/*global define,Promise,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine*/ /** * MergeModelsSpec. Created by vwoeltje on 11/6/14. */ define( ["../../src/modes/PlotStackMode"], function (PlotStackMode) { "use strict"; describe("Stacked plot mode", function () { var mockDomainObject, mockSubPlotFactory, mockSubPlot, mockPrepared, testBuffers, testDrawingObjects, mode; function mockElement(x, y, w, h) { return { getBoundingClientRect: function () { return { left: x, top: y, width: w, height: h }; } }; } function createMockSubPlot() { var mockSubPlot = jasmine.createSpyObj( "subPlot", [ "setDomainOffset", "hover", "startMarquee", "endMarquee", "getDrawingObject", "update" ] ), testDrawingObject = {}; // Track drawing objects in order of creation testDrawingObjects.push(testDrawingObject); mockSubPlot.getDrawingObject.andReturn(testDrawingObject); return mockSubPlot; } beforeEach(function () { mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "domainObject", [ "getId", "getModel", "getCapability" ] ); mockSubPlotFactory = jasmine.createSpyObj( "subPlotFactory", [ "createSubPlot" ] ); // Prepared telemetry data mockPrepared = jasmine.createSpyObj( "prepared", [ "getDomainOffset", "getOrigin", "getDimensions", "getBuffers" ] ); mockSubPlotFactory.createSubPlot.andCallFake(createMockSubPlot); // Act as if we have three buffers full of data testBuffers = [["a"], ["b"], ["c"]]; mockPrepared.getBuffers.andReturn(testBuffers); mockPrepared.getDomainOffset.andReturn(1234); mockPrepared.getOrigin.andReturn([10, 10]); mockPrepared.getDimensions.andReturn([500, 500]); // Objects that will be drawn to in sub-plots testDrawingObjects = []; mode = new PlotStackMode([ mockDomainObject, mockDomainObject, mockDomainObject ], mockSubPlotFactory); }); it("creates one sub-plot per domain object", function () { expect(mode.getSubPlots().length).toEqual(3); }); it("draws telemetry to subplots", function () { // Verify precondition mode.getSubPlots().forEach(function (subplot) { // Either empty list or undefined is fine; // just want to make sure there are no lines. expect(subplot.getDrawingObject().lines || []) .toEqual([]); }); mode.plotTelemetry(mockPrepared); // Should all each have one line testDrawingObjects.forEach(function (testDrawingObject, i) { // Either empty list or undefined is fine; // just want to make sure there are no lines. expect(testDrawingObject.lines.length) .toEqual(1); // Make sure the right buffer was drawn to the // right subplot. expect(testDrawingObject.lines[0].buffer) .toEqual(testBuffers[i]); }); }); it("tracks zoomed state of subplots", function () { // Should start out unzoomed expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeFalsy(); // Trigger some zoom changes mockSubPlotFactory.createSubPlot.calls.forEach(function (c) { // Second argument to the factory was pan-zoom stack c.args[1].pushPanZoom([1, 2], [3, 4]); }); // Should start out unzoomed expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeTruthy(); }); it("supports unzooming", function () { // Trigger some zoom changes mockSubPlotFactory.createSubPlot.calls.forEach(function (c) { // Second argument to the factory was pan-zoom stack c.args[1].pushPanZoom([1, 2], [3, 4]); }); // Verify that we are indeed zoomed now expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeTruthy(); // Unzoom mode.unzoom(); // Should no longer be zoomed expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeFalsy(); }); it("supports stepping back through zoom states", function () { // Trigger some zoom changes mockSubPlotFactory.createSubPlot.calls.forEach(function (c) { // Second argument to the factory was pan-zoom stack c.args[1].pushPanZoom([1, 2], [3, 4]); }); // Step back the same number of zoom changes mockSubPlotFactory.createSubPlot.calls.forEach(function (c) { // Should still be zoomed at start of each iteration expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeTruthy(); // Step back mode.stepBackPanZoom(); }); // Should no longer be zoomed expect(mode.isZoomed()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); } );