 * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2023, United States Government
 * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
 * Administration. All rights reserved.
 * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source
 * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
 * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available
 * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.

 * The fixtures in this file are to be used to consolidate common actions performed by the
 * various test suites. The goal is only to avoid duplication of code across test suites and not to abstract
 * away the underlying functionality of the application. For more about the App Action pattern, see /e2e/README.md)
 * For example, if two functions are nearly identical in
 * timer.e2e.spec.js and notebook.e2e.spec.js, that function should be generalized and moved into this file.

 * Defines parameters to be used in the creation of a domain object.
 * @typedef {Object} CreateObjectOptions
 * @property {string} type the type of domain object to create (e.g.: "Sine Wave Generator").
 * @property {string} [name] the desired name of the created domain object.
 * @property {string | import('../src/api/objects/ObjectAPI').Identifier} [parent] the Identifier or uuid of the parent object.

 * Contains information about the newly created domain object.
 * @typedef {Object} CreatedObjectInfo
 * @property {string} name the name of the created object
 * @property {string} uuid the uuid of the created object
 * @property {string} url the relative url to the object (for use with `page.goto()`)

 * Defines parameters to be used in the creation of a notification.
 * @typedef {Object} CreateNotificationOptions
 * @property {string} message the message
 * @property {'info' | 'alert' | 'error'} severity the severity
 * @property {import('../src/api/notifications/NotificationAPI').NotificationOptions} [notificationOptions] additional options

const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
const genUuid = require('uuid').v4;
const { expect } = require('@playwright/test');

 * This common function creates a domain object with the default options. It is the preferred way of creating objects
 * in the e2e suite when uninterested in properties of the objects themselves.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {CreateObjectOptions} options
 * @returns {Promise<CreatedObjectInfo>} An object containing information about the newly created domain object.
async function createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type, name, parent = 'mine' }) {
    if (!name) {
        name = `${type}:${genUuid()}`;

    const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);

    // Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
    // in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
    await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);

    //Click the Create button
    await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');

    // Click the object specified by 'type'
    await page.click(`li[role='menuitem']:text("${type}")`);

    // Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
    const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
    await nameInput.fill("");
    await nameInput.fill(name);

    if (page.testNotes) {
        // Fill the "Notes" section with information about the
        // currently running test and its project.
        const notesInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] #notes-textarea');
        await notesInput.fill(page.testNotes);

    // Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
    await Promise.all([
        // Wait for Save Banner to appear

    // Wait until the URL is updated
    await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
    const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
    const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);

    if (await _isInEditMode(page, uuid)) {
        // Save (exit edit mode)
        await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click();
        await page.locator('li[title="Save and Finish Editing"]').click();

    return {
        url: objectUrl

 * Generate a notification with the given options.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {CreateNotificationOptions} createNotificationOptions
async function createNotification(page, createNotificationOptions) {
    await page.evaluate((_createNotificationOptions) => {
        const { message, severity, options } = _createNotificationOptions;
        const notificationApi = window.openmct.notifications;
        if (severity === 'info') {
            notificationApi.info(message, options);
        } else if (severity === 'alert') {
            notificationApi.alert(message, options);
        } else {
            notificationApi.error(message, options);
    }, createNotificationOptions);

 * Expand an item in the tree by a given object name.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {string} name
async function expandTreePaneItemByName(page, name) {
    const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', {
        name: 'Main Tree'
    const treeItem = treePane.locator(`role=treeitem[expanded=false][name=/${name}/]`);
    const expandTriangle = treeItem.locator('.c-disclosure-triangle');
    await expandTriangle.click();

 * Create a Plan object from JSON with the provided options.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {*} options
 * @returns {Promise<CreatedObjectInfo>} An object containing information about the newly created domain object.
async function createPlanFromJSON(page, { name, json, parent = 'mine' }) {
    if (!name) {
        name = `Plan:${genUuid()}`;

    const parentUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, parent);

    // Navigate to the parent object. This is necessary to create the object
    // in the correct location, such as a folder, layout, or plot.
    await page.goto(`${parentUrl}?hideTree=true`);

    // Click the Create button
    await page.click('button:has-text("Create")');

    // Click 'Plan' menu option
    await page.click(`li:text("Plan")`);

