/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2018, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ define( [ "zepto", "moment", "../../src/controllers/MCTTableController" ], function ($, moment, MCTTableController) { var MOCK_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE = '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; describe('The MCTTable Controller', function () { var controller, mockScope, watches, mockWindow, mockElement, mockExportService, mockConductor, mockFormatService, mockFormat; function getCallback(target, event) { return target.calls.all().filter(function (call) { return call.args[0] === event; })[0].args[1]; } beforeEach(function () { watches = {}; mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj('scope', [ '$watch', '$on', '$watchCollection', '$digest' ]); mockScope.$watchCollection.and.callFake(function (event, callback) { watches[event] = callback; }); mockElement = $(MOCK_ELEMENT_TEMPLATE); mockExportService = jasmine.createSpyObj('exportService', [ 'exportCSV' ]); mockConductor = jasmine.createSpyObj('conductor', [ 'bounds', 'timeOfInterest', 'timeSystem', 'on', 'off' ]); mockScope.displayHeaders = true; mockWindow = jasmine.createSpyObj('$window', ['requestAnimationFrame']); mockWindow.requestAnimationFrame.and.callFake(function (f) { return f(); }); mockFormat = jasmine.createSpyObj('formatter', [ 'parse', 'format' ]); mockFormatService = jasmine.createSpyObj('formatService', [ 'getFormat' ]); mockFormatService.getFormat.and.returnValue(mockFormat); controller = new MCTTableController( mockScope, mockWindow, mockElement, mockExportService, mockFormatService, {time: mockConductor} ); spyOn(controller, 'setVisibleRows').and.callThrough(); }); it('Reacts to changes to filters, headers, and rows', function () { expect(mockScope.$watchCollection).toHaveBeenCalledWith('filters', jasmine.any(Function)); expect(mockScope.$watch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('headers', jasmine.any(Function)); expect(mockScope.$watch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('rows', jasmine.any(Function)); }); it('unregisters listeners on destruction', function () { expect(mockScope.$on).toHaveBeenCalledWith('$destroy', jasmine.any(Function)); getCallback(mockScope.$on, '$destroy')(); expect(mockConductor.off).toHaveBeenCalledWith('timeSystem', controller.changeTimeSystem); expect(mockConductor.off).toHaveBeenCalledWith('timeOfInterest', controller.changeTimeOfInterest); expect(mockConductor.off).toHaveBeenCalledWith('bounds', controller.changeBounds); }); describe('The time of interest', function () { var rowsAsc = []; var rowsDesc = []; beforeEach(function () { rowsAsc = [ { 'col1': {'text': 'row1 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-10-31 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row1 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row2 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-11-01 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row2 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-11-03 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-11-04 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} } ]; rowsDesc = [ { 'col1': {'text': 'row1 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-11-02 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row1 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row2 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-11-01 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row2 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-10-30 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '2012-10-29 00:00:00.000Z'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} } ]; mockScope.timeColumns = ['col2']; mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; controller.toiFormatter = mockFormat; }); it("is observed for changes", function () { //Mock setting time columns getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'timeColumns')(['col2']); expect(mockConductor.on).toHaveBeenCalledWith('timeOfInterest', jasmine.any(Function)); }); describe("causes corresponding row to be highlighted", function () { it("when changed and rows sorted ascending", function () { var testDate = "2012-11-02 00:00:00.000Z"; mockScope.rows = rowsAsc; mockScope.displayRows = rowsAsc; mockScope.sortDirection = 'asc'; var toi = moment.utc(testDate).valueOf(); mockFormat.parse.and.returnValue(toi); mockFormat.format.and.returnValue(testDate); //mock setting the timeColumns parameter getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'timeColumns')(['col2']); var toiCallback = getCallback(mockConductor.on, 'timeOfInterest'); toiCallback(toi); expect(mockScope.toiRowIndex).toBe(2); }); it("when changed and rows sorted descending", function () { var testDate = "2012-10-31 00:00:00.000Z"; mockScope.rows = rowsDesc; mockScope.displayRows = rowsDesc; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; var toi = moment.utc(testDate).valueOf(); mockFormat.parse.and.returnValue(toi); mockFormat.format.and.returnValue(testDate); //mock setting the timeColumns parameter getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'timeColumns')(['col2']); var toiCallback = getCallback(mockConductor.on, 'timeOfInterest'); toiCallback(toi); expect(mockScope.toiRowIndex).toBe(2); }); it("when rows are set and sorted ascending", function () { var testDate = "2012-11-02 00:00:00.000Z"; mockScope.sortDirection = 'asc'; var toi = moment.utc(testDate).valueOf(); mockFormat.parse.and.returnValue(toi); mockFormat.format.and.returnValue(testDate); mockConductor.timeOfInterest.and.returnValue(toi); //mock setting the timeColumns parameter getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'timeColumns')(['col2']); //Mock