/*global define,Promise,describe,it,expect,beforeEach*/ /** * ApplicationBootstrapperSpec. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14. */ define( ["../../src/bootstrap/ApplicationBootstrapper"], function (ApplicationBootstrapper) { "use strict"; describe("The application bootstrapper", function () { // Test support variables var bootstrapper, captured, mockAngular, mockDocument, mockLog, mockApp; // Used to capture arguments to mocks function capture() { var names = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, []); return function () { var values = arguments; names.forEach(function (name, index) { captured[name] = values[index]; }); }; } // Set up the mocks before each run beforeEach(function () { captured = {}; mockAngular = { element: function (selector) { captured.selector = selector; return { ready: capture("callback") }; }, bootstrap: capture("element", "appNames") }; mockDocument = "I am just a value."; mockLog = { info: capture("info") }; mockApp = { name: "MockApp" }; bootstrapper = new ApplicationBootstrapper( mockAngular, mockDocument, mockLog ); bootstrapper.bootstrap(mockApp); }); // The tests. it("waits for the provided document element to be ready", function () { // Should have provided Angular a selector... expect(captured.selector).toBe(mockDocument); // ...and called ready on the response. expect(captured.callback).toBeDefined(); }); it("issues a bootstrap call once ready", function () { // Verify precondition; bootstrap not called expect(captured.element).toBeUndefined(); expect(captured.appNames).toBeUndefined(); // Call the "ready" function captured.callback(); // Verify that bootstrap was called expect(captured.element).toBe(mockDocument); expect(captured.appNames).toEqual([mockApp.name]); }); it("logs that the bootstrap phase has been reached", function () { expect(captured.info).toBeDefined(); expect(typeof captured.info).toEqual('string'); }); }); } );