Jamie V b9df97e2bc
Table performance paging (#7399)
* dereactifying the row before passing it to the commponent

* debouncin

* i mean... throttle

* initial

* UI functionality, switching between modes, prevention of export in performance mode, respect size option in swgs

* added limit maintenance in table row collectins, autoscroll respecting sort order

* updating the logic to work correctly :)

* added handling for overflow rows, this way if an object is removed, we can go back to the most recent rows for all remaining items and repopulate the table if necessary

* removing debug row numbers

* Closes #7268
- Layout and style sanding and polishing.
- Added title to button.
- More direct button labeling.

* Closes #7268
Partially closes #7147
- Removed footer hover behavior: table footer now always visible.
- Tweaks to style, margin etc. to make footer more compact.

* moved row limiting out of table row collections and into telemetry collections, table row collections will only limit what they return in getRows, handling sorting when in different modes

* have swgs return enough data to fill the requested bounds

* support minmax in swgs

* using undefined for more clarity

* clearing up boolean typo

* Address lint fixes

* removing autoscroll for descending, it is not necessary

* update snapshots

* lint


Co-authored-by: Charles Hacskaylo <>
Co-authored-by: John Hill <>
2024-01-26 13:24:24 -08:00

156 lines
7.1 KiB

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