/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2017, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ /** * MergeModelsSpec. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14. */ define( ["../../src/elements/PlotUpdater"], function (PlotUpdater) { describe("A plot updater", function () { var mockSubscription, testDomain, testRange, testDomainValues, testRangeValues, mockSeries, updater; function makeMockDomainObject(id) { var mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "object-" + id, ["getId", "getCapability", "getModel"] ); mockDomainObject.getId.andReturn(id); return mockDomainObject; } beforeEach(function () { var ids = ['a', 'b', 'c'], mockObjects = ids.map(makeMockDomainObject); mockSubscription = jasmine.createSpyObj( "subscription", ["getDomainValue", "getRangeValue", "getTelemetryObjects"] ); mockSeries = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'series', ['getPointCount', 'getDomainValue', 'getRangeValue'] ); testDomain = "testDomain"; testRange = "testRange"; testDomainValues = { a: 3, b: 7, c: 13 }; testRangeValues = { a: 123, b: 456, c: 789 }; mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn(mockObjects); mockSubscription.getDomainValue.andCallFake(function (mockObject) { return testDomainValues[mockObject.getId()]; }); mockSubscription.getRangeValue.andCallFake(function (mockObject) { return testRangeValues[mockObject.getId()]; }); updater = new PlotUpdater( mockSubscription, testDomain, testRange, 1350 // Smaller max size for easier testing ); }); it("provides one buffer per telemetry object", function () { expect(updater.getLineBuffers().length).toEqual(3); }); it("changes buffer count if telemetry object counts change", function () { mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects .andReturn([makeMockDomainObject('a')]); updater.update(); expect(updater.getLineBuffers().length).toEqual(1); }); it("can handle delayed telemetry object availability", function () { // The case can occur where getTelemetryObjects() returns an // empty array - specifically, while objects are still being // loaded. The updater needs to be able to cope with that // case. var tmp = mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects(); mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn([]); // Reinstantiate with the empty subscription updater = new PlotUpdater( mockSubscription, testDomain, testRange ); // Should have 0 buffers for 0 objects expect(updater.getLineBuffers().length).toEqual(0); // Restore the three objects the test subscription would // normally have. mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn(tmp); updater.update(); // Should have 3 buffers for 3 objects expect(updater.getLineBuffers().length).toEqual(3); }); it("accepts historical telemetry updates", function () { var mockObject = mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects()[0]; mockSeries.getPointCount.andReturn(3); mockSeries.getDomainValue.andCallFake(function (i) { return 1000 + i * 1000; }); mockSeries.getRangeValue.andReturn(10); // PlotLine & PlotLineBuffer are tested for most of the // details here, so just check for some expected side // effect; in this case, should see more points in the buffer expect(updater.getLineBuffers()[0].getLength()).toEqual(1); updater.addHistorical(mockObject, mockSeries); expect(updater.getLineBuffers()[0].getLength()).toEqual(4); }); it("clears the domain offset if no objects are present", function () { mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn([]); updater.update(); expect(updater.getDomainOffset()).toBeUndefined(); }); it("handles empty historical telemetry updates", function () { // General robustness check for when a series is empty var mockObject = mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects()[0]; mockSeries.getPointCount.andReturn(0); mockSeries.getDomainValue.andCallFake(function (i) { return 1000 + i * 1000; }); mockSeries.getRangeValue.andReturn(10); // PlotLine & PlotLineBuffer are tested for most of the // details here, so just check for some expected side // effect; in this case, should see more points in the buffer expect(updater.getLineBuffers()[0].getLength()).toEqual(1); updater.addHistorical(mockObject, mockSeries); expect(updater.getLineBuffers()[0].getLength()).toEqual(1); }); it("can initialize domain offset from historical telemetry", function () { var tmp = mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects(); mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn([]); // Reinstantiate with the empty subscription updater = new PlotUpdater( mockSubscription, testDomain, testRange ); // Restore subscription, provide some historical data mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects.andReturn(tmp); mockSeries.getPointCount.andReturn(3); mockSeries.getDomainValue.andCallFake(function (i) { return 1000 + i * 1000; }); mockSeries.getRangeValue.andReturn(10); // PlotLine & PlotLineBuffer are tested for most of the // details here, so just check for some expected side // effect; in this case, should see more points in the buffer expect(updater.getDomainOffset()).toBeUndefined(); updater.addHistorical(tmp[0], mockSeries); expect(updater.getDomainOffset()).toBeDefined(); }); it("provides some margin for the range", function () { var mockObject = mockSubscription.getTelemetryObjects()[0]; mockSeries.getPointCount.andReturn(3); mockSeries.getDomainValue.andCallFake(function (i) { return 1000 + i * 1000; }); mockSeries.getRangeValue.andCallFake(function (i) { return 10 + i; // 10, 20, 30 }); updater.addHistorical(mockObject, mockSeries); expect(updater.getOrigin()[1]).toBeLessThan(10); expect(updater.getDimensions()[1]).toBeGreaterThan(20); }); describe("when no data is initially available", function () { beforeEach(function () { testDomainValues = {}; testRangeValues = {}; updater = new PlotUpdater( mockSubscription, testDomain, testRange, 1350 // Smaller max size for easier testing ); }); it("has no line data", function () { // Either no lines, or empty lines are fine expect(updater.getLineBuffers().map(function (lineBuffer) { return lineBuffer.getLength(); }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; }, 0)).toEqual(0); }); it("determines initial domain bounds from first available data", function () { testDomainValues.a = 123; testRangeValues.a = 456; updater.update(); expect(updater.getOrigin()[0]).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); expect(updater.getOrigin()[1]).toEqual(jasmine.any(Number)); expect(isNaN(updater.getOrigin()[0])).toBeFalsy(); expect(isNaN(updater.getOrigin()[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); } );