/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2009-2015, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT Web is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ define( ['../../src/controllers/TimelineController'], function (TimelineController) { var DOMAIN_OBJECT_METHODS = [ 'getModel', 'getId', 'useCapability', 'hasCapability', 'getCapability' ]; describe("The timeline controller", function () { var mockScope, mockQ, mockLoader, mockDomainObject, mockSpan, testModels, testConfiguration, controller; function asPromise(v) { return (v || {}).then ? v : { then: function (callback) { return asPromise(callback(v)); }, testValue: v }; } function allPromises(promises) { return asPromise(promises.map(function (p) { return (p || {}).then ? p.testValue : p; })); } function subgraph(domainObject, objects) { function lookupSubgraph(id) { return subgraph(objects[id], objects); } return { domainObject: domainObject, composition: (domainObject.getModel().composition || []) .map(lookupSubgraph) }; } beforeEach(function () { var mockA, mockB, mockUtilization, mockPromise, mockGraph, testCapabilities; function getCapability(c) { return testCapabilities[c]; } function useCapability(c) { return c === 'timespan' ? asPromise(mockSpan) : c === 'graph' ? asPromise({ abc: mockGraph, xyz: mockGraph }) : undefined; } testModels = { a: { modified: 40, composition: ['b'] }, b: { modified: 2 } }; testConfiguration = {}; mockQ = jasmine.createSpyObj('$q', ['when', 'all']); mockA = jasmine.createSpyObj('a', DOMAIN_OBJECT_METHODS); mockB = jasmine.createSpyObj('b', DOMAIN_OBJECT_METHODS); mockSpan = jasmine.createSpyObj('span', ['getStart', 'getEnd']); mockUtilization = jasmine.createSpyObj('utilization', ['resources', 'utilization']); mockGraph = jasmine.createSpyObj('graph', ['getPointCount']); mockPromise = jasmine.createSpyObj('promise', ['then']); mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj( "$scope", ['$watch', '$on'] ); mockLoader = jasmine.createSpyObj('objectLoader', ['load']); mockDomainObject = mockA; mockScope.domainObject = mockDomainObject; mockScope.configuration = testConfiguration; mockQ.when.andCallFake(asPromise); mockQ.all.andCallFake(allPromises); mockA.getId.andReturn('a'); mockA.getModel.andReturn(testModels.a); mockB.getId.andReturn('b'); mockB.getModel.andReturn(testModels.b); mockA.useCapability.andCallFake(useCapability); mockB.useCapability.andCallFake(useCapability); mockA.hasCapability.andReturn(true); mockB.hasCapability.andReturn(true); mockA.getCapability.andCallFake(getCapability); mockB.getCapability.andCallFake(getCapability); mockSpan.getStart.andReturn(42); mockSpan.getEnd.andReturn(12321); mockUtilization.resources.andReturn(['abc', 'xyz']); mockUtilization.utilization.andReturn(mockPromise); mockLoader.load.andCallFake(function () { return asPromise(subgraph(mockA, { a: mockA, b: mockB })); }); testCapabilities = { "utilization": mockUtilization }; controller = new TimelineController(mockScope, mockQ, mockLoader, 0); }); it("exposes scroll state tracker in scope", function () { expect(mockScope.scroll.x).toEqual(0); expect(mockScope.scroll.y).toEqual(0); }); it("repopulates when modifications are made", function () { var fnWatchCall, strWatchCall; // Find the $watch that was given a function mockScope.$watch.calls.forEach(function (call) { if (typeof call.args[0] === 'function') { // white-box: we know the first call is // the one we're looking for fnWatchCall = fnWatchCall || call; } else if (typeof call.args[0] === 'string') { strWatchCall = strWatchCall || call; } }); // Make sure string watch was for domainObject expect(strWatchCall.args[0]).toEqual('domainObject'); // Initially populate strWatchCall.args[1](mockDomainObject); // There should be to swimlanes expect(controller.swimlanes().length).toEqual(2); // Watch should be for sum of modified flags... expect(fnWatchCall.args[0]()).toEqual(42); // Remove the child, then fire the watch testModels.a.composition = []; fnWatchCall.args[1](); // Swimlanes should have updated expect(controller.swimlanes().length).toEqual(1); }); it("repopulates graphs when graph choices change", function () { var tmp; // Note that this test is brittle; it relies upon the // order of $watch calls in TimelineController. // Initially populate mockScope.$watch.calls[0].args[1](mockDomainObject); // Verify precondition - no graphs expect(controller.graphs().length).toEqual(0); // Execute the watch function for graph state tmp = mockScope.$watch.calls[2].args[0](); // Change graph state testConfiguration.graph = { a: true, b: true }; // Verify that this would have triggered a watch expect(mockScope.$watch.calls[2].args[0]()) .not.toEqual(tmp); // Run the function the watch would have triggered mockScope.$watch.calls[2].args[1](); // Should have some graphs now expect(controller.graphs().length).toEqual(2); }); it("reports full scrollable width using zoom controller", function () { var mockZoom = jasmine.createSpyObj('zoom', ['toPixels', 'duration']); mockZoom.toPixels.andReturn(54321); mockZoom.duration.andReturn(12345); // Initially populate mockScope.$watch.calls[0].args[1](mockDomainObject); expect(controller.width(mockZoom)).toEqual(54321); // Verify interactions; we took zoom's duration for our start/end, // and converted it to pixels. // First, check that we used the start/end (from above) expect(mockZoom.duration).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12321 - 42); // Next, verify that the result was passed to toPixels expect(mockZoom.toPixels).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12345); }); it("provides drag handles", function () { // TimelineDragPopulator et al are tested for these, // so just verify that handles are indeed exposed. expect(controller.handles()).toEqual(jasmine.any(Array)); }); it("refreshes graphs on request", function () { var mockGraph = jasmine.createSpyObj('graph', ['refresh']); // Sneak a mock graph into the graph populator... // This is whiteboxy and will have to change if // GraphPopulator changes controller.graphs().push(mockGraph); // Refresh controller.refresh(); // Should have refreshed the graph expect(mockGraph.refresh).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); } );