/*global define*/ define( ["./SubPlot"], function (SubPlot) { "use strict"; /** * Utility factory; wraps the SubPlot constructor and adds * in a reference to the telemetryFormatter, which will be * used to represent telemetry values (timestamps or data * values) as human-readable strings. * @constructor */ function SubPlotFactory(telemetryFormatter) { return { /** * Instantiate a new sub-plot. * @param {DomainObject[]} telemetryObjects the domain objects * which will be plotted in this sub-plot * @param {PlotPanZoomStack} panZoomStack the stack of pan-zoom * states which is applicable to this sub-plot * @returns {SubPlot} the instantiated sub-plot * @method * @memberof SubPlotFactory */ createSubPlot: function (telemetryObjects, panZoomStack) { return new SubPlot( telemetryObjects, panZoomStack, telemetryFormatter ); } }; } return SubPlotFactory; } );