/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine,window,afterEach*/ define( ['../../../src/controllers/drag/TimelineStartHandle', '../../../src/TimelineConstants'], function (TimelineStartHandle, TimelineConstants) { 'use strict'; describe("A Timeline start drag handle", function () { var mockDragHandler, mockSnapHandler, mockZoomController, handle; beforeEach(function () { mockDragHandler = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'dragHandler', [ 'start', 'persist' ] ); mockSnapHandler = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'snapHandler', [ 'snap' ] ); mockZoomController = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'zoom', [ 'toMillis', 'toPixels' ] ); mockDragHandler.start.andReturn(12321); // Echo back the value from snapper for most tests mockSnapHandler.snap.andCallFake(function (ts) { return ts; }); // Double pixels to get millis, for test purposes mockZoomController.toMillis.andCallFake(function (px) { return px * 2; }); mockZoomController.toPixels.andCallFake(function (ms) { return ms / 2; }); handle = new TimelineStartHandle( 'test-id', mockDragHandler, mockSnapHandler ); }); it("provides a style for templates", function () { expect(handle.style(mockZoomController)).toEqual({ // Left should be adjusted by zoom controller left: (12321 / 2) + 'px', // Width should match the defined constant width: TimelineConstants.HANDLE_WIDTH + 'px' }); }); it("forwards drags to the drag handler", function () { handle.begin(); handle.drag(100, mockZoomController); // Should have been interpreted as a +200 ms change expect(mockDragHandler.start).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test-id", 12521 ); }); it("snaps drags to other end points", function () { mockSnapHandler.snap.andReturn(42); handle.begin(); handle.drag(-10, mockZoomController); // Should have used snap-to timestamp expect(mockDragHandler.start).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "test-id", 42 ); }); it("persists when a move is complete", function () { // Simulate normal drag cycle handle.begin(); handle.drag(100, mockZoomController); // Should not have persisted yet expect(mockDragHandler.persist).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Finish the drag handle.finish(); // Now it should have persisted expect(mockDragHandler.persist).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); } );