setting the rows on scope var rowsCallback = getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'rows'); var setRowsPromise = rowsCallback(rowsAsc); return setRowsPromise.then(function () { expect(mockScope.toiRowIndex).toBe(2); }); }); }); }); describe('rows', function () { var testRows = []; beforeEach(function () { testRows = [ { 'col1': {'text': 'row1 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': 'def'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row1 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row2 col1 match'}, 'col2': {'text': 'abc'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row2 col3'} }, { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ghi'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} } ]; mockScope.rows = testRows; }); it('Filters results based on filter input', function () { var filters = {}, filteredRows; mockScope.filters = filters; filteredRows = controller.filterRows(testRows); expect(filteredRows.length).toBe(3); filters.col1 = 'row1'; filteredRows = controller.filterRows(testRows); expect(filteredRows.length).toBe(1); filters.col1 = 'match'; filteredRows = controller.filterRows(testRows); expect(filteredRows.length).toBe(2); }); it('Sets rows on scope when rows change', function () { controller.setRows(testRows); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(3); expect(mockScope.displayRows).toEqual(testRows); }); it('Supports adding rows individually', function () { var addRowFunc = getCallback(mockScope.$on, 'add:rows'), row4 = { 'col1': {'text': 'row3 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ghi'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row3 col3'} }; controller.setRows(testRows); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(3); testRows.push(row4); addRowFunc(undefined, [row4]); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(4); }); it('Supports removing rows individually', function () { var removeRowFunc = getCallback(mockScope.$on, 'remove:rows'); controller.setRows(testRows); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(3); removeRowFunc(undefined, [testRows[2]]); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(2); expect(controller.setVisibleRows).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("can be exported as CSV", function () { controller.setRows(testRows); controller.setHeaders(Object.keys(testRows[0])); mockScope.exportAsCSV(); expect(mockExportService.exportCSV) .toHaveBeenCalled(); mockExportService.exportCSV.calls.mostRecent().args[0] .forEach(function (row, i) { Object.keys(row).forEach(function (k) { expect(row[k]).toEqual( mockScope.displayRows[i][k].text ); }); }); }); describe('sorting', function () { var sortedRows; beforeEach(function () { sortedRows = []; }); it('Sorts rows ascending', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col1'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'asc'; sortedRows = controller.sortRows(testRows); expect(sortedRows[0].col1.text).toEqual('row1 col1 match'); expect(sortedRows[1].col1.text).toEqual('row2 col1' + ' match'); expect(sortedRows[2].col1.text).toEqual('row3 col1'); }); it('Sorts rows descending', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col1'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; sortedRows = controller.sortRows(testRows); expect(sortedRows[0].col1.text).toEqual('row3 col1'); expect(sortedRows[1].col1.text).toEqual('row2 col1 match'); expect(sortedRows[2].col1.text).toEqual('row1 col1 match'); }); it('Sorts rows descending based on selected sort column', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; sortedRows = controller.sortRows(testRows); expect(sortedRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('ghi'); expect(sortedRows[1].col2.text).toEqual('def'); expect(sortedRows[2].col2.text).toEqual('abc'); }); it('Allows sort column to be changed externally by ' + 'setting or changing sortBy attribute', function () { mockScope.displayRows = testRows; var sortByCB = getCallback(mockScope.$watch, 'defaultSort'); sortByCB('col2'); expect(mockScope.sortDirection).toEqual('asc'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('abc'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[1].col2.text).toEqual('def'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[2].col2.text).toEqual('ghi'); }); // https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/910 it('updates visible rows in scope', function () { var oldRows; mockScope.rows = testRows; var setRowsPromise = controller.setRows(testRows); oldRows = mockScope.visibleRows; mockScope.toggleSort('col2'); return setRowsPromise.then(function () { expect(mockScope.visibleRows).not.toEqual(oldRows); }); }); it('correctly sorts rows of differing types', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; testRows.push({ 'col1': {'text': 'row4 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '123'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row4 col3'} }); testRows.push({ 'col1': {'text': 'row5 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': '456'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row5 col3'} }); testRows.push({ 'col1': {'text': 'row5 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': ''}, 'col3': {'text': 'row5 col3'} }); sortedRows = controller.sortRows(testRows); expect(sortedRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('ghi'); expect(sortedRows[1].col2.text).toEqual('def'); expect(sortedRows[2].col2.text).toEqual('abc'); expect(sortedRows[sortedRows.length - 3].col2.text).toEqual('456'); expect(sortedRows[sortedRows.length - 2].col2.text).toEqual('123'); expect(sortedRows[sortedRows.length - 1].col2.text).toEqual(''); }); describe('The sort comparator', function () { it('Correctly sorts different data