/*global define,Float32Array*/ define( ['./PlotSeriesWindow'], function (PlotSeriesWindow) { "use strict"; function PlotLine(buffer) { // Insert a time-windowed data series into the buffer function insertSeriesWindow(seriesWindow) { var count = seriesWindow.getPointCount(); function doInsert() { var firstTimestamp = buffer.getDomainValue(0), lastTimestamp = buffer.getDomainValue(count - 1), startIndex = buffer.findInsertionIndex(firstTimestamp), endIndex = buffer.findInsertionIndex(lastTimestamp); // Does the whole series fit in between two adjacent indexes? if ((startIndex === endIndex) && startIndex > -1) { // Insert it in between buffer.insert(seriesWindow, startIndex); } else { // Split it up, and add the two halves seriesWindow.split().forEach(insertSeriesWindow); } } // Only insert if there are points to insert if (count > 0) { doInsert(); } } function createWindow(series, domain, range) { return new PlotSeriesWindow( series, domain, range, 0, series.getPointCount() ); } return { getLineBuffer: function () { return buffer; }, addPoint: function (domainValue, rangeValue) { var index = buffer.findInsertionIndex(domainValue); if (index > -1) { // Insert the point if (!buffer.insertPoint(domainValue, rangeValue, index)) { // If insertion failed, trim from the beginning... buffer.trim(1); // ...and try again. buffer.insertPoint(domainValue, rangeValue, index); } } }, addSeries: function (series, domain, range) { // Should try to add via insertion if a // clear insertion point is available; // if not, should split and add each half. // Insertion operation also needs to factor out // redundant timestamps, for overlapping data insertSeriesWindow(createWindow(series, domain, range)); } }; } return PlotLine; } );