/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2022, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ const { test, expect } = require('../../../../pluginFixtures'); test.describe('Telemetry Table', () => { test('unpauses and filters data when paused by button and user changes bounds', async ({ page, openmctConfig }) => { test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/5113' }); const { myItemsFolderName } = openmctConfig; const bannerMessage = '.c-message-banner__message'; const createButton = 'button:has-text("Create")'; await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }); // Click create button await page.locator(createButton).click(); await page.locator('li:has-text("Telemetry Table")').click(); await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation(), page.locator('text=OK').click(), // Wait for Save Banner to appear page.waitForSelector(bannerMessage) ]); // Save (exit edit mode) await page.locator('text=Snapshot Save and Finish Editing Save and Continue Editing >> button').nth(3).click(); await page.locator('text=Save and Finish Editing').click(); // Click create button await page.locator(createButton).click(); // add Sine Wave Generator with defaults await page.locator('li:has-text("Sine Wave Generator")').click(); await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation(), page.locator('text=OK').click(), // Wait for Save Banner to appear page.waitForSelector(bannerMessage) ]); // focus the Telemetry Table await page.locator(`text=Open MCT ${myItemsFolderName} >> span`).nth(3).click(); await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation(), page.locator('text=Unnamed Telemetry Table').first().click() ]); // Click pause button const pauseButton = page.locator('button.c-button.icon-pause'); await pauseButton.click(); const tableWrapper = page.locator('div.c-table-wrapper'); await expect(tableWrapper).toHaveClass(/is-paused/); // Subtract 5 minutes from the current end bound datetime and set it const endTimeInput = page.locator('input[type="text"].c-input--datetime').nth(1); await endTimeInput.click(); let endDate = await endTimeInput.inputValue(); endDate = new Date(endDate); endDate.setUTCMinutes(endDate.getUTCMinutes() - 5); endDate = endDate.toISOString().replace(/T/, ' '); await endTimeInput.fill(''); await endTimeInput.fill(endDate); await page.keyboard.press('Enter'); await expect(tableWrapper).not.toHaveClass(/is-paused/); // Get the most recent telemetry date const latestTelemetryDate = await page.locator('table.c-telemetry-table__body > tbody > tr').last().locator('td').nth(1).getAttribute('title'); // Verify that it is <= our new end bound const latestMilliseconds = Date.parse(latestTelemetryDate); const endBoundMilliseconds = Date.parse(endDate); expect(latestMilliseconds).toBeLessThanOrEqual(endBoundMilliseconds); }); });