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* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures');
const utils = require('../../../../helper/faultUtils');
test.describe('The Fault Management Plugin using example faults', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithExample(page);
test('Shows a criticality icon for every fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
const criticalityIconCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list-severity').count();
test('When selecting a fault, it has an "is-selected" class and it\'s information shows in the inspector @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
const selectedFaultName = await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname').textContent();
const inspectorFaultNameCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${selectedFaultName}")`).count();
await expect.soft(page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').first()).toHaveClass(/is-selected/);
test('When selecting multiple faults, no specific fault information is shown in the inspector @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 1);
await utils.selectFaultItem(page, 2);
const selectedRows = page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list.is-selected .c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname');
expect.soft(await selectedRows.count()).toEqual(2);
const firstSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(0).textContent();
const secondSelectedFaultName = await selectedRows.nth(1).textContent();
const firstNameInInspectorCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${firstSelectedFaultName}")`).count();
const secondNameInInspectorCount = await page.locator(`.c-inspector__properties >> :text("${secondSelectedFaultName}")`).count();
test('Allows you to shelve a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const beforeShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFault.count()).toBe(1);
await utils.shelveFault(page, 2);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFault.count()).toBe(0);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedViewFault = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultName);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFault.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to acknowledge a fault @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 3);
await utils.acknowledgeFault(page, 3);
const fault = utils.getFault(page, 3);
await expect.soft(fault).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedViewFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
test('Allows you to shelve multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const shelvedFaultNameOne = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
const shelvedFaultNameFour = await utils.getFaultName(page, 4);
const beforeShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const beforeShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await beforeShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
await utils.shelveMultipleFaults(page, 1, 4);
// check it is removed from standard view
const afterShelvedFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const afterShelvedFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultOne.count()).toBe(0);
expect.soft(await afterShelvedFaultFour.count()).toBe(0);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedViewFaultOne = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameOne);
const shelvedViewFaultFour = utils.getFaultByName(page, shelvedFaultNameFour);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultOne.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await shelvedViewFaultFour.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to acknowledge multiple faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const acknowledgedFaultNameTwo = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const acknowledgedFaultNameFive = await utils.getFaultName(page, 5);
await utils.acknowledgeMultipleFaults(page, 2, 5);
const faultTwo = utils.getFault(page, 2);
const faultFive = utils.getFault(page, 5);
// check they have been acknowledged
await expect.soft(faultTwo).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await expect.soft(faultFive).toHaveClass(/is-acknowledged/);
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedViewFaultTwo = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameTwo);
const acknowledgedViewFaultFive = utils.getFaultByName(page, acknowledgedFaultNameFive);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultTwo.count()).toBe(1);
expect.soft(await acknowledgedViewFaultFive.count()).toBe(1);
test('Allows you to search faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultThreeNamespace = await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 3);
const faultTwoName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 2);
const faultFiveTriggerTime = await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 5);
// should be all faults (5)
let faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search namespace
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultThreeNamespace);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultNamespace(page, 1)).toEqual(faultThreeNamespace);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search name
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultTwoName);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultName(page, 1)).toEqual(faultTwoName);
// all faults
await utils.clearSearch(page);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
// search triggerTime
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, faultFiveTriggerTime);
faultResultCount = await utils.getFaultResultCount(page);
expect.soft(await utils.getFaultTriggerTime(page, 1)).toEqual(faultFiveTriggerTime);
test('Allows you to sort faults @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const highestSeverity = await utils.getHighestSeverity(page);
const lowestSeverity = await utils.getLowestSeverity(page);
const faultOneName = 'Example Fault 1';
const faultFiveName = 'Example Fault 5';
let firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'oldest-first');
firstFaultName = await utils.getFaultName(page, 1);
await utils.sortFaultsBy(page, 'severity');
const sortedHighestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 1);
const sortedLowestSeverity = await utils.getFaultSeverity(page, 5);
test.describe('The Fault Management Plugin without using example faults', () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await utils.navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample(page);
test('Shows no faults when no faults are provided @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'acknowledged');
const acknowledgedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
await utils.changeViewTo(page, 'shelved');
const shelvedCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();
test('Will return no faults when searching @unstable', async ({ page }) => {
await utils.enterSearchTerm(page, 'fault');
const faultCount = await page.locator('c-fault-mgmt__list').count();