    "name": "Entanglement",
    "description": "Tools to assist you in entangling the world of WARP.",
    "configuration": {},
    "extensions": {
        "actions": [
                "key": "move",
                "name": "Move",
                "description": "Move object to another location.",
                "glyph": "f",
                "category": "contextual",
                "implementation": "actions/MoveAction.js",
                "depends": ["locationService", "moveService"]
                "key": "copy",
                "name": "Duplicate",
                "description": "Duplicate object to another location.",
                "glyph": "+",
                "category": "contextual",
                "implementation": "actions/CopyAction.js",
                "depends": ["locationService", "copyService"]
                "key": "link",
                "name": "Create Link",
                "description": "Create Link to object in another location.",
                "glyph": "\u00E8",
                "category": "contextual",
                "implementation": "actions/LinkAction.js",
                "depends": ["locationService", "linkService"]
        "components": [
                "type": "decorator",
                "provides": "creationService",
                "implementation": "services/LocatingCreationDecorator.js"
                "type": "decorator",
                "provides": "objectService",
                "implementation": "services/LocatingObjectDecorator.js",
                "depends": ["contextualize", "$q", "$log"]
        "controllers": [
        "capabilities": [
                "key": "location",
                "name": "Location Capability",
                "description": "Provides a capability for retrieving the location of an object based upon it's context.",
                "implementation": "capabilities/LocationCapability"
        "services": [
                "key": "moveService",
                "name": "Move Service",
                "description": "Provides a service for moving objects",
                "implementation": "services/MoveService.js",
                "depends": ["policyService", "linkService", "$q"]
                "key": "linkService",
                "name": "Link Service",
                "description": "Provides a service for linking objects",
                "implementation": "services/LinkService.js",
                "depends": ["policyService"]
                "key": "copyService",
                "name": "Copy Service",
                "description": "Provides a service for copying objects",
                "implementation": "services/CopyService.js",
                "depends": ["$q", "creationService", "policyService"]
                "key": "locationService",
                "name": "Location Service",
                "description": "Provides a service for prompting a user for locations.",
                "implementation": "services/LocationService.js",
                "depends": ["dialogService"]

        "licenses": [