/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2016, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ define([ "./src/objects/DomainObjectProvider", "./src/capabilities/CoreCapabilityProvider", "./src/models/StaticModelProvider", "./src/models/RootModelProvider", "./src/models/ModelAggregator", "./src/models/ModelCacheService", "./src/models/PersistedModelProvider", "./src/models/CachingModelDecorator", "./src/models/MissingModelDecorator", "./src/types/TypeProvider", "./src/actions/ActionProvider", "./src/actions/ActionAggregator", "./src/actions/LoggingActionDecorator", "./src/views/ViewProvider", "./src/identifiers/IdentifierProvider", "./src/capabilities/CompositionCapability", "./src/capabilities/RelationshipCapability", "./src/types/TypeCapability", "./src/actions/ActionCapability", "./src/views/ViewCapability", "./src/capabilities/PersistenceCapability", "./src/capabilities/MetadataCapability", "./src/capabilities/MutationCapability", "./src/capabilities/DelegationCapability", "./src/capabilities/InstantiationCapability", "./src/services/Now", "./src/services/Throttle", "./src/services/Topic", "./src/services/Contextualize", "./src/services/Instantiate", 'legacyRegistry' ], function ( DomainObjectProvider, CoreCapabilityProvider, StaticModelProvider, RootModelProvider, ModelAggregator, ModelCacheService, PersistedModelProvider, CachingModelDecorator, MissingModelDecorator, TypeProvider, ActionProvider, ActionAggregator, LoggingActionDecorator, ViewProvider, IdentifierProvider, CompositionCapability, RelationshipCapability, TypeCapability, ActionCapability, ViewCapability, PersistenceCapability, MetadataCapability, MutationCapability, DelegationCapability, InstantiationCapability, Now, Throttle, Topic, Contextualize, Instantiate, legacyRegistry ) { legacyRegistry.register("platform/core", { "name": "Open MCT Core", "description": "Defines core concepts of Open MCT.", "sources": "src", "configuration": { "paths": { "uuid": "uuid" } }, "extensions": { "versions": [ { "name": "Version", "value": "@@version", "priority": 999 }, { "name": "Built", "value": "@@timestamp", "description": "The date on which this version of the client was built.", "priority": 990 }, { "name": "Revision", "value": "@@revision", "description": "A unique revision identifier for the client sources.", "priority": 995 }, { "name": "Branch", "value": "@@branch", "description": "The name of the branch that was used during the build.", "priority": 994 } ], "components": [ { "provides": "objectService", "type": "provider", "implementation": DomainObjectProvider, "depends": [ "modelService", "instantiate" ] }, { "provides": "capabilityService", "type": "provider", "implementation": CoreCapabilityProvider, "depends": [ "capabilities[]", "$log" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "provider", "implementation": StaticModelProvider, "depends": [ "models[]", "$q", "$log" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "provider", "implementation": RootModelProvider, "depends": [ "roots[]", "$q", "$log" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "aggregator", "implementation": ModelAggregator, "depends": [ "$q" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "provider", "implementation": PersistedModelProvider, "depends": [ "persistenceService", "$q", "now", "PERSISTENCE_SPACE" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "decorator", "implementation": CachingModelDecorator, "depends": [ "cacheService" ] }, { "provides": "modelService", "type": "decorator", "priority": "fallback", "implementation": MissingModelDecorator }, { "provides": "typeService", "type": "provider", "implementation": TypeProvider, "depends": [ "types[]" ] }, { "provides": "actionService", "type": "provider", "implementation": ActionProvider, "depends": [ "actions[]", "$log" ] }, { "provides": "actionService", "type": "aggregator", "implementation": ActionAggregator }, { "provides": "actionService", "type": "decorator", "implementation": LoggingActionDecorator, "depends": [ "$log" ] }, { "provides": "viewService", "type": "provider", "implementation": ViewProvider, "depends": [ "views[]", "$log" ] }, { "provides": "identifierService", "type": "provider", "implementation": IdentifierProvider, "depends": [ "PERSISTENCE_SPACE" ] } ], "types": [ { "properties": [ { "control": "textfield", "name": "Title", "key": "name", "property": "name", "pattern": "\\S+", "required": true, "cssclass": "l-input-lg" } ] }, { "key": "root", "name": "Root", "cssclass": "icon-folder" }, { "key": "folder", "name": "Folder", "cssclass": "icon-folder", "features": "creation", "description": "Create folders to organize other objects or links to objects.", "priority": 1000, "model": { "composition": [] } }, { "key": "unknown", "name": "Unknown Type", "cssclass": "icon-object-unknown" }, { "name": "Unknown Type", "cssclass": "icon-object-unknown" } ], "capabilities": [ { "key": "composition", "implementation": CompositionCapability, "depends": [ "$injector", "contextualize" ] }, { "key": "relationship", "implementation": RelationshipCapability, "depends": [ "$injector" ] }, { "key": "type", "implementation": TypeCapability, "depends": [ "typeService" ] }, { "key": "action", "implementation": ActionCapability, "depends": [ "$q", "actionService" ] }, { "key": "view", "implementation": ViewCapability, "depends": [ "viewService" ] }, { "key": "persistence", "implementation": PersistenceCapability, "depends": [ "cacheService", "persistenceService", "identifierService", "notificationService", "$q" ] }, { "key": "metadata", "implementation": MetadataCapability }, { "key": "mutation", "implementation": MutationCapability, "depends": [ "topic", "now" ] }, { "key": "delegation", "implementation": DelegationCapability, "depends": [ "$q" ] }, { "key": "instantiation", "implementation": InstantiationCapability, "depends": [ "$injector", "identifierService", "now" ] } ], "services": [ { "key": "cacheService", "implementation": ModelCacheService }, { "key": "now", "implementation": Now }, { "key": "throttle", "implementation": Throttle, "depends": [ "$timeout" ] }, { "key": "topic", "implementation": Topic, "depends": [ "$log" ] }, { "key": "contextualize", "implementation": Contextualize, "depends": [ "$log" ] }, { "key": "instantiate", "implementation": Instantiate, "depends": [ "capabilityService", "identifierService", "cacheService" ] } ], "roots": [ { "id": "mine", "model": { "name": "My Items", "type": "folder", "composition": [] } } ], "constants": [ { "key": "PERSISTENCE_SPACE", "value": "mct" } ], "licenses": [ { "name": "Math.uuid.js", "version": "1.4.7", "description": "Unique identifer generation (code adapted.)", "author": "Robert Kieffer", "website": "https://github.com/broofa/node-uuid", "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Robert Kieffer", "license": "license-mit", "link": "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT" } ] } }); });