/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ define( ["../src/FixedController"], function (FixedController) { describe("The Fixed Position controller", function () { var mockScope, mockQ, mockDialogService, mockHandler, mockFormatter, mockDomainObject, mockHandle, mockEvent, testGrid, testModel, testValues, testConfiguration, controller; // Utility function; find a watch for a given expression function findWatch(expr) { var watch; mockScope.$watch.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (call.args[0] === expr) { watch = call.args[1]; } }); return watch; } // As above, but for $on calls function findOn(expr) { var on; mockScope.$on.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (call.args[0] === expr) { on = call.args[1]; } }); return on; } function makeMockDomainObject(id) { var mockObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'domainObject-' + id, [ 'getId', 'getModel', 'getCapability' ] ); mockObject.getId.andReturn(id); mockObject.getModel.andReturn({ name: "Point " + id}); return mockObject; } beforeEach(function () { mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj( '$scope', [ "$on", "$watch", "commit" ] ); mockHandler = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'telemetryHandler', [ 'handle' ] ); mockQ = jasmine.createSpyObj('$q', ['when']); mockDialogService = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'dialogService', ['getUserInput'] ); mockFormatter = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'telemetryFormatter', [ 'formatDomainValue', 'formatRangeValue' ] ); mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'domainObject', [ 'getId', 'getModel', 'getCapability' ] ); mockHandle = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'subscription', [ 'unsubscribe', 'getDomainValue', 'getTelemetryObjects', 'getRangeValue', 'getDatum', 'request' ] ); mockEvent = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'event', [ 'preventDefault' ] ); testGrid = [ 123, 456 ]; testModel = { composition: ['a', 'b', 'c'], layoutGrid: testGrid }; testValues = { a: 10, b: 42, c: 31.42 }; testConfiguration = { elements: [ { type: "fixed.telemetry", id: 'a', x: 1, y: 1 }, { type: "fixed.telemetry", id: 'b', x: 1, y: 1 }, { type: "fixed.telemetry", id: 'c', x: 1, y: 1 } ]}; mockHandler.handle.andReturn(mockHandle); mockHandle.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn( testModel.composition.map(makeMockDomainObject) ); mockHandle.getRangeValue.andCallFake(function (o) { return testValues[o.getId()]; }); mockHandle.getDomainValue.andReturn(12321); mockFormatter.formatRangeValue.andCallFake(function (v) { return "Formatted " + v; }); mockScope.model = testModel; mockScope.configuration = testConfiguration; mockScope.selection = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'selection', [ 'select', 'get', 'selected', 'deselect', 'proxy' ] ); controller = new FixedController( mockScope, mockQ, mockDialogService, mockHandler, mockFormatter ); findWatch("selection")(mockScope.selection); }); it("subscribes when a domain object is available", function () { mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); expect(mockHandler.handle).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockDomainObject, jasmine.any(Function) ); }); it("releases subscriptions when domain objects change", function () { mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; // First pass - should simply should subscribe findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); expect(mockHandle.unsubscribe).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockHandler.handle.calls.length).toEqual(1); // Object changes - should unsubscribe then resubscribe findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); expect(mockHandle.unsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockHandler.handle.calls.length).toEqual(2); }); it("exposes visible elements based on configuration", function () { var elements; mockScope.model = testModel; testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); expect(elements.length).toEqual(3); expect(elements[0].id).toEqual('a'); expect(elements[1].id).toEqual('b'); expect(elements[2].id).toEqual('c'); }); it("allows elements to be selected", function () { var elements; testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); controller.select(elements[1]); expect(mockScope.selection.select) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(elements[1]); }); it("allows selection retrieval", function () { // selected with no arguments should give the current // selection var elements; testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); controller.select(elements[1]); mockScope.selection.get.andReturn(elements[1]); expect(controller.selected()).toEqual(elements[1]); }); it("allows selections to be cleared", function () { var elements; testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); controller.select(elements[1]); controller.clearSelection(); expect(controller.selected(elements[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); it("retains selections during refresh", function () { // Get elements; remove one of them; trigger refresh. // Same element (at least by index) should still be selected. var elements; testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); controller.select(elements[1]); // Verify precondition expect(mockScope.selection.select.calls.length).toEqual(1); // Mimic selection behavior mockScope.selection.get.andReturn(elements[1]); elements[2].remove(); testModel.modified = 2; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); elements = controller.getElements(); // Verify removal, as test assumes this expect(elements.length).toEqual(2); expect(mockScope.selection.select.calls.length).toEqual(2); }); it("provides values for telemetry elements", function () { var elements; // Initialize mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; mockScope.model = testModel; findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); findWatch("model.modified")(1); findWatch("model.composition")(mockScope.model.composition); // Invoke the subscription callback mockHandler.handle.mostRecentCall.args[1](); // Get elements that controller is now exposing elements = controller.getElements(); // Formatted values should be available expect(elements[0].value).toEqual("Formatted 10"); expect(elements[1].value).toEqual("Formatted 42"); expect(elements[2].value).toEqual("Formatted 31.42"); }); it("updates elements styles when grid size changes", function () { var originalLeft; mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; mockScope.model = testModel; findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); findWatch("model.modified")(1); findWatch("model.composition")(mockScope.model.composition); findWatch("model.layoutGrid")([10, 10]); originalLeft = controller.getElements()[0].style.left; findWatch("model.layoutGrid")([20, 20]); expect(controller.getElements()[0].style.left) .not.toEqual(originalLeft); }); it("listens for drop events", function () { // Layout should position panels according to // where the user dropped them, so it needs to // listen for drop events. expect(mockScope.