/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2022, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ const path = require('path'); /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function navigateToFaultManagementWithExample(page) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProvider.js') }); await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample(page) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitExampleFaultProviderStatic.js') }); await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample(page) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef await page.addInitScript({ path: path.join(__dirname, './', 'addInitFaultManagementPlugin.js') }); await navigateToFaultItemInTree(page); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function navigateToFaultItemInTree(page) { await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }); // Click text=Fault Management await page.click('text=Fault Management'); // this verifies the plugin has been added } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function acknowledgeFault(page, rowNumber) { await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber); await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Acknowledge"').click(); // Click [aria-label="Save"] await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click(); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function shelveMultipleFaults(page, ...nums) { const selectRows = nums.map((num) => { return selectFaultItem(page, num); }); await Promise.all(selectRows); await page.locator('button:has-text("Shelve")').click(); await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click(); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function acknowledgeMultipleFaults(page, ...nums) { const selectRows = nums.map((num) => { return selectFaultItem(page, num); }); await Promise.all(selectRows); await page.locator('button:has-text("Acknowledge")').click(); await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click(); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function shelveFault(page, rowNumber) { await openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber); await page.locator('.c-menu >> text="Shelve"').click(); // Click [aria-label="Save"] await page.locator('[aria-label="Save"]').click(); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function changeViewTo(page, view) { await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__search-row select').first().selectOption(view); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function sortFaultsBy(page, sort) { await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt__list-header-sortButton select').selectOption(sort); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function enterSearchTerm(page, term) { await page.locator('.c-fault-mgmt-search [aria-label="Search Input"]').fill(term); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function clearSearch(page) { await enterSearchTerm(page, ''); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function selectFaultItem(page, rowNumber) { // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-force-option await page.check(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > input >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`, { force: true }); // this will not work without force true, saw this may be a pw bug } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getHighestSeverity(page) { const criticalCount = await page.locator('[title=CRITICAL]').count(); const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count(); if (criticalCount > 0) { return 'CRITICAL'; } else if (warningCount > 0) { return 'WARNING'; } return 'WATCH'; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getLowestSeverity(page) { const warningCount = await page.locator('[title=WARNING]').count(); const watchCount = await page.locator('[title=WATCH]').count(); if (watchCount > 0) { return 'WATCH'; } else if (warningCount > 0) { return 'WARNING'; } return 'CRITICAL'; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getFaultResultCount(page) { const count = await page.locator('.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list').count(); return count; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ function getFault(page, rowNumber) { const fault = page.locator(`.c-faults-list-view-item-body > .c-fault-mgmt__list >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`); return fault; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ function getFaultByName(page, name) { const fault = page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname:has-text("${name}")`); return fault; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getFaultName(page, rowNumber) { const faultName = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-faultname >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).textContent(); return faultName; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getFaultSeverity(page, rowNumber) { const faultSeverity = await page.locator(`.c-faults-list-view-item-body .c-fault-mgmt__list-severity >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).getAttribute('title'); return faultSeverity; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getFaultNamespace(page, rowNumber) { const faultNamespace = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-path >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).textContent(); return faultNamespace; } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function getFaultTriggerTime(page, rowNumber) { const faultTriggerTime = await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt__list-trigTime >> nth=${rowNumber - 1} >> .c-fault-mgmt-item__value`).textContent(); return faultTriggerTime.toString().trim(); } /** * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page */ async function openFaultRowMenu(page, rowNumber) { // select await page.locator(`.c-fault-mgmt-item > .c-fault-mgmt__list-action-button >> nth=${rowNumber - 1}`).click(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef module.exports = { navigateToFaultManagementWithExample, navigateToFaultManagementWithStaticExample, navigateToFaultManagementWithoutExample, navigateToFaultItemInTree, acknowledgeFault, shelveMultipleFaults, acknowledgeMultipleFaults, shelveFault, changeViewTo, sortFaultsBy, enterSearchTerm, clearSearch, selectFaultItem, getHighestSeverity, getLowestSeverity, getFaultResultCount, getFault, getFaultByName, getFaultName, getFaultSeverity, getFaultNamespace, getFaultTriggerTime, openFaultRowMenu };