/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ /* This test suite is dedicated to performance tests to ensure that testability of performance is not broken upstream on Open MCT. Any assumptions made downstream will be tested here TODO: - Update resolution of performance config - Add Performance Observer on init to push all performance marks - Move client CDP connection to before or to a fixture - */ import { expect, test } from '@playwright/test'; const filePath = 'e2e/test-data/PerformanceDisplayLayout.json'; test.describe('Performance tests', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page, browser }, testInfo) => { // Go to baseURL await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); // Click a:has-text("My Items") await page.locator('a:has-text("My Items")').click({ button: 'right' }); // Click text=Import from JSON await page.locator('text=Import from JSON').click(); // Upload Performance Display Layout.json await page.setInputFiles('#fileElem', filePath); // Click text=OK await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click(); await expect( page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout Display Layout")') ).toBeVisible(); //Create a Chrome Performance Timeline trace to store as a test artifact console.log('\n==== Devtools: startTracing ====\n'); await browser.startTracing(page, { path: `${testInfo.outputPath()}-trace.json`, screenshots: true }); }); test.afterEach(async ({ page, browser }) => { console.log('\n==== Devtools: stopTracing ====\n'); await browser.stopTracing(); /* Measurement Section / The following section includes a block of performance measurements. */ //Get time difference between viewlarge actionability and evaluate time await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.measure( 'machine-time-difference', 'viewlarge.start', 'viewLarge.start.test' ) ); //Get StartTime const startTime = await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.timing.navigationStart); console.log('window.performance.timing.navigationStart', startTime); //Get All Performance Marks const getAllMarksJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType('mark')) ); const getAllMarks = JSON.parse(getAllMarksJson); console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("mark")', getAllMarks); //Get All Performance Measures const getAllMeasuresJson = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType('measure')) ); const getAllMeasures = JSON.parse(getAllMeasuresJson); console.log('window.performance.getEntriesByType("measure")', getAllMeasures); }); /* The following test will navigate to a previously created Performance Display Layout and measure the / following metrics: / - ElementResourceTiming / - Interaction Timing */ test('Embedded View Large for Imagery is performant in Fixed Time', async ({ page, browser }) => { const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page); // Tell the DevTools session to record performance metrics // https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Performance/#method-getMetrics await client.send('Performance.enable'); // Go to baseURL await page.goto('./'); // Search Available after Launch await page.locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]').click(); await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-available')); // Fill Search input await page .locator('[aria-label="OpenMCT Search"] input[type="search"]') .fill('Performance Display Layout'); await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('search-entered')); //Search Result Appears and is clicked await Promise.all([ page.waitForNavigation(), page.locator('a:has-text("Performance Display Layout")').first().click(), page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('click-search-result')) ]); //Time to Example Imagery Frame loads within Display Layout await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__bg').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); //Time to Example Imagery object loads await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); //Get background-image url from background-image css prop const backgroundImage = page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image'); let backgroundImageUrl = await backgroundImage.evaluate((el) => { return window .getComputedStyle(el) .getPropertyValue('background-image') .match(/url\(([^)]+)\)/)[1]; }); backgroundImageUrl = backgroundImageUrl.slice(1, -1); //forgive me, padre console.log('backgroundImageurl ' + backgroundImageUrl); //Get ResourceTiming of background-image jpg const resourceTimingJson = await page.evaluate( (bgImageUrl) => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByName(bgImageUrl).pop()), backgroundImageUrl ); console.log('resourceTimingJson ' + resourceTimingJson); //Open Large view await page.locator('button:has-text("Large View")').click(); //This action includes the performance.mark named 'viewLarge.start' await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('viewLarge.start.test')); //This is a mark only to compare evaluate timing //Time to Imagery Rendered in Large Frame await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__bg').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('background-image-frame')); //Time to Example Imagery object loads await page.locator('.c-imagery__main-image__background-image').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('background-image-visible')); // Get Current number of images in thumbstrip await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); const thumbCount = await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').count(); console.log('number of thumbs rendered ' + thumbCount); await page.locator('.c-imagery__thumb').last().click(); //Get ResourceTiming of all jpg resources const resourceTimingJson2 = await page.evaluate(() => JSON.stringify(window.performance.getEntriesByType('resource')) ); const resourceTiming = JSON.parse(resourceTimingJson2); const jpgResourceTiming = resourceTiming.find((element) => element.name.includes('.jpg')); console.log('jpgResourceTiming ' + JSON.stringify(jpgResourceTiming)); // Click Close Icon await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Close' }).click(); await page.evaluate(() => window.performance.mark('view-large-close-button')); //await client.send('HeapProfiler.enable'); await client.send('HeapProfiler.collectGarbage'); let performanceMetrics = await client.send('Performance.getMetrics'); console.log(performanceMetrics.metrics); }); });