/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, navigateToObjectWithFixedTimeBounds, setFixedTimeMode, setIndependentTimeConductorBounds, setRealTimeMode, setStartOffset } from '../../../../appActions.js'; import { expect, test } from '../../../../pluginFixtures.js'; const CHILD_LAYOUT_STORAGE_STATE_PATH = fileURLToPath( new URL('../../../../test-data/display_layout_with_child_layouts.json', import.meta.url) ); const CHILD_PLOT_STORAGE_STATE_PATH = fileURLToPath( new URL('../../../../test-data/display_layout_with_child_overlay_plot.json', import.meta.url) ); const TINY_IMAGE_BASE64 = ''; test.describe('Display Layout Sub-object Actions @localStorage', () => { const INIT_ITC_START_BOUNDS = '2024-11-12 19:11:11.000Z'; const INIT_ITC_END_BOUNDS = '2024-11-12 20:11:11.000Z'; const NEW_GLOBAL_START_BOUNDS = '2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z'; const NEW_GLOBAL_END_BOUNDS = '2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z'; test.use({ storageState: CHILD_PLOT_STORAGE_STATE_PATH }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); await page.getByLabel('Expand My Items folder').click(); const waitForMyItemsNavigation = page.waitForURL(`**/mine/?*`); await page .getByLabel('Main Tree') .getByLabel('Navigate to Parent Display Layout layout Object') .click(); // Wait for the URL to change to the display layout await waitForMyItemsNavigation; }); test('Open in New Tab action preserves time bounds @2p', async ({ page }) => { test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/7524' }); test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/6982' }); const TEST_FIXED_START_TIME = 1731352271000; // 2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z const TEST_FIXED_END_TIME = TEST_FIXED_START_TIME + 3600000; // 2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z // Verify the ITC has the expected initial bounds expect( await page .getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls') .getByLabel('Start bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_START_BOUNDS); expect( await page .getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls') .getByLabel('End bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_END_BOUNDS); // Update the global fixed bounds to 2024-11-11 19:11:11.000Z / 2024-11-11 20:11:11.000Z const url = page.url().split('?')[0]; await navigateToObjectWithFixedTimeBounds( page, url, TEST_FIXED_START_TIME, TEST_FIXED_END_TIME ); // ITC bounds should still match the initial ITC bounds expect( await page .getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls') .getByLabel('Start bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_START_BOUNDS); expect( await page .getByLabel('Child Overlay Plot 1 Frame Controls') .getByLabel('End bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_END_BOUNDS); // Open the Child Overlay Plot 1 in a new tab await page.getByLabel('View menu items').click(); const pagePromise = page.context().waitForEvent('page'); await page.getByLabel('Open In New Tab').click(); const newPage = await pagePromise; await newPage.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); // Verify that the global time conductor bounds in the new page match the updated global bounds expect( await newPage.getByLabel('Global Time Conductor').getByLabel('Start bounds').textContent() ).toEqual(NEW_GLOBAL_START_BOUNDS); expect( await newPage.getByLabel('Global Time Conductor').getByLabel('End bounds').textContent() ).toEqual(NEW_GLOBAL_END_BOUNDS); // Verify that the ITC is enabled in the new page await expect(newPage.getByLabel('Disable Independent Time Conductor')).toBeVisible(); // Verify that the ITC bounds in the new page match the original ITC bounds expect( await newPage .getByLabel('Independent Time Conductor Panel') .getByLabel('Start bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_START_BOUNDS); expect( await newPage .getByLabel('Independent Time Conductor Panel') .getByLabel('End bounds') .textContent() ).toEqual(INIT_ITC_END_BOUNDS); }); }); test.describe('Display Layout Toolbar Actions @localStorage', () => { const PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME = 'Parent Display Layout'; const CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1 = 'Child Layout 1'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); await setRealTimeMode(page); await page .locator('a') .filter({ hasText: 'Parent Display Layout Display Layout' }) .first() .click(); await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); }); test.use({ storageState: CHILD_LAYOUT_STORAGE_STATE_PATH }); test('can add/remove Text element to a single layout', async ({ page }) => { const layoutObject = 'Text'; await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME); }); await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1); }); }); test('can add/remove Image to a single layout', async ({ page }) => { const layoutObject = 'Image'; await test.step("Add and remove image element from the parent's layout", async () => { expect(await page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`).count()).toBe(0); await addLayoutObject(page, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME, layoutObject); expect(await page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`).count()).toBe(1); await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject); expect(await page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`).count()).toBe(0); }); await test.step("Add and remove image from the child's layout", async () => { await addLayoutObject(page, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1, layoutObject); expect(await page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`).count()).toBe(1); await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject); expect(await page.getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`).count()).toBe(0); }); }); test(`can add/remove Box to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => { const layoutObject = 'Box'; await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME); }); await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1); }); }); test(`can add/remove Line to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => { const layoutObject = 'Line'; await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME); }); await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1); }); }); test(`can