mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 21:53:08 +00:00
* add typescript
* update tsconfig
* convert to es6 class
* Convert more stuff to es6 class
* skip checking libs, test files
* more es6 classes!
* Fix some jsdocs
* Rename file
* Improve jsdoc types
* Rename references as well
* more types
* types for CompositionAPI
* Types for CompositionCollection
* Types for CompositionProvider
* type
* types for api
* nvm
* cleanup MCT
* Fix API type definition
* Generate types before publish
* fix openmct 👀
* rename PublicAPI -> OpenMCT and document methods
* try and fix visual test ?
* Make private methods private
* more private methods!!
* import all es6 api's so we get more types for free
* convert Selection to es6 class
* remove redundant docs
* fix Branding types
* fix openmct.start() types
* Remove useless `@memberof`
* Add parameter name
* [docs] Add a section on Types
* markdownlint
* word
* Add section on limitations / contibuting types
* Let these methods be private
* make private members private, fix a type
* fix another type
* Make method private
* Update docs for `skipMutate` and related methods
* Rename file and fix references
* `DefaultCompositionProvider` extends `CompositionProvider`
* Make private members private
* Type for `AbortSignal`
* `domainObject` must be accessible for perf tests
Co-authored-by: Andrew Henry <akhenry@gmail.com>
120 lines
5.0 KiB
120 lines
5.0 KiB
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