    // Modify the name input field of the domain object to accept 'name'
    const nameInput = page.locator('form[name="mctForm"] .first input[type="text"]');
    await nameInput.fill("");
    await nameInput.fill(name);

    // Upload buffer from memory
    await page.locator('input#fileElem').setInputFiles({
        name: 'plan.txt',
        mimeType: 'text/plain',
        buffer: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(json))

    // Click OK button and wait for Navigate event
    await Promise.all([
        // Wait for Save Banner to appear

    // Wait until the URL is updated
    await page.waitForURL(`**/${parent}/*`);
    const uuid = await getFocusedObjectUuid(page);
    const objectUrl = await getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid);

    return {
        url: objectUrl

* Open the given `domainObject`'s context menu from the object tree.
* Expands the path to the object and scrolls to it if necessary.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
* @param {string} url the url to the object
async function openObjectTreeContextMenu(page, url) {
    await page.goto(url);
    await page.click('button[title="Show selected item in tree"]');
    await page.locator('.is-navigated-object').click({
        button: 'right'

 * Expands the entire object tree (every expandable tree item).
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {"Main Tree" | "Create Modal Tree"} [treeName="Main Tree"]
async function expandEntireTree(page, treeName = "Main Tree") {
    const treeLocator = page.getByRole('tree', {
        name: treeName
    const collapsedTreeItems = treeLocator.getByRole('treeitem', {
        expanded: false

    while (await collapsedTreeItems.count() > 0) {
        await collapsedTreeItems.nth(0).click();

        // FIXME: Replace hard wait with something event-driven.
        // Without the wait, this fails periodically due to a race condition
        // with Vue rendering (loop exits prematurely).
        // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
        await page.waitForTimeout(200);

 * Gets the UUID of the currently focused object by parsing the current URL
 * and returning the last UUID in the path.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @returns {Promise<string>} the uuid of the focused object
async function getFocusedObjectUuid(page) {
    const UUIDv4Regexp = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/gi;
    const focusedObjectUuid = await page.evaluate((regexp) => {
        return window.location.href.split('?')[0].match(regexp).at(-1);
    }, UUIDv4Regexp);

    return focusedObjectUuid;

 * Returns the hashUrl to the domainObject given its uuid.
 * Useful for directly navigating to the given domainObject.
 * URLs returned will be of the form `'./browse/#/mine/<uuid0>/<uuid1>/...'`
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {string} uuid the uuid of the object to get the url for
 * @returns {Promise<string>} the url of the object
async function getHashUrlToDomainObject(page, uuid) {
    await page.waitForLoadState('load'); //Add some determinism
    const hashUrl = await page.evaluate(async (objectUuid) => {
        const path = await window.openmct.objects.getOriginalPath(objectUuid);
        let url = './#/browse/' + [...path].reverse()
            .map((object) => window.openmct.objects.makeKeyString(object.identifier))

        // Drop the vestigial '/ROOT' if it exists
        if (url.includes('/ROOT')) {
            url = url.split('/ROOT').join('');

        return url;
    }, uuid);

    return hashUrl;

 * Utilizes the OpenMCT API to detect if the UI is in Edit mode.
 * @private
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @return {Promise<boolean>} true if the Open MCT is in Edit Mode
async function _isInEditMode(page, identifier) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await
    return await page.evaluate(() => window.openmct.editor.isEditing());

 * Set the time conductor mode to either fixed timespan or realtime mode.
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {boolean} [isFixedTimespan=true] true for fixed timespan mode, false for realtime mode; default is true
async function setTimeConductorMode(page, isFixedTimespan = true) {
    // Click 'mode' button
    await page.locator('.c-mode-button').click();

    // Switch time conductor mode
    if (isFixedTimespan) {
        await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-fixed').click();
    } else {
        await page.locator('data-testid=conductor-modeOption-realtime').click();

 * Set the time conductor to fixed timespan mode
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function setFixedTimeMode(page) {
    await setTimeConductorMode(page, true);

 * Set the time conductor to realtime mode
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function setRealTimeMode(page) {
    await setTimeConductorMode(page, false);

 * @typedef {Object} OffsetValues
 * @property {string | undefined} hours
 * @property {string | undefined} mins
 * @property {string | undefined} secs

