilePaneLeftTreeItemFg: $colorItemTreeFg;
$colorMobileSelectListTreeItemBg: rgba(#000, 0.05);
// About Screen
$colorAboutLink: #9bb5ff;
// Loading
$colorLoadingFg: #776ba2;
$colorLoadingBg: rgba($colorLoadingFg, 0.1);
// Transitions
$transInTime: 50ms;
$transOutTime: 250ms;
$transIn: all $transInTime ease-in-out;
$transOut: all $transOutTime ease-in-out;
$transInTransform: transform $transInTime ease-in-out;
$transOutTransform: transform $transOutTime ease-in-out;
$transInBounce: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.47, 0.01, 0.25, 1.5);
$transInBounceBig: all 300ms cubic-bezier(0.2, 1.6, 0.6, 3);
// Discrete items
$createBtnTextTransform: uppercase;
$colorDiscreteItemBg: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.1);
$colorDiscreteItemBgHov: rgba($colorBodyFg, 0.2);
$colorDiscreteItemCurrentBg: rgba($colorOk, 0.3);
$scrollContainer: $colorBodyBg;