/*global define,describe,beforeEach,it,jasmine,expect */ define( [ '../../src/actions/MoveAction', '../services/MockMoveService', '../DomainObjectFactory' ], function (MoveAction, MockMoveService, domainObjectFactory) { "use strict"; describe("Move Action", function () { var moveAction, locationService, locationServicePromise, moveService, context, selectedObject, selectedObjectContextCapability, currentParent, newParent; beforeEach(function () { selectedObjectContextCapability = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'selectedObjectContextCapability', [ 'getParent' ] ); selectedObject = domainObjectFactory({ name: 'selectedObject', model: { name: 'selectedObject' }, capabilities: { context: selectedObjectContextCapability } }); currentParent = domainObjectFactory({ name: 'currentParent' }); selectedObjectContextCapability .getParent .andReturn(currentParent); newParent = domainObjectFactory({ name: 'newParent' }); locationService = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'locationService', [ 'getLocationFromUser' ] ); locationServicePromise = jasmine.createSpyObj( 'locationServicePromise', [ 'then' ] ); locationService .getLocationFromUser .andReturn(locationServicePromise); moveService = new MockMoveService(); }); describe("with context from context-action", function () { beforeEach(function () { context = { domainObject: selectedObject }; moveAction = new MoveAction( locationService, moveService, context ); }); it("initializes happily", function () { expect(moveAction).toBeDefined(); }); describe("when performed it", function () { beforeEach(function () { moveAction.perform(); }); it("prompts for location", function () { expect(locationService.getLocationFromUser) .toHaveBeenCalledWith( "Move selectedObject to a new location", "Move To", jasmine.any(Function), currentParent ); }); it("waits for location from user", function () { expect(locationServicePromise.then) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function)); }); it("moves object to selected location", function () { locationServicePromise .then .mostRecentCall .args[0](newParent); expect(moveService.perform) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(selectedObject, newParent); }); }); }); describe("with context from drag-drop", function () { beforeEach(function () { context = { selectedObject: selectedObject, domainObject: newParent }; moveAction = new MoveAction( locationService, moveService, context ); }); it("initializes happily", function () { expect(moveAction).toBeDefined(); }); it("performs move immediately", function () { moveAction.perform(); expect(moveService.perform) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(selectedObject, newParent); }); }); }); } );