/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../../src/directives/MCTDrag"], function (MCTDrag) { "use strict"; var JQLITE_METHODS = [ "on", "off", "find" ]; describe("The mct-drag directive", function () { var mockDocument, mockScope, mockElement, testAttrs, mockBody, mctDrag; function testEvent(x, y) { return { pageX: x, pageY: y, preventDefault: jasmine.createSpy("preventDefault") }; } beforeEach(function () { mockDocument = jasmine.createSpyObj("$document", JQLITE_METHODS); mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj("$scope", [ "$eval", "$apply" ]); mockElement = jasmine.createSpyObj("element", JQLITE_METHODS); mockBody = jasmine.createSpyObj("body", JQLITE_METHODS); testAttrs = { mctDragDown: "starting a drag", mctDrag: "continuing a drag", mctDragUp: "ending a drag" }; mockDocument.find.andReturn(mockBody); mctDrag = new MCTDrag(mockDocument); mctDrag.link(mockScope, mockElement, testAttrs); }); it("is valid as an attribute", function () { expect(mctDrag.restrict).toEqual("A"); }); it("listens for mousedown on its element", function () { expect(mockElement.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "mousedown", jasmine.any(Function) ); // Verify no interactions with body as well expect(mockBody.on).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("invokes mctDragDown when dragging begins", function () { mockElement.on.mostRecentCall.args[1](testEvent(42, 60)); expect(mockScope.$eval).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testAttrs.mctDragDown, { delta: [0, 0] } ); }); it("listens for mousemove after dragging begins", function () { mockElement.on.mostRecentCall.args[1](testEvent(42, 60)); expect(mockBody.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "mousemove", jasmine.any(Function) ); expect(mockBody.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "mouseup", jasmine.any(Function) ); }); it("invokes mctDrag expression during drag", function () { mockElement.on.mostRecentCall.args[1](testEvent(42, 60)); // Find and invoke the mousemove listener mockBody.on.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (call.args[0] === 'mousemove') { call.args[1](testEvent(52, 200)); } }); // Should have passed that delta to mct-drag expression expect(mockScope.$eval).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testAttrs.mctDrag, { delta: [10, 140] } ); }); it("invokes mctDragUp expression after drag", function () { mockElement.on.mostRecentCall.args[1](testEvent(42, 60)); // Find and invoke the mousemove listener mockBody.on.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (call.args[0] === 'mousemove') { call.args[1](testEvent(52, 200)); } }); // Find and invoke the mousemove listener mockBody.on.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (call.args[0] === 'mouseup') { call.args[1](testEvent(40, 71)); } }); // Should have passed that delta to mct-drag-up expression // and that delta should have been relative to the // initial position expect(mockScope.$eval).toHaveBeenCalledWith( testAttrs.mctDragUp, { delta: [-2, 11] } ); // Should also have unregistered listeners expect(mockBody.off).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); } );