 * Set the values (hours, mins, secs) for the TimeConductor offsets when in realtime mode
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {OffsetValues} offset
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Locator} offsetButton
async function setTimeConductorOffset(page, {hours, mins, secs}, offsetButton) {
    await offsetButton.click();

    if (hours) {
        await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__hrs', hours);

    if (mins) {
        await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__mins', mins);

    if (secs) {
        await page.fill('.pr-time-controls__secs', secs);

    // Click the check button
    await page.locator('.pr-time__buttons .icon-check').click();

 * Set the values (hours, mins, secs) for the start time offset when in realtime mode
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {OffsetValues} offset
async function setStartOffset(page, offset) {
    const startOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-start-offset-button');
    await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, startOffsetButton);

 * Set the values (hours, mins, secs) for the end time offset when in realtime mode
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {OffsetValues} offset
async function setEndOffset(page, offset) {
    const endOffsetButton = page.locator('data-testid=conductor-end-offset-button');
    await setTimeConductorOffset(page, offset, endOffsetButton);

 * Selects an inspector tab based on the provided tab name
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {String} name the name of the tab
async function selectInspectorTab(page, name) {
    const inspectorTabs = page.getByRole('tablist');
    const inspectorTab = inspectorTabs.getByTitle(name);
    const inspectorTabClass = await inspectorTab.getAttribute('class');
    const isSelectedInspectorTab = inspectorTabClass.includes('is-current');

    // do not click a tab that is already selected or it will timeout your test
    // do to a { pointer-events: none; } on selected tabs
    if (!isSelectedInspectorTab) {
        await inspectorTab.click();

* Waits and asserts that all plot series data on the page
* is loaded and drawn.
* In lieu of a better way to detect when a plot is done rendering,
* we [attach a class to the '.gl-plot' element](https://github.com/nasa/openmct/blob/5924d7ea95a0c2d4141c602a3c7d0665cb91095f/src/plugins/plot/MctPlot.vue#L27)
* once all pending series data has been loaded. The following appAction retrieves
* all plots on the page and waits up to the default timeout for the class to be
* attached to each plot.
* @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
async function waitForPlotsToRender(page) {
    const plotLocator = page.locator('.gl-plot');
    for (const plot of await plotLocator.all()) {
        await expect(plot).toHaveClass(/js-series-data-loaded/);

 * @typedef {Object} PlotPixel
 * @property {number} r The value of the red channel (0-255)
 * @property {number} g The value of the green channel (0-255)
 * @property {number} b The value of the blue channel (0-255)
 * @property {number} a The value of the alpha channel (0-255)
 * @property {string} strValue The rgba string value of the pixel

 * Wait for all plots to render and then retrieve and return an array
 * of canvas plot pixel data (RGBA values).
 * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page
 * @param {string} canvasSelector The selector for the canvas element
 * @return {Promise<PlotPixel[]>}
async function getCanvasPixels(page, canvasSelector) {
    const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise(resolve => page.exposeFunction('getCanvasValue', resolve));
    const canvasHandle = await page.evaluateHandle((canvas) => document.querySelector(canvas), canvasSelector);
    const canvasContextHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(canvas => canvas.getContext('2d'), canvasHandle);

    await waitForPlotsToRender(page);
    await page.evaluate(([canvas, ctx]) => {
        // The document canvas is where the plot points and lines are drawn.
        // The only way to access the canvas is using document (using page.evaluate)
        /** @type {ImageData} */
        const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height).data;
        /** @type {number[]} */
        const imageDataValues = Object.values(data);
        /** @type {PlotPixel[]} */
        const plotPixels = [];
        // Each pixel consists of four values within the ImageData.data array. The for loop iterates by multiples of four.
        // The values associated with each pixel are R (red), G (green), B (blue), and A (alpha), in that order.
        for (let i = 0; i < imageDataValues.length;) {
            if (imageDataValues[i] > 0) {
                    r: imageDataValues[i],
                    g: imageDataValues[i + 1],
                    b: imageDataValues[i + 2],
                    a: imageDataValues[i + 3],
                    strValue: `rgb(${imageDataValues[i]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 1]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 2]}, ${imageDataValues[i + 3]})`

            i = i + 4;

    }, [canvasHandle, canvasContextHandle]);

    return getTelemValuePromise;

// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
module.exports = {