add/remove Ellipse to a single layout`, async ({ page }) => { const layoutObject = 'Ellipse'; await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the parent's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, PARENT_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME); }); await test.step(`Add and remove ${layoutObject} from the child's layout`, async () => { await addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, CHILD_DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME1); }); }); test.fixme('Can switch view types of a single SWG in a layout', async ({ page }) => {}); test.fixme('Can merge multiple plots in a layout', async ({ page }) => {}); test.fixme('Can adjust stack order of a single object in a layout', async ({ page }) => {}); test.fixme('Can duplicate a single object in a layout', async ({ page }) => {}); }); test.describe('Display Layout', () => { /** @type {import('../../../../appActions').CreatedObjectInfo} */ let sineWaveObject; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); await setRealTimeMode(page); // Create Sine Wave Generator sineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Sine Wave Generator' }); }); test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in real time', async ({ page }) => { // Create a Display Layout await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout', name: 'Test Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name) }); const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); // Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data // On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value // from the Sine Wave Generator const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid); const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise; const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector( `text="${formattedTelemetryValue}"` ); const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent(); const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim(); expect(trimmedDisplayValue).toBe(formattedTelemetryValue); // ensure we can right click on the alpha-numeric widget and view historical data await page.getByLabel('Sine', { exact: true }).click({ button: 'right' }); await page.getByLabel('View Historical Data').click(); await expect(page.getByLabel('Plot Container Style Target')).toBeVisible(); }); test('alpha-numeric widget telemetry value exactly matches latest telemetry value received in fixed time', async ({ page }) => { // Create a Display Layout await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout', name: 'Test Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name) }); const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); // Subscribe to the Sine Wave Generator data const getTelemValuePromise = await subscribeToTelemetry(page, sineWaveObject.uuid); // Set an offset of 1 minute and then change the time mode to fixed to set a 1 minute historical window await setStartOffset(page, { mins: '1' }); await setFixedTimeMode(page); // On getting data, check if the value found in the Display Layout is the most recent value // from the Sine Wave Generator const formattedTelemetryValue = getTelemValuePromise; const displayLayoutValuePromise = await page.waitForSelector( `text="${formattedTelemetryValue}"` ); const displayLayoutValue = await displayLayoutValuePromise.textContent(); const trimmedDisplayValue = displayLayoutValue.trim(); expect(trimmedDisplayValue).toBe(formattedTelemetryValue); }); test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing the display layout', async ({ page }) => { // Create a Display Layout await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout', name: 'Test Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name) }); const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1); // Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Bring up context menu and remove await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.nth(1).click({ button: 'right' }); await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click(); await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click(); // delete expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0); }); test('items in a display layout can be removed with object tree context menu when viewing another item', async ({ page }) => { test.info().annotations.push({ type: 'issue', description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/3117' }); // Create a Display Layout const displayLayout = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name) }); const layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); expect.soft(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(1); // Expand the Display Layout so we can remove the sine wave generator await page.locator('.c-tree__item.is-navigated-object .c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Go to the original Sine Wave Generator to navigate away from the Display Layout await page.goto(sineWaveObject.url); // Bring up context menu and remove await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.first().click({ button: 'right' }); await page.locator('li[role="menuitem"]:has-text("Remove")').click(); await page.locator('button:has-text("OK")').click(); // navigate back to the display layout to confirm it has been removed await page.goto(displayLayout.url); expect(await page.locator('.l-layout .l-layout__frame').count()).toEqual(0); }); test('independent time works with display layouts and its children', async ({ page }) => { await setFixedTimeMode(page); // Create Example Imagery const exampleImageryObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Example Imagery' }); // Create a Display Layout await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const exampleImageryTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(exampleImageryObject.name) }); let layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); await exampleImageryTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder); //adjust so that we can see the independent time conductor toggle // Adjust object height await page.locator('div[title="Resize object height"] > input').click(); await page.locator('div[title="Resize object height"] > input').fill('70'); // Adjust object width await page.locator('div[title="Resize