Open MCT Style Guide
Context menus are used extensively in Open MCT. They are created dynamically upon a contextual click and positioned at the user's cursor position coincident with the element that invoked them. Context menus must use absolute position and utilize a z-index that places them above other in-page elements.
See User Interface Standards for more details on z-indexing in Open MCT. Context menus should be destroyed if the user clicks outside the menu element.
Dropdown menus are a dedicated, more discoverable context menu for a given object. Like context menus, dropdown menus are used extensively in Open MCT, and are most often associated with object header elements. They visually manifest as a downward pointing arrow associated with an element, and when clicked displays a context menu at that location. See guidelines above about context menus in regards to z-indexing and element lifecycle.
Use a dropdown menu to encapsulate important the actions of an object in the object's header, or in a place that you'd use a context menu, but want to make the availability of the menu more apparent.
Checkbox menus add checkbox options to each item of a dropdown menu. Use this to
Use a dropdown menu to encapsulate important the actions of an object in the object's header, or in a place that you'd use a context menu, but want to make the availability of the menu more apparent.
Use a palette to provide color choices. Similar to context menus and dropdowns, palettes should be dismissed when a choice is made within them, or if the user clicks outside one. Selected palette choices should utilize the selected
CSS class to visualize indicate that state.
Note that while this example uses static markup for illustrative purposes, don't do this - use a front-end framework with repeaters to build the color choices.