types', function () { var val1 = "", val2 = "1", val3 = "2016-04-05 18:41:30.713Z", val4 = "1.1", val5 = "8.945520958175627e-13"; mockScope.sortDirection = "asc"; expect(controller.sortComparator(val1, val2)).toEqual(-1); expect(controller.sortComparator(val3, val1)).toEqual(1); expect(controller.sortComparator(val3, val2)).toEqual(1); expect(controller.sortComparator(val4, val2)).toEqual(1); expect(controller.sortComparator(val2, val5)).toEqual(1); }); }); describe('Adding new rows', function () { var row4, row5, row6; beforeEach(function () { row4 = { 'col1': {'text': 'row4 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'xyz'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row4 col3'} }; row5 = { 'col1': {'text': 'row5 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'aaa'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row5 col3'} }; row6 = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ggg'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6 col3'} }; }); it('Adds new rows at the correct sort position when' + ' sorted ', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; mockScope.displayRows = controller.sortRows(testRows.slice(0)); controller.addRows(undefined, [row4, row5, row6, row6]); expect(mockScope.displayRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('xyz'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[6].col2.text).toEqual('aaa'); //Added a duplicate row expect(mockScope.displayRows[2].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); }); it('Inserts duplicate values for sort column in order received when sorted descending', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; mockScope.displayRows = controller.sortRows(testRows.slice(0)); var row6b = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6b col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ggg'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6b col3'} }; var row6c = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6c col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ggg'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6c col3'} }; controller.addRows(undefined, [row4, row5]); controller.addRows(undefined, [row6, row6b, row6c]); expect(mockScope.displayRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('xyz'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[7].col2.text).toEqual('aaa'); // Added duplicate rows expect(mockScope.displayRows[2].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[4].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); // Check that original order is maintained with dupes expect(mockScope.displayRows[2].col3.text).toEqual('row6c col3'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col3.text).toEqual('row6b col3'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[4].col3.text).toEqual('row6 col3'); }); it('Inserts duplicate values for sort column in order received when sorted ascending', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'asc'; mockScope.displayRows = controller.sortRows(testRows.slice(0)); var row6b = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6b col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ggg'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6b col3'} }; var row6c = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6c col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'ggg'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6c col3'} }; controller.addRows(undefined, [row4, row5, row6]); controller.addRows(undefined, [row6b, row6c]); expect(mockScope.displayRows[0].col2.text).toEqual('aaa'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[7].col2.text).toEqual('xyz'); // Added duplicate rows expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[4].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[5].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); // Check that original order is maintained with dupes expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col3.text).toEqual('row6 col3'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[4].col3.text).toEqual('row6b col3'); expect(mockScope.displayRows[5].col3.text).toEqual('row6c col3'); }); it('Adds new rows at the correct sort position when' + ' sorted and filtered', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = 'col2'; mockScope.sortDirection = 'desc'; mockScope.filters = {'col2': 'a'};//Include only // rows with 'a' mockScope.displayRows = controller.sortRows(testRows.slice(0)); mockScope.displayRows = controller.filterRows(testRows); controller.addRows(undefined, [row5]); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(2); expect(mockScope.displayRows[1].col2.text).toEqual('aaa'); controller.addRows(undefined, [row6]); expect(mockScope.displayRows.length).toBe(2); //Row was not added because does not match filter }); it('Adds new rows at the correct sort position when' + ' not sorted ', function () { mockScope.sortColumn = undefined; mockScope.sortDirection = undefined; mockScope.filters = {}; mockScope.displayRows = testRows.slice(0); controller.addRows(undefined, [row5]); expect(mockScope.displayRows[3].col2.text).toEqual('aaa'); controller.addRows(undefined, [row6]); expect(mockScope.displayRows[4].col2.text).toEqual('ggg'); }); it('Resizes columns if length of any columns in new' + ' row exceeds corresponding existing column', function () { var row7 = { 'col1': {'text': 'row6 col1'}, 'col2': {'text': 'some longer string'}, 'col3': {'text': 'row6 col3'} }; mockScope.sortColumn = undefined; mockScope.sortDirection = undefined; mockScope.filters = {}; mockScope.displayRows = testRows.slice(0); controller.addRows(undefined, [row7]); expect(controller.$scope.sizingRow.col2).toEqual({text: 'some longer string'}); }); }); }); }); }); });