/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../../src/policies/EditableViewPolicy"], function (EditableViewPolicy) { "use strict"; describe("The editable view policy", function () { var testView, mockDomainObject, testMode, policy; beforeEach(function () { testMode = true; // Act as if we're in Edit mode by default mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'domainObject', ['hasCapability'] ); mockDomainObject.hasCapability.andCallFake(function (c) { return (c === 'editor') && testMode; }); policy = new EditableViewPolicy(); }); it("disallows views in edit mode that are flagged as non-editable", function () { expect(policy.allow({ editable: false }, mockDomainObject)) .toBeFalsy(); }); it("allows views in edit mode that are flagged as editable", function () { expect(policy.allow({ editable: true }, mockDomainObject)) .toBeTruthy(); }); it("allows any view outside of edit mode", function () { var testViews = [ { editable: false }, { editable: true }, { someKey: "some value" } ]; testMode = false; // Act as if we're not in Edit mode testViews.forEach(function (testView) { expect(policy.allow(testView, mockDomainObject)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it("treats views with no defined 'editable' property as editable", function () { expect(policy.allow({ someKey: "some value" }, mockDomainObject)) .toBeTruthy(); }); }); } );