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  <title>Groot Tutorial</title>
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    // First, we need a source of objects, so we're going to define a few
    // objects that we wish to expose.  The first object is a folder which
    // contains the other objects.

    var GROOT_ROOT = {
        name: 'I am groot',
        type: 'folder',
        composition: [
                namespace: 'groot',
                identifier: 'arms'
                namespace: 'groot',
                identifier: 'legs'
                namespace: 'groot',
                identifier: 'torso'

    // Now, we will define an object provider.  This will allow us to fetch the
    // GROOT_ROOT object, plus any other objects in the `groot` namespace.
    // For more info, see the Object API documentation.

    MCT.Objects.addProvider('groot', {
        // we'll only define a get function, objects from this provider will
        // not be mutable.
        get: function (key) {
            if (key.identifier === 'groot') {
                return Promise.resolve(GROOT_ROOT);
            return Promise.resolve({
                name: 'Groot\'s ' + key.identifier

    // Finally, we need to add a "ROOT."  This is an identifier for an object
    // that Open MCT will load at run time and show at the top-level of the
    // navigation tree.

        namespace: 'groot',
        identifier: 'groot'
