mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:54:13 +00:00
modified the sanitizeForSerialization method to remove unnecessary recursion, update e2e test to CORRECTLY test the functionality
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724 lines
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* Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government
* as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
* Administration. All rights reserved.
* Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
* licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
* this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
* at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import {
} from '../../../../appActions.js';
import { expect, test } from '../../../../pluginFixtures.js';
new URL('../../../../test-data/display_layout_with_child_layouts.json', import.meta.url)
new URL('../../../../test-data/display_layout_with_child_overlay_plot.json', import.meta.url)
test.describe('Display Layout Sub-object Actions @localStorage', () => {
const INIT_ITC_START_BOUNDS = '2024-11-12 19:11:11.000Z';
const INIT_ITC_END_BOUNDS = '2024-11-12 20:11:11.000Z';
const NEW_GLOBAL_START_BOUNDS = '2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z';
const NEW_GLOBAL_END_BOUNDS = '2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z';
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await page.getByLabel('Expand My Items folder').click();
const waitForMyItemsNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/mine/?*`);
await page
.getByLabel('Main Tree')
.getByLabel('Navigate to Parent Display Layout layout Object')
// Wait for the URL to change to the display layout
await waitForMyItemsNavigation;
test('Open in New Tab action preserves time bounds @2p', async ({ page }) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/7524'
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6982'
const TEST_FIXED_START_TIME = 1731352271000; // 2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z
const TEST_FIXED_END_TIME = TEST_FIXED_START_TIME + 3600000; // 2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z
// Verify the ITC has the expected initial bounds
await expect(
page.getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls').getByLabel('Start bounds')
await expect(
page.getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls').getByLabel('End bounds')
// Update the global fixed bounds to 2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z / 2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z
const url = page.url().split('?')[0];
await navigateToObjectWithFixedTimeBounds(
// ITC bounds should still match the initial ITC bounds
await expect(
page.getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls').getByLabel('Start bounds')
await expect(
page.getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls').getByLabel('End bounds')
// Open the Child Overlay Plot 1 in a new tab
await page.getByLabel('View menu items').click();
const pagePromise = page.context().waitForEvent('page');
await page.getByLabel('Open In New Tab').click();
const newPage = await pagePromise;
await newPage.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
// Verify that the global time conductor bounds in the new page match the updated global bounds
await expect(newPage.getByLabel('Global Time Conductor').getByLabel('Start bounds')).toHaveText(
await expect(newPage.getByLabel('Global Time Conductor').getByLabel('End bounds')).toHaveText(
// Verify that the ITC is enabled in the new page
await expect(newPage.getByLabel('Disable Independent Time Conductor')).toBeVisible();
// Verify that the ITC bounds in the new page match the original ITC bounds
await expect(
newPage.getByLabel('Independent Time Conductor Panel').getByLabel('Start bounds')
await expect(
newPage.getByLabel('Independent Time Conductor Panel').getByLabel('End bounds')
test.describe('Display Layout Toolbar Actions @localStorage', () => {
const PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME = 'Parent Display Layout';
const CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1 = 'Child Layout 1';
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
await page
.filter({ hasText: 'Parent Display Layout Display Layout' })
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
test('can add/remove Text element to a single layout', async ({ page }) => {
const layoutObject = 'Text';
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME);
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1);
test('can add/remove Image to a single layout', async ({ page }) => {
const layoutObject = 'Image';
await test.step("Add and remove image element from the parent's layout", async () => {
await expect(page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`)).toHaveCount(0);
await addLayoutObject(page, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME, layoutObject);
await expect(page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`)).toHaveCount(1);
await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject);
await expect(page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`)).toHaveCount(0);
await test.step("Add and remove image from the child's layout", async () => {
await addLayoutObject(page, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1, layoutObject);
await expect(page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`)).toHaveCount(1);
await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject);
await expect(page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`)).toHaveCount(0);
test(`can add/remove Box to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => {
const layoutObject = 'Box';
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME);
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1);
test(`can add/remove Line to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => {
const layoutObject = 'Line';
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME);
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1);
test(`can add/remove Ellipse to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => {
const layoutObject = 'Ellipse';
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME);
await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => {
await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1);
test.fixme('Can switch view types of a single SWG in a layout', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can merge multiple plots in a layout', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can adjust stack order of a single object in a layout', async ({ page }) => {});
test.fixme('Can duplicate a single object in a layout', async ({ page }) => {});
test.describe('Display Layout', () => {
/** @type {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} */
let sineWaveObject;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
await setRealTimeMode(page);
// Create Sine Wave Generator
sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator'
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'));
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const getTelemValuePromise = subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
const formattedTelemetryValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
await expect(page.getByText(formattedTelemetryValue)).toBeVisible();
const displayLayoutValue = await page.getByText(formattedTelemetryValue).textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
// ensure we can right click on the alpha-numeric widget and view historical data
await page.getByLabel(/Alpha-numeric telemetry value of.*/).click({
button: 'right'
await page.getByLabel('View Historical Data').click();
await expect(page.getByLabel('Plot Container Style Target')).toBeVisible();
test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'));
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data
const getTelemValuePromise = subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid);
// Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window
await setStartOffset(page, { startMins: '1' });
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value
// from the Sine Wave Generator
const formattedTelemetryValue = await getTelemValuePromise;
await expect(page.getByText(formattedTelemetryValue)).toBeVisible();
const displayLayoutValue = await page.getByText(formattedTelemetryValue).textContent();
const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim();
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the display layout', async ({
}) => {
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'));
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.nth(1).click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// delete
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({
}) => {
type: 'issue',
description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117'
// Create a Display Layout
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'));
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1);
// Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator
await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Display Layout
await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url);
// Bring up context menu and remove
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' });
await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click();
await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click();
// navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed
await page.goto(displayLayout.url);
expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0);
test('independent time works with display layouts and its children', async ({ page }) => {
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// Create Example Imagery
const exampleImageryObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Example Imagery'
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const exampleImageryTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(exampleImageryObject.name)
await exampleImageryTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'));
//adjust so that we can see the independent time conductor toggle
// Adjust object height
await page.locator('div[title="Resize object height"] > input').click();
await page.locator('div[title="Resize object height"] > input').fill('70');
// Adjust object width
await page.locator('div[title="Resize object width"] > input').click();
await page.locator('div[title="Resize object width"] > input').fill('70');
await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
const startDate = '2021-12-30 01:01:00.000Z';
const endDate = '2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z';
await setFixedIndependentTimeConductorBounds(page, { start: startDate, end: endDate });
// check image date
await expect(page.getByText('2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z').first()).toBeVisible();
// flip it off
await page.getByRole('switch').click();
// timestamp shouldn't be in the past anymore
await expect(page.getByText('2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z')).toBeHidden();
test('When multiple plots are contained in a layout, we only ask for annotations once @couchdb @network', async ({
}) => {
await setFixedTimeMode(page);
// Create another Sine Wave Generator
const anotherSineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Sine Wave Generator',
customParameters: {
'[aria-label="Data Rate (hz)"]': '0.01'
// Create a Display Layout
await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display Layout'
// Edit Display Layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
// Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree
await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click();
// Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes
const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
name: 'Main Tree'
const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name)
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option
await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), { force: true });
await page.getByText('View type').click();
await page.getByText('Overlay Plot').click();
const anotherSineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: new RegExp(anotherSineWaveObject.name)
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option
await anotherSineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), { force: true });
await page.getByText('View type').click();
await page.getByText('Overlay Plot').click();
await page.getByLabel('Save').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Time to inspect some network traffic
let networkRequests = [];
page.on('request', (request) => {
const searchRequest =
request.url().endsWith('_find') || request.url().includes('by_keystring');
const fetchRequest = request.resourceType() === 'fetch';
if (searchRequest && fetchRequest) {
await page.reload();
// wait for annotations requests to be batched and requested
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
// Network requests for the composite telemetry with multiple items should be:
// 1. a single batched request for annotations
await expect.poll(() => networkRequests, { timeout: 10000 }).toHaveLength(1);
await setRealTimeMode(page);
networkRequests = [];
await page.reload();
// wait for annotations to not load (if we have any, we've got a problem)
await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded');
// In real time mode, we don't fetch annotations at all
await expect.poll(() => networkRequests, { timeout: 10000 }).toHaveLength(0);
test('Same objects with different request options have unique subscriptions', async ({
}) => {
// Expand My Items
await page.getByLabel('Expand My Items folder').click();
// Create a Display Layout
const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Display Layout',