object width"] > input').click(); await page.locator('div[title="Resize object width"] > input').fill('70'); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); const startDate = '2021-12-30 01:01:00.000Z'; const endDate = '2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z'; await setIndependentTimeConductorBounds(page, { start: startDate, end: endDate }); // check image date await expect(page.getByText('2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z').first()).toBeVisible(); // flip it off await page.getByRole('switch').click(); // timestamp shouldn't be in the past anymore await expect(page.getByText('2021-12-30 01:11:00.000Z')).toBeHidden(); }); test('When multiple plots are contained in a layout, we only ask for annotations once @couchdb', async ({ page }) => { await setFixedTimeMode(page); // Create another Sine Wave Generator const anotherSineWaveObject = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Sine Wave Generator', customParameters: { '[aria-label="Data Rate (hz)"]': '0.01' } }); // Create a Display Layout await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Display Layout', name: 'Test Display Layout' }); // Edit Display Layout await page.getByLabel('Edit Object').click(); // Expand the 'My Items' folder in the left tree await page.locator('.c-tree__item__view-control.c-disclosure-triangle').click(); // Add the Sine Wave Generator to the Display Layout and save changes const treePane = page.getByRole('tree', { name: 'Main Tree' }); const sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(sineWaveObject.name) }); let layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option await sineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder, { force: true }); await page.getByText('View type').click(); await page.getByText('Overlay Plot').click(); const anotherSineWaveGeneratorTreeItem = treePane.getByRole('treeitem', { name: new RegExp(anotherSineWaveObject.name) }); layoutGridHolder = page.locator('.l-layout__grid-holder'); // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option await anotherSineWaveGeneratorTreeItem.dragTo(layoutGridHolder, { force: true }); await page.getByText('View type').click(); await page.getByText('Overlay Plot').click(); await page.locator('button[title="Save"]').click(); await page.getByRole('listitem', { name: 'Save and Finish Editing' }).click(); // Time to inspect some network traffic let networkRequests = []; page.on('request', (request) => { const searchRequest = request.url().endsWith('_find') || request.url().includes('by_keystring'); const fetchRequest = request.resourceType() === 'fetch'; if (searchRequest && fetchRequest) { networkRequests.push(request); } }); await page.reload(); // wait for annotations requests to be batched and requested await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); // Network requests for the composite telemetry with multiple items should be: // 1. a single batched request for annotations expect(networkRequests.length).toBe(1); await setRealTimeMode(page); networkRequests = []; await page.reload(); // wait for annotations to not load (if we have any, we've got a problem) await page.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); // In real time mode, we don't fetch annotations at all expect(networkRequests.length).toBe(0); }); }); async function addAndRemoveDrawingObjectAndAssert(page, layoutObject, DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME) { expect(await page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true }).count()).toBe(0); await addLayoutObject(page, DISPLAY_LAYOUT_NAME, layoutObject); expect( await page .getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true }) .count() ).toBe(1); await removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject); expect(await page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true }).count()).toBe(0); } /** * Remove the first matching layout object from the layout * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {'Box' | 'Ellipse' | 'Line' | 'Text' | 'Image'} layoutObject */ async function removeLayoutObject(page, layoutObject) { await page .getByLabel(`Move ${layoutObject} Frame`, { exact: true }) .or(page.getByLabel(layoutObject, { exact: true })) .first() // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option .click({ force: true }); await page.getByTitle('Delete the selected object').click(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'OK', exact: true }).click(); } /** * Add a layout object to the specified layout * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {string} layoutName * @param {'Box' | 'Ellipse' | 'Line' | 'Text' | 'Image'} layoutObject */ async function addLayoutObject(page, layoutName, layoutObject) { await page.getByLabel(`${layoutName} Layout`, { exact: true }).click(); await page.getByText('Add Drawing Object').click(); await page .getByRole('menuitem', { name: layoutObject }) .click(); if (layoutObject === 'Text') { await page.getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Text' }).fill('Hello, Universe!'); await page.getByText('OK').click(); } else if (layoutObject === 'Image') { await page.getByLabel('Image URL').fill(TINY_IMAGE_BASE64); await page.getByText('OK').click(); } } /** * Util for subscribing to a telemetry object by object identifier * Limitations: Currently only works to return telemetry once to the node scope * To Do: See if there's a way to await this multiple times to allow for multiple * values to be returned over time * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {string} objectIdentifier identifier for object * @returns {Promise} the formatted sin telemetry value */ async function subscribeToTelemetry(page, objectIdentifier) { const getTelemValuePromise = new Promise((resolve) => page.exposeFunction('getTelemValue', resolve) ); await page.evaluate(async (telemetryIdentifier) => { const telemetryObject = await window.openmct.objects.get(telemetryIdentifier); const metadata = window.openmct.telemetry.getMetadata(telemetryObject); const formats = await window.openmct.telemetry.getFormatMap(metadata); window.openmct.telemetry.subscribe(telemetryObject, (obj) => { const sinVal = obj.sin; const formattedSinVal = formats.sin.format(sinVal); window.getTelemValue(formattedSinVal); }); }, objectIdentifier); return getTelemValuePromise; }