/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine,spyOn*/ define( ["../../src/actions/RemoveAction"], function (RemoveAction) { "use strict"; describe("The Remove action", function () { var mockQ, mockDomainObject, mockParent, mockContext, mockMutation, mockPersistence, actionContext, model, capabilities, action; function mockPromise(value) { return { then: function (callback) { return mockPromise(callback(value)); } }; } beforeEach(function () { mockDomainObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "domainObject", [ "getId", "getCapability" ] ); mockQ = { when: mockPromise }; mockParent = { getModel: function () { return model; }, getCapability: function (k) { return capabilities[k]; }, useCapability: function (k, v) { return capabilities[k].invoke(v); } }; mockContext = jasmine.createSpyObj("context", [ "getParent" ]); mockMutation = jasmine.createSpyObj("mutation", [ "invoke" ]); mockPersistence = jasmine.createSpyObj("persistence", [ "persist" ]); mockDomainObject.getId.andReturn("test"); mockDomainObject.getCapability.andReturn(mockContext); mockContext.getParent.andReturn(mockParent); capabilities = { mutation: mockMutation, persistence: mockPersistence }; model = { composition: [ "a", "test", "b", "c" ] }; actionContext = { domainObject: mockDomainObject }; action = new RemoveAction(mockQ, actionContