/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../src/LayoutController"], function (LayoutController) { "use strict"; describe("The Layout controller", function () { var mockScope, testModel, testConfiguration, controller; beforeEach(function () { mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj( "$scope", [ "$watch" ] ); testModel = { composition: [ "a", "b", "c" ] }; testConfiguration = { panels: { a: { position: [20, 10], dimensions: [5, 5] } } }; mockScope.model = testModel; mockScope.configuration = testConfiguration; controller = new LayoutController(mockScope); }); // Model changes will indicate that panel positions // may have changed, for instance. it("watches for changes to model", function () { expect(mockScope.$watch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "model", jasmine.any(Function) ); }); it("provides styles for frames, from configuration", function () { mockScope.$watch.mostRecentCall.args[1](testModel); expect(controller.getFrameStyle("a")).toEqual({ top: "320px", left: "640px", width: "160px", height: "160px" }); }); it("provides default styles for frames", function () { var styleB, styleC; // b and c do not have configured positions mockScope.$watch.mostRecentCall.args[1](testModel); styleB = controller.getFrameStyle("b"); styleC = controller.getFrameStyle("c"); // Should have a position, but we don't care what expect(styleB.left).toBeDefined(); expect(styleB.top).toBeDefined(); expect(styleC.left).toBeDefined(); expect(styleC.top).toBeDefined(); // Should have ensured some difference in position expect(styleB).not.toEqual(styleC); }); it("allows panels to be dragged", function () { // Populate scope mockScope.$watch.mostRecentCall.args[1](testModel); // Verify precondtion expect(testConfiguration.panels.b).not.toBeDefined(); // Do a drag controller.startDrag("b", [1, 1], [0, 0]); controller.continueDrag([100, 100]); controller.endDrag(); // We do not look closely at the details here; // that is tested in LayoutDragSpec. Just make sure // that a configuration for b has been defined. expect(testConfiguration.panels.b).toBeDefined(); }); }); } );