define([ "legacyRegistry", "./src/controllers/NotebookController", "./src/controllers/NewEntryController", "./src/controllers/SelectSnapshotController", "./src/controllers/LayoutNotebookController", "./src/directives/MCTSnapshot", "./src/directives/EntryDnd", "./src/actions/ViewSnapshot", "./src/actions/AnnotateSnapshot", "./src/actions/RemoveEmbed", "./src/actions/RemoveSnapshot", "./src/actions/NewEntryContextual", "./src/capabilities/NotebookCapability", "./src/policies/CompositionPolicy", "text!./res/templates/notebook.html", "text!./res/templates/entry.html", "text!./res/templates/annotation.html", "text!./res/templates/notifications.html", "text!../layout/res/templates/frame.html", "text!./res/templates/controls/embedControl.html", "text!./res/templates/controls/snapSelect.html" ], function ( legacyRegistry, NotebookController, NewEntryController, SelectSnapshotController, LayoutNotebookController, MCTSnapshot, MCTEntryDnd, ViewSnapshotAction, AnnotateSnapshotAction, RemoveEmbedAction, RemoveSnapshotAction, newEntryAction, NotebookCapability, CompositionPolicy, notebookTemplate, entryTemplate, annotationTemplate, notificationsTemplate, frameTemplate, embedControlTemplate, snapSelectTemplate ) { legacyRegistry.register("platform/features/notebook", { "name": "Notebook Plugin", "description": "Create and save timestamped notes with embedded object snapshots.", "extensions": { "types": [ { "key": "notebook", "name": "Notebook", "cssClass": "icon-notebook", "description": "Create and save timestamped notes with embedded object snapshots.", "features": ["creation"], "model": { "entries": [], "composition": [], "entryTypes": [] }, "properties": [ { "key": "defaultSort", "name": "Default Sort", "control": "select", "options": [ { "name": "Newest First", "value": "-createdOn" }, { "name": "Oldest First", "value": "createdOn" } ], "cssClass": "l-inline" } ] } ], "views": [ { "key": "notebook.view", "type": "notebook", "cssClass": "icon-notebook", "name": "notebook", "template": notebookTemplate, "editable": false, "uses": [ "composition", "action" ], "gestures": [ "drop" ] } ], "controllers": [ { "key": "NotebookController", "implementation": NotebookController, "depends": [ "$scope", "dialogService", "popupService", "agentService", "objectService", "navigationService", "now", "actionService", "$timeout", "$element", "$sce" ] }, { "key": "NewEntryController", "implementation": NewEntryController, "depends": ["$scope", "$rootScope" ] }, { "key": "selectSnapshotController", "implementation": SelectSnapshotController, "depends": ["$scope", "$rootScope" ] }, { "key": "LayoutNotebookController", "implementation": LayoutNotebookController, "depends": ["$scope"] } ], "representations": [ { "key": "draggedEntry", "template": entryTemplate }, { "key": "frameLayoutNotebook", "template": frameTemplate } ], "templates": [ { "key": "annotate-snapshot", "template": annotationTemplate }, { "key": "notificationTemplate", "template": notificationsTemplate } ], "directives": [ { "key": "mctSnapshot", "implementation": MCTSnapshot, "depends": [ "$rootScope", "$document", "exportImageService", "dialogService", "notificationService" ] }, { "key": "mctEntryDnd", "implementation": MCTEntryDnd, "depends": [ "$rootScope", "$compile", "dndService", "typeService", "notificationService" ] } ], "actions": [ { "key": "view-snapshot", "implementation": ViewSnapshotAction, "name": "View Snapshot", "description": "View the large image in a modal", "category": "embed", "depends": [ "$compile" ] }, { "key": "annotate-snapshot", "implementation": AnnotateSnapshotAction, "name": "Annotate Snapshot", "cssClass": "icon-pencil labeled", "description": "Annotate embed's snapshot", "category": "embed", "depends": [ "dialogService", "dndService", "$rootScope" ] }, { "key": "remove-embed", "implementation": RemoveEmbedAction, "name": "Remove...", "cssClass": "icon-trash labeled", "description": "Remove this embed", "category": [ "embed", "embed-no-snap" ], "depends": [ "dialogService" ] }, { "key": "remove-snapshot", "implementation": RemoveSnapshotAction, "name": "Remove Snapshot", "cssClass": "icon-trash labeled", "description": "Remove Snapshot of the embed", "category": "embed", "depends": [ "dialogService" ] }, { "key": "notebook-new-entry", "implementation": newEntryAction, "name": "New Notebook Entry", "cssClass": "icon-notebook labeled", "description": "Add a new Notebook entry", "category": [ "contextual", "view-control" ], "depends": [ "$compile", "$rootScope", "dialogService", "notificationService", "linkService" ], "priority": "preferred" } ], "licenses": [ { "name": "painterro", "version": "4.1.0", "author": "Mike Bostock", "description": "D3 (or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards. D3 helps you bring data to life using SVG, Canvas and HTML. D3 combines powerful visualization and interaction techniques with a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation, giving you the full capabilities of modern browsers and the freedom to design the right visual interface for your data.", "website": "", "copyright": "Copyright 2010-2016 Mike Bostock", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "link": "" } ], "capabilities": [ { "key": "notebook", "name": "Notebook Capability", "description": "Provides a capability for looking for a notebook domain object", "implementation": NotebookCapability, "depends": [ "typeService" ] } ], "policies": [ { "category": "composition", "implementation": CompositionPolicy, "message": "Objects of this type cannot contain objects of that type." } ], "controls": [ { "key": "embed-control", "template": embedControlTemplate }, { "key": "snapshot-select", "template": snapSelectTemplate } ], "stylesheets": [ { "stylesheetUrl": "css/notebook.css" }, { "stylesheetUrl": "css/notebook-espresso.css", "theme": "espresso" }, { "stylesheetUrl": "css/notebook-snow.css", "theme": "snow" } ] } }); });