$on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'mctDrop', jasmine.any(Function) ); // Verify precondition expect(testConfiguration.elements.length).toEqual(3); // Notify that a drop occurred testModel.composition.push('d'); findOn('mctDrop')( mockEvent, 'd', { x: 300, y: 100 } ); // Should have added an element expect(testConfiguration.elements.length).toEqual(4); // ...and prevented default... expect(mockEvent.preventDefault).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Should have triggered commit (provided by // EditRepresenter) with some message. expect(mockScope.commit) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(String)); }); it("ignores drops when default has been prevented", function () { // Avoids redundant drop-handling, WTD-1233 mockEvent.defaultPrevented = true; // Notify that a drop occurred testModel.composition.push('d'); findOn('mctDrop')( mockEvent, 'd', { x: 300, y: 100 } ); // Should NOT have added an element expect(testConfiguration.elements.length).toEqual(3); }); it("unsubscribes when destroyed", function () { // Make an object available findWatch('domainObject')(mockDomainObject); // Also verify precondition expect(mockHandle.unsubscribe).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Destroy the scope findOn('$destroy')(); // Should have unsubscribed expect(mockHandle.unsubscribe).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("exposes its grid size", function () { findWatch('model.layoutGrid')(testGrid); // Template needs to be able to pass this into line // elements to size SVGs appropriately expect(controller.getGridSize()).toEqual(testGrid); }); it("exposes a view-level selection proxy", function () { expect(mockScope.selection.proxy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(Object) ); }); it("exposes drag handles", function () { var handles; // Select something so that drag handles are expected testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); controller.select(controller.getElements()[1]); // Should have a non-empty array of handles handles = controller.handles(); expect(handles).toEqual(jasmine.any(Array)); expect(handles.length).not.toEqual(0); // And they should have start/continue/end drag methods handles.forEach(function (handle) { expect(handle.startDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(handle.continueDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(handle.endDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); }); }); it("exposes a move handle", function () { var handle; // Select something so that drag handles are expected testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); controller.select(controller.getElements()[1]); // Should have a move handle handle = controller.moveHandle(); // And it should have start/continue/end drag methods expect(handle.startDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(handle.continueDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(handle.endDrag).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); }); it("updates selection style during drag", function () { var oldStyle; // Select something so that drag handles are expected testModel.modified = 1; findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); controller.select(controller.getElements()[1]); mockScope.selection.get.andReturn(controller.getElements()[1]); // Get style oldStyle = controller.selected().style; // Start a drag gesture controller.moveHandle().startDrag(); // Haven't moved yet; style shouldn't have updated yet expect(controller.selected().style).toEqual(oldStyle); // Drag a little controller.moveHandle().continueDrag([ 1000, 100 ]); // Style should have been updated expect(controller.selected().style).not.toEqual(oldStyle); }); describe("on display bounds changes", function () { var testBounds; beforeEach(function () { testBounds = { start: 123, end: 321 }; mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; mockScope.model = testModel; findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); findWatch("model.modified")(testModel.modified); findWatch("model.composition")(mockScope.model.composition); findOn('telemetry:display:bounds')({}, testBounds); }); it("issues new requests", function () { expect(mockHandle.request).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("requests only a single point", function () { expect(mockHandle.request.mostRecentCall.args[0].size) .toEqual(1); }); describe("and after data has been received", function () { var mockSeries, testValue; beforeEach(function () { testValue = 12321; mockSeries = jasmine.createSpyObj('series', [ 'getPointCount', 'getDomainValue', 'getRangeValue' ]); mockSeries.getPointCount.andReturn(1); mockSeries.getRangeValue.andReturn(testValue); // Fire the callback associated with the request mockHandle.request.mostRecentCall.args[1]( mockHandle.getTelemetryObjects()[0], mockSeries ); }); it("updates displayed values", function () { expect(controller.getElements()[0].value) .toEqual("Formatted " + testValue); }); }); }); it("reflects limit status", function () { var elements; mockHandle.getDatum.andReturn({}); mockHandle.getTelemetryObjects().forEach(function (mockObject) { var id = mockObject.getId(), mockLimitCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj('limit-' + id, ['evaluate']); mockObject.getCapability.andCallFake(function (key) { return (key === 'limit') && mockLimitCapability; }); mockLimitCapability.evaluate .andReturn({ cssClass: 'alarm-' + id }); }); // Initialize mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; mockScope.model = testModel; findWatch("domainObject")(mockDomainObject); findWatch("model.modified")(1); findWatch("model.composition")(mockScope.model.composition); // Invoke the subscription callback mockHandler.handle.mostRecentCall.args[1](); // Get elements that controller is now exposing elements = controller.getElements(); // Limit-based CSS classes should be available expect(elements[0].cssClass).toEqual("alarm-a"); expect(elements[1].cssClass).toEqual("alarm-b"); expect(elements[2].cssClass).toEqual("alarm-c"); }); }); } );