# Overview This bundle contains a general implementation of forms in Open MCT Web. This allows forms to be expressed using a reasonably concise declarative syntax, and rendered as Angular templates in a consistent fashion. # Usage To include a form with a declarative definition, use the `mct-form` directive, e.g.: The attributes utilized by this form are as follows: * `ng-model`: The object which should contain the full form input. Individual fields in this model are bound to individual controls; the names used for these fields are provided in the form structure (see below). * `structure`: The structure of the form; e.g. sections, rows, their names, and so forth. The value of this attribute should be an Angular expression. * `name`: The name in the containing scope under which to publish form "meta-state", e.g. `$valid`, `$dirty`, etc. This is as the behavior of `ng-form`. Passed as plain text in the attribute. ## Form structure A form's structure is described as a JavaScript object in the following form: { "name": ... title to display for the form, as a string ..., "sections": [ { "name": ... title to display for the section ..., "rows": [ { "name": ... title to display for this row ..., "control": ... symbolic key for the control ..., "key": ... field name in ng-model ... "pattern": ... optional, reg exp to match against ... "required": ... optional boolean ... "options": [ "name": ... name to display (e.g. in a select) ..., "value": ... value to store in the model ... ] }, ... and other rows ... ] }, ... and other sections ... ] } Note that `pattern` may be specified as a string, to simplify storing for structures as JSON when necessary. The string should be given in a form appropriate to pass to a `RegExp` constructor. ## Adding controls Four standard control types are included in the forms bundle: * `textfield`: An area to enter plain text. * `select`: A drop-down list of options. * `checkbox`: A box which may be checked/unchecked. * `datetime`: An input for UTC date/time entry; gives result as a UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds since start of 1970, UTC. New controls may be added as extensions of the `controls` category. Extensions of this category have two properites: * `key`: The symbolic name for this control (matched against the `control` field in rows of the form structure). * `templateUrl`: The URL to the control's Angular template, relative to the resources directory of the bundle which exposes the extension. Within the template for a control, the following variables will be included in scope: * `ngModel`: The model where form input will be stored. Notably we also need to look at `field` (see below) to determine which field in the model should be modified. * `ngRequired`: True if input is required. * `ngPattern`: The pattern to match against (for text entry.) * `options`: The options for this control, as passed from the `options` property of an individual row. * `field`: Name of the field in `ngModel` which will hold the value for this control.