/*global require,process,console*/ /** * Usage: * * npm install minimist express * node app.js [options] */ (function () { "use strict"; var BUNDLE_FILE = 'bundles.json', options = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)), express = require('express'), app = express(), fs = require('fs'), request = require('request'); // Defaults options.port = options.port || options.p || 8080; options.directory = options.directory || options.D || '.'; ['include', 'exclude', 'i', 'x'].forEach(function (opt) { options[opt] = options[opt] || []; // Make sure includes/excludes always end up as arrays options[opt] = Array.isArray(options[opt]) ? options[opt] : [options[opt]]; }); options.include = options.include.concat(options.i); options.exclude = options.exclude.concat(options.x); // Show command line options if (options.help || options.h) { console.log("\nUsage: node app.js [options]\n"); console.log("Options:"); console.log(" --help, -h Show this message."); console.log(" --port, -p <number> Specify port."); console.log(" --include, -i <bundle> Include the specified bundle."); console.log(" --exclude, -x <bundle> Exclude the specified bundle."); console.log(" --directory, -D <bundle> Serve files from specified directory."); console.log(""); process.exit(0); } app.disable('x-powered-by'); // Override bundles.json for HTTP requests app.use('/' + BUNDLE_FILE, function (req, res) { var bundles; try { bundles = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BUNDLE_FILE, 'utf8')); } catch (e) { bundles = []; } // Handle command line inclusions/exclusions bundles = bundles.concat(options.include); bundles = bundles.filter(function (bundle) { return options.exclude.indexOf(bundle) === -1; }); bundles = bundles.filter(function (bundle, index) { // Uniquify return bundles.indexOf(bundle) === index; }); res.send(JSON.stringify(bundles)); }); app.use('/proxyUrl', function proxyRequest(req, res, next) { console.log('Proxying request to: ', req.query.url); req.pipe(request({ url: req.query.url, strictSSL: false }).on('error', next)).pipe(res); }); // Expose everything else as static files app.use(express['static'](options.directory)); // Finally, open the HTTP server and log the instance to the console app.listen(options.port, function() { console.log('Open MCT application running at localhost:' + options.port) }); }());