/******************************* SHELL */ .l-shell { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; overflow: hidden; &__drawer { background: $drawerBg; display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 0; min-height: 0; max-height: 15%; overflow: hidden; transition: $transIn; &.is-expanded { height: max-content; } } &__pane-tree { width: 40%; [class*="collapse-button"] { // For mobile, collapse button becomes menu icon body.mobile & { @include cClickIconButton(); color: $colorKey !important; position: absolute; right: -18px; top: 0; transform: translateX(100%); width: $mobileMenuIconD; z-index: 2; &:before { content: $glyph-icon-menu-hamburger; } } } } &__pane-tree, &__pane-inspector, &__pane-main { .l-pane__contents { display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; overflow-x: hidden; > * { flex: 0 0 auto; + * { margin-top: $interiorMarginLg; } } } } &__pane-main { .l-pane__header { display: none; } } body.mobile & { &__pane-main, &__pane-tree { padding: $interiorMarginLg; } &__pane-tree { background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 70%, rgba(black, 0.2) 99%, rgba(black, 0.3)); &[class*="--collapsed"] { [class*="collapse-button"] { right: -8px; } } } } body.phone.portrait & { &__pane-tree { width: calc(100% - #{$mobileMenuIconD + (2 * nth($shellPanePad, 2))}); + .l-pane { // Hide pane-main when this pane is expanded opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; } &[class*="--collapsed"] + .l-pane { // Show pane-main when tree is collapsed opacity: 1; pointer-events: inherit; transition: opacity 250ms ease 250ms; } } } &__head, &__pane-inspector { body.mobile & { display: none; } } &__head, &__status { flex: 0 0 auto; display: flex; } /******************************* HEAD */ &__main-view-browse-bar { flex: 0 0 auto; } body.mobile & .l-shell__main-view-browse-bar { margin-left: $mobileMenuIconD; // Make room for the hamburger! } &__head { align-items: stretch; background: $colorHeadBg; justify-content: space-between; padding: $interiorMargin $interiorMargin + 2; > [class*="__"] + [class*="__"] { margin-left: $interiorMargin; } [class*='__head__collapse-button'] { align-self: start; flex: 0 0 auto; margin-top: 6px; &:before { content: $glyph-icon-arrow-down; font-size: 1.1em; } } &-section { // Subdivides elements across the head display: flex; flex: 0 1 auto; padding: 0 $interiorMargin; } &--expanded { .c-indicator__label { transition: none !important; } [class*='__head__collapse-button'] { &:before { transform: rotate(180deg); } } } } &__controls { $brdr: 1px solid $colorInteriorBorder; border-right: $brdr; border-left: $brdr; align-items: start; } &__create-button, &__app-logo { flex: 0 0 auto; } &__create-button { margin-right: $interiorMarginLg; } &__indicators { flex: 1 1 auto; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: flex-end; [class*='indicator-clock'] { order: 90; } .c-indicator .label { font-size: 0.9em; } } /******************************* MAIN AREA */ &__main-container { // Wrapper for main views flex: 1 1 auto !important; height: 0; // Chrome 73 overflow bug fix overflow: auto; } &__tree { // Tree component within __pane-tree flex: 1 1 auto !important; } &__time-conductor { border-top: 1px solid $colorInteriorBorder; padding-top: $interiorMargin; } &__main { > .l-pane { padding: nth($shellPanePad, 1) 0; } } body.desktop & { &__main { // Top and bottom padding in container that holds tree, __pane-main and Inspector padding: nth($shellPanePad, 1) 0; min-height: 0; > .l-pane { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } } &__pane-tree, &__pane-inspector { max-width: 70%; } &__pane-tree { width: 300px; padding-left: nth($shellPanePad, 2); } &__pane-inspector { width: 200px; padding-right: nth($shellPanePad, 2); } } &__toolbar { $p: $interiorMargin; background: $editUIBaseColor; border-radius: $basicCr; height: $p + 24px; // Need to standardize the height padding: $p; } } .is-editing { .l-shell__main-container { $m: 3px; box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, $editUIAreaShdw; margin-left: $m; margin-right: $m; &[s-selected] { // Provide a clearer selection context articulation for the main edit area box-shadow: $colorBodyBg 0 0 0 1px, $editUIAreaShdwSelected; } } } .c-drawer { /* New sliding overlay or push element to contain things * Designed for mobile and compact desktop scenarios * Variations: * --overlays: position absolute, overlays neighboring elements * --push: position relative, pushs/collapses neighboring elements * --align-left, align-top: opens from left or top respectively * &.is-expanded: applied when expanded. */ transition: $transOut; min-height: 0; min-width: 0; overflow: hidden; &:not(.is-expanded) { // When collapsed, hide internal elements > * { display: none; } } &.c-drawer--align-left { height: 100%; } &.c-drawer--align-top { // Need anything here? } &.c-drawer--overlays { position: absolute; z-index: 3; &.is-expanded { // Height and width must be set per usage &.c-drawer--align-left { box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.7) 3px 0 20px; } &.c-drawer--align-top { box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.7) 0 3px 20px; } } } &.c-drawer--push { position: relative; &.is-expanded { // Height and width must be set per usage &.c-drawer--align-left { box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.2) 3px 0 20px; margin-right: $interiorMarginLg; } &.c-drawer--align-top { box-shadow: rgba(black, 0.2) 0 3px 20px; margin-bottom: $interiorMarginLg; // Not sure this is desired here } } } }