version: 2.1 executors: pw-focal-development: docker: - image: environment: NODE_ENV: development # Needed to ensure 'dist' folder created and devDependencies installed PERCY_POSTINSTALL_BROWSER: 'true' # Needed to store the percy browser in cache deps PERCY_LOGLEVEL: 'debug' # Enable DEBUG level logging for Percy (Issue: ubuntu: machine: image: ubuntu-2204:current docker_layer_caching: true parameters: BUST_CACHE: description: 'Set this with the CircleCI UI Trigger Workflow button (boolean = true) to bust the cache!' default: false type: boolean commands: build_and_install: description: 'All steps used to build and install. Will use cache if found' parameters: node-version: type: string steps: - checkout - restore_cache_cmd: node-version: << parameters.node-version >> - node/install: node-version: << parameters.node-version >> - run: npm install --no-audit --progress=false restore_cache_cmd: description: 'Custom command for restoring cache with the ability to bust cache. When BUST_CACHE is set to true, jobs will not restore cache' parameters: node-version: type: string steps: - when: condition: equal: [false, << pipeline.parameters.BUST_CACHE >>] steps: - restore_cache: key: deps--{{ arch }}--{{ .Branch }}--<< parameters.node-version >>--{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }} save_cache_cmd: description: 'Custom command for saving cache.' parameters: node-version: type: string steps: - save_cache: key: deps--{{ arch }}--{{ .Branch }}--<< parameters.node-version >>--{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }} paths: - ~/.npm - node_modules generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts: description: 'Track important packages and files' steps: - run: | [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && (sudo mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts && sudo chmod 777 /tmp/artifacts) || (mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts && chmod 777 /tmp/artifacts) printenv NODE_ENV >> /tmp/artifacts/NODE_ENV.txt || true npm -v >> /tmp/artifacts/npm-version.txt node -v >> /tmp/artifacts/node-version.txt ls -latR >> /tmp/artifacts/dir.txt - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/artifacts/ generate_e2e_code_cov_report: description: 'Generate e2e code coverage artifacts and publish to Needed to that we can ignore the exit code status of the npm run test' parameters: suite: type: string steps: - run: npm run cov:e2e:report || true - run: npm run cov:e2e:<>:publish orbs: node: circleci/node@5.1.0 browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.3.0 jobs: npm-audit: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: pw-focal-development steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - run: npm audit --audit-level=low - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts lint: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: pw-focal-development steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - run: npm run lint - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts unit-test: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: pw-focal-development steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - browser-tools/install-chrome: replace-existing: false - run: npm run test - run: npm run cov:unit:publish - save_cache_cmd: node-version: <> - store_test_results: path: dist/reports/tests/ - store_artifacts: path: coverage - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure steps: - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts e2e-test: parameters: node-version: type: string suite: #stable or full type: string executor: pw-focal-development parallelism: 4 steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - when: #Only install chrome-beta when running the 'full' suite to save $$$ condition: equal: ['full', <>] steps: - run: npx playwright install chrome-beta - run: SHARD="$((${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}+1))"; npm run test:e2e:<> -- --shard=${SHARD}/${CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL} - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure steps: - generate_e2e_code_cov_report: suite: <> - store_test_results: path: test-results/results.xml - store_artifacts: path: test-results - store_artifacts: path: coverage - store_artifacts: path: html-test-results - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure steps: - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts e2e-couchdb: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: ubuntu steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - run: npx playwright@1.32.3 install #Necessary for bare ubuntu machine - run: | export $(cat src/plugins/persistence/couch/ | xargs) docker-compose -f src/plugins/persistence/couch/couchdb-compose.yaml up --detach sleep 3 bash src/plugins/persistence/couch/ - run: sh src/plugins/persistence/couch/ #Replace LocalStorage Plugin with CouchDB - run: npm run test:e2e:couchdb - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure steps: - generate_e2e_code_cov_report: suite: full #add to full suite - store_test_results: path: test-results/results.xml - store_artifacts: path: test-results - store_artifacts: path: coverage - store_artifacts: path: html-test-results - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure steps: - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts perf-test: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: pw-focal-development steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - run: npm run test:perf - store_test_results: path: test-results/results.xml - store_artifacts: path: test-results - store_artifacts: path: html-test-results - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always run codecov reports regardless of test failure steps: - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts visual-test: parameters: node-version: type: string executor: pw-focal-development steps: - build_and_install: node-version: <> - run: npm run test:e2e:visual - store_test_results: path: test-results/results.xml - store_artifacts: path: test-results - store_artifacts: path: html-test-results - when: condition: equal: [42, 42] # Always generate version artifacts regardless of test failure steps: - generate_and_store_version_and_filesystem_artifacts workflows: overall-circleci-commit-status: #These jobs run on every commit jobs: # - lint: # name: node16-lint # node-version: lts/gallium - unit-test: name: node18-chrome node-version: lts/hydrogen - e2e-test: name: e2e-stable node-version: lts/hydrogen suite: stable - perf-test: node-version: lts/hydrogen - visual-test: node-version: lts/hydrogen the-nightly: #These jobs do not run on PRs, but against master at night jobs: - unit-test: name: node16-chrome-nightly node-version: lts/gallium - unit-test: name: node18-chrome node-version: lts/hydrogen - npm-audit: node-version: lts/hydrogen - e2e-test: name: e2e-full-nightly node-version: lts/hydrogen suite: full - perf-test: node-version: lts/hydrogen - visual-test: node-version: lts/hydrogen - e2e-couchdb: node-version: lts/hydrogen triggers: - schedule: cron: '0 0 * * *' filters: branches: only: - master