/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../../src/representers/EditToolbarRepresenter"], function (EditToolbarRepresenter) { "use strict"; describe("The Edit mode toolbar representer", function () { var mockScope, mockElement, testAttrs, mockUnwatch, representer; beforeEach(function () { mockScope = jasmine.createSpyObj( '$scope', [ '$on', '$watch', '$watchCollection' ] ); mockElement = {}; testAttrs = { toolbar: 'testToolbar' }; mockScope.$parent = jasmine.createSpyObj( '$parent', [ '$watch', '$watchCollection' ] ); mockUnwatch = jasmine.createSpy('unwatch'); mockScope.$parent.$watchCollection.andReturn(mockUnwatch); representer = new EditToolbarRepresenter( mockScope, mockElement, testAttrs ); }); it("exposes toolbar state under a attr-defined name", function () { // A strucutre/state object should have been added to the // parent scope under the name provided in the "toolbar" // attribute expect(mockScope.$parent.testToolbar).toBeDefined(); }); it("is robust against lack of a toolbar definition", function () { expect(function () { representer.represent({}); }).not.toThrow(); }); it("watches for toolbar state changes", function () { expect(mockScope.$parent.$watchCollection).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "testToolbar.state", jasmine.any(Function) ); }); it("stops watching toolbar state when destroyed", function () { expect(mockUnwatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); representer.destroy(); expect(mockUnwatch).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); // Verify a simple interaction between selection state and toolbar // state; more complicated interactions are tested in EditToolbar. it("conveys state changes", function () { var testObject = { k: 123 }; // Provide a view which has a toolbar representer.represent({ toolbar: { sections: [ { items: [ { property: 'k' } ] } ] } }); // Update the selection mockScope.selection.push(testObject); expect(mockScope.$watchCollection.mostRecentCall.args[0]) .toEqual('selection'); // Make sure we're using right watch mockScope.$watchCollection.mostRecentCall.args[1]([testObject]); // Update the state mockScope.$parent.testToolbar.state[0] = 456; mockScope.$parent.$watchCollection.mostRecentCall.args[1]( mockScope.$parent.testToolbar.state ); // Should have updated the original object expect(testObject.k).toEqual(456); }); }); } );