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E2e Protractor Tests.
1. Instructions:
1. 3 Control Scripts located in bin/.
run.js : node script used to start tests
start.js: node script used to setup test(starts node,localstorage and webdriver)
stop.js : node script, kills the 3 process started in start.js.
clean.js: node script used to remove the node_module directory.(clean up directory).
2. Use npm(Node Package Mangager) to Run Scripts.
a. cd protractor;
b. npm install;
c. To Run:
-npm start : will start processes need by protractor
-npm stop : will stop the processes need by protractor
-npm run-script run : will execute Protractor Script
-npm run-script all : will execute "start", "run", and "stop" script
2. Directory Hierachy:
-protractor: base directory
-common: contains prototype javascript functions that all other tests use.
-Buttons: common prototype functions related to enter fullscreen
-CreateItem: common prototype functions related to creating an item
-drag: common functions to test drag and drop.
-editItem: common functions used to test edit functionality.
-Launch: common script used to navigate the specified website.
-RightMenu: common functions for right click menu(remove).
-e2e tests that creates the specified object.
-e2e tests that removes the specified object
-ctrl.sh redirects console output of MMAP, webdriver and elastic search and pipes them to log files.
-Contains tests that test the UI(drag drop, fullscreen, info bubble)
-protractor config file. Explained below
Tests that are used to test for memory leaks. You can use the new tab option on WARP and then open the
timeline in the new tab during the browser.sleep(). Once the test is do the browser will pause and you
can look a the timeline results in the new tab.
NOTE: Cannot open chrome dev tools on same tab as the test are run on. Protractor uses the dev tools to
exectute the tests.
-StressTest will create and delete folders.
-StressTestBubble.js: creates manny bubbles.
(Delay variable in InfoGesture.js was changed to 0)
3. Conf.js
Conf.js is used by protractor to setup and execute the tests.
-allScriptsTimeout: gives more time for protractor to synchronize with the page.
-jasmineNodeOpts: Protractor uses jasmine for the tests and jasmine has a default time out 30 seconds
per "it" test. Changed to maximume allowed time 360000 ms
-seleniumAddress: Protractor uses a Selenium server as a "proxy" between the test scripts and the browser
driver. A stand a lone version comes with protractor and to run use "webdriver-manager"
default address is: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
-specs[]: Is an array of files. Each File should have a "describe, it" test to be executed by protractor.
-capabilities: Tells protractor what browser to use and any browser arguments.
4. bundle.json
bundle.json is used by npm to determine dependencies and location of script files.
"protractor": Contains protractor and webdriver package.
"psnode": Window/Unix Command, used for list/kill process.(ps aux)
"shelljs": Window/Unix Common JS Commands. eg rm,ls,exec
"sleep": Window/Unix Commands used to sleep the script
"string": Window/Unix Commands for string manipulation. |