name: 'Test Display'
// Create a State Generator, set to higher frequency updates
const stateGenerator = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'State Generator',
name: 'State Generator'
const stateGeneratorTreeItem = page.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: stateGenerator.name
await stateGeneratorTreeItem.click({ button: 'right' });
await page.getByLabel('Edit Properties...').click();
await page.getByLabel('State Duration (seconds)', { exact: true }).fill('0.1');
await page.getByLabel('Save').click();
// Create a Table for filtering ON values
const tableFilterOnValue = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Telemetry Table',
name: 'Table Filter On Value'
const tableFilterOnTreeItem = page.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: tableFilterOnValue.name
// Create a Table for filtering OFF values
const tableFilterOffValue = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, {
type: 'Telemetry Table',
name: 'Table Filter Off Value'
const tableFilterOffTreeItem = page.getByRole('treeitem', {
name: tableFilterOffValue.name
// Navigate to ON filtering table and add state generator and setup filters
await page.goto(tableFilterOnValue.url);
await stateGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Object View'));
await selectFilterOption(page, '1');
await page.getByLabel('Save').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Navigate to OFF filtering table and add state generator and setup filters
await page.goto(tableFilterOffValue.url);
await stateGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Object View'));
await selectFilterOption(page, '0');
await page.getByLabel('Save').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Navigate to the display layout and edit it
await page.goto(displayLayout.url);
// Add the tables to the display layout
await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click();
await tableFilterOffTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), {
targetPosition: { x: 10, y: 300 }
await page.locator('.c-frame-edit > div:nth-child(4)').dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), {
targetPosition: { x: 400, y: 500 },
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option
force: true
await tableFilterOnTreeItem.dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), {
targetPosition: { x: 10, y: 100 }
await page.locator('.c-frame-edit > div:nth-child(4)').dragTo(page.getByLabel('Layout Grid'), {
targetPosition: { x: 400, y: 300 },
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option
force: true
await page.getByLabel('Save').click();
await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click();
// Get the tables so we can verify filtering is working as expected
const tableFilterOn = page.getByLabel(`${tableFilterOnValue.name} Frame`, {
exact: true
const tableFilterOff = page.getByLabel(`${tableFilterOffValue.name} Frame`, {
exact: true
// Verify filtering is working correctly
// Check that no filtered values appear for at least 2 seconds
const VERIFICATION_TIME = 2000; // 2 seconds
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 100; // Check every 100ms
// Create a promise that will check for filtered values periodically
const checkForCorrectValues = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
const offCount = await tableFilterOn.locator('td[title="OFF"]').count();
const onCount = await tableFilterOff.locator('td[title="ON"]').count();
if (offCount > 0 || onCount > 0) {
new Error(
`Found ${offCount} OFF and ${onCount} ON values when expecting 0 OFF and 0 ON`
// After VERIFICATION_TIME, if no filtered values were found, resolve successfully
setTimeout(() => {
await expect(checkForCorrectValues).resolves.toBeUndefined();
async function selectFilterOption(page, filterOption) {
await page.getByRole('tab', { name: 'Filters' }).click();
await page
.getByLabel('Inspector Views')
.filter({ hasText: 'State Generator' })
await page.getByRole('switch').click();
await page.selectOption('select[name="setSelectionThreshold"]', filterOption);
async function addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME) {
await expect(page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true })).toHaveCount(0);
await addLayoutObject(page, DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME, layoutObject);
await page
.getByLabel(layoutObject, {
exact: true
await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject);
await expect(page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true })).toHaveCount(0);
* Remove the first matching layout object from the layout
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {'Box' | 'Ellipse' | 'Line' | 'Text' | 'Image'} layoutObject
async function removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject) {
await page
.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`, { exact: true })
.or(page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true }))
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option
.click({ force: true });
await page.getByTitle('Delete the selected object').click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Ok', exact: true }).click();
* Add a layout object to the specified layout
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} layoutName
* @param {'Box' | 'Ellipse' | 'Line' | 'Text' | 'Image'} layoutObject
async function addLayoutObject(page, layoutName, layoutObject) {
await page.getByLabel(`${layoutName} Layout`, { exact: true }).click();
await page.getByText('Add Drawing Object').click();
await page
.getByRole('menuitem', {
name: layoutObject
if (layoutObject === 'Text') {
await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Text' }).fill('Hello, Universe!');
await page.getByText('Ok').click();
} else if (layoutObject === 'Image') {
await page.getByLabel('Image URL').fill(TINY_IMAGE_BASE64);
await page.getByText('Ok').click();
* Util for subscribing to a telemetry object by object identifier
* Limitations: Currently only works to return telemetry once to the node scope
* To Do: See if there's a way to await this multiple times to allow for multiple
* values to be returned over time
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} objectIdentifier identifier for object
* @returns {Promise<string>} the formatted sin telemetry value
async function subscribeToTelemetry(page, objectIdentifier) {
const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise((resolve) =>
page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve)
await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => {
const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier);
const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject);
const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata);
window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => {
const sinVal = obj.sin;
const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal);
}, objectIdentifier);
return getTelemValuePromise;