/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2016, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ /** * MCTRepresentationSpec. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14. */ define( ["../src/BrowseController"], function (BrowseController) { describe("The browse controller", function () { var mockScope, mockRoute, mockLocation, mockObjectService, mockNavigationService, mockRootObject, mockUrlService, mockDefaultRootObject, mockOtherDomainObject, mockNextObject, testDefaultRoot, controller; function waitsForNavigation() { var calls = mockNavigationService.setNavigation.calls.length; waitsFor(function () { return mockNavigationService.setNavigation.calls.length > calls ; }); } function instantiateController() { controller = new BrowseController( mockScope, mockRoute, mockLocation, mockObjectService, mockNavigationService, mockUrlService, testDefaultRoot ); } beforeEach(function () { testDefaultRoot = "some-root-level-domain-object"; mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj( "$scope", ["$on", "$watch"] ); mockRoute = { current: { params: {}, pathParams: {} } }; mockUrlService = jasmine.createSpyObj( "urlService", ["urlForLocation"] ); mockUrlService.urlForLocation.andCallFake(function (mode, object) { if (object === mockDefaultRootObject) { return [mode, testDefaultRoot].join('/'); } if (object === mockOtherDomainObject) { return [mode, 'other'].join('/'); } if (object === mockNextObject) { return [mode, testDefaultRoot, 'next'].join('/'); } throw new Error('Tried to get url for unexpected object'); }); mockLocation = jasmine.createSpyObj( "$location", ["path"] ); mockObjectService = jasmine.createSpyObj( "objectService", ["getObjects"] ); mockNavigationService = jasmine.createSpyObj( "navigationService", [ "getNavigation", "setNavigation", "addListener", "removeListener" ] ); mockRootObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "rootObjectContainer", ["getId", "getCapability", "getModel", "useCapability", "hasCapability"] ); mockDefaultRootObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "defaultRootObject", ["getId", "getCapability", "getModel", "useCapability", "hasCapability"] ); mockOtherDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "otherDomainObject", ["getId", "getCapability", "getModel", "useCapability", "hasCapability"] ); mockNextObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "nestedDomainObject", ["getId", "getCapability", "getModel", "useCapability", "hasCapability"] ); mockObjectService.getObjects.andReturn(Promise.resolve({ ROOT: mockRootObject })); mockRootObject.useCapability.andReturn(Promise.resolve([ mockOtherDomainObject, mockDefaultRootObject ])); mockRootObject.hasCapability.andReturn(true); mockDefaultRootObject.useCapability.andReturn(Promise.resolve([ mockNextObject ])); mockDefaultRootObject.hasCapability.andReturn(true); mockOtherDomainObject.hasCapability.andReturn(false); mockNextObject.useCapability.andReturn(undefined); mockNextObject.hasCapability.andReturn(false); mockNextObject.getId.andReturn("next"); mockDefaultRootObject.getId.andReturn(testDefaultRoot); instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); }); it("uses composition to set the navigated object, if there is none", function () { instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); runs(function () { expect(mockNavigationService.setNavigation) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockDefaultRootObject); }); }); it("navigates to a root-level object, even when default path is not found", function () { mockDefaultRootObject.getId .andReturn("something-other-than-the-" + testDefaultRoot); instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); runs(function () { expect(mockNavigationService.setNavigation) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockDefaultRootObject); }); }); // it("does not try to override navigation", function () { mockNavigationService.getNavigation.andReturn(mockDefaultRootObject); instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); expect(mockScope.navigatedObject).toBe(mockDefaultRootObject); }); // it("updates scope when navigated object changes", function () { // Should have registered a listener - call it mockNavigationService.addListener.mostRecentCall.args[0]( mockOtherDomainObject ); expect(mockScope.navigatedObject).toEqual(mockOtherDomainObject); }); it("releases its navigation listener when its scope is destroyed", function () { expect(mockScope.$on).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "$destroy", jasmine.any(Function) ); mockScope.$on.mostRecentCall.args[1](); // Should remove the listener it added earlier expect(mockNavigationService.removeListener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockNavigationService.addListener.mostRecentCall.args[0] ); }); it("uses route parameters to choose initially-navigated object", function () { mockRoute.current.params.ids = testDefaultRoot + "/next"; instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); runs(function () { expect(mockScope.navigatedObject).toBe(mockNextObject); expect(mockNavigationService.setNavigation) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockNextObject); }); }); it("handles invalid IDs by going as far as possible", function () { // Idea here is that if we get a bad path of IDs, // browse controller should traverse down it until // it hits an invalid ID. mockRoute.current.params.ids = testDefaultRoot + "/junk"; instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); runs(function () { expect(mockScope.navigatedObject).toBe(mockDefaultRootObject); expect(mockNavigationService.setNavigation) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockDefaultRootObject); }); }); it("handles compositionless objects by going as far as possible", function () { // Idea here is that if we get a path which passes // through an object without a composition, browse controller // should stop at it since remaining IDs cannot be loaded. mockRoute.current.params.ids = testDefaultRoot + "/next/junk"; instantiateController(); waitsForNavigation(); runs(function () { expect(mockScope.navigatedObject).toBe(mockNextObject); expect(mockNavigationService.setNavigation) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockNextObject); }); }); it("updates the displayed route to reflect current navigation", function () { // In order to trigger a route update and not a route change, // the current route must be updated before location.path is // called. expect(mockRoute.current.pathParams.ids) .not .toBe(testDefaultRoot + '/next'); mockLocation.path.andCallFake(function () { expect(mockRoute.current.pathParams.ids) .toBe(testDefaultRoot + '/next'); }); mockNavigationService.addListener.mostRecentCall.args[0]( mockNextObject ); expect(mockLocation.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/browse/' + testDefaultRoot + '/next' ); }); }); } );