Jesse Mazzella 73734d99ea
fix(#6338): LimitLines persist when series is moved to another Y Axis (#6367)
* fix: remove unnecessary emit

* refactor: fix parameter names

* fix: update limit lines on axis reset

* Revert "fix: remove unnecessary emit"

This reverts commit b9a92e5e96bc155d04a10324230de6cd88521af5.

* refactor: adjust parameter names

* test: add test for limit lines visibility

* refactor: convert to one-liner


Co-authored-by: Shefali Joshi <>
2023-03-08 00:19:16 +00:00

279 lines
12 KiB

* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
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Tests to verify log plot functionality. Note this test suite if very much under active development and should not
necessarily be used for reference when writing new tests in this area.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, selectInspectorTab } = require('../../../../appActions');
test.describe('Overlay Plot', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' });
test('Plot legend color is in sync with plot series color', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
// navigate to plot series color palette
await page.locator('li.c-tree__item.menus-to-left .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
await page.locator('.c-click-swatch--menu').click();
await page.locator('.c-palette__item[style="background: rgb(255, 166, 61);"]').click();
// gets color for swatch located in legend
const element = await page.waitForSelector('.plot-series-color-swatch');
const color = await element.evaluate((el) => {
return window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('background-color');
expect(color).toBe('rgb(255, 166, 61)');
test('Limit lines persist when series is moved to another Y Axis and on refresh', async ({ page }) => {{
type: 'issue',
description: ''
// Create an Overlay Plot with a default SWG
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
// Assert that no limit lines are shown by default
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(0);
// Enter edit mode
// Expand the "Sine Wave Generator" plot series options and enable limit lines
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await page.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' }).locator('span').first().click();
await page.getByRole('list', { name: 'Plot Series Properties' }).locator('[title="Display limit lines"]~div input').check();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Enter edit mode
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag Sine Wave Generator series from Y Axis 1 into Y Axis 2
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
// Save (exit edit mode)
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
await page.reload();
await assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page);
test('The elements pool supports dragging series into multiple y-axis buckets', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgB = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgC = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgD = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
const swgE = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg a, c, e into Y Axis 2
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 2"]'));
// Assert that Y Axis 1 and Y Axis 2 property groups are visible only
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
const yAxis1PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis Properties"]');
const yAxis2PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 2 Properties"]');
const yAxis3PropertyGroup = page.locator('[aria-label="Y Axis 3 Properties"]');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeHidden();
const yAxis1Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 1");
const yAxis2Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 2");
const yAxis3Group = page.getByLabel("Y Axis 3");
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
// Drag swg b into Y Axis 3
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).dragTo(page.locator('[aria-label="Element Item Group Y Axis 3"]'));
// Assert that all Y Axis property groups are visible
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Config');
await expect(yAxis1PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis2PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
await expect(yAxis3PropertyGroup).toBeVisible();
// Verify that the elements are in the correct buckets and in the correct order
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
expect(yAxis1Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis2Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: })).toBeTruthy();
expect(yAxis3Group.getByRole('listitem', { name: })).toBeTruthy();
test('Clicking on an item in the elements pool brings up the plot preview with data points', async ({ page }) => {
const overlayPlot = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Overlay Plot"
const swgA = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: "Sine Wave Generator",
parent: overlayPlot.uuid
await page.goto(overlayPlot.url);
await selectInspectorTab(page, 'Elements');
await page.locator(`#inspector-elements-tree >> text=${}`).click();
const plotPixelSize = await getCanvasPixelsWithData(page);
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function getCanvasPixelsWithData(page) {
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise(resolve => page.exposeFunction('getCanvasValue', resolve));
await page.evaluate(() => {
// The document canvas is where the plot points and lines are drawn.
// The only way to access the canvas is using document (using page.evaluate)
let data;
let canvas;
let ctx;
canvas = document.querySelector('.js-overlay canvas');
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
const imageDataValues = Object.values(data);
let plotPixels = [];
// Each pixel consists of four values within the array. The for loop iterates by multiples of four.
// The values associated with each pixel are R (red), G (green), B (blue), and A (alpha), in that order.
for (let i = 0; i < imageDataValues.length;) {
if (imageDataValues[i] > 0) {
startIndex: i,
endIndex: i + 3,
value: `rgb(${imageDataValues[i]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 1]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 2]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 3]})`
i = i + 4;
return getTelemValuePromise;
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function assertLimitLinesExistAndAreVisible(page) {
await page.waitForSelector('.js-limit-area', { state: 'attached' });
const limitLineCount = await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count();
// There should be 10 limit lines created by default
expect(await page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').count()).toBe(10);
for (let i = 0; i < limitLineCount; i++) {
await expect(page.locator('.c-plot-limit-line').nth(i)).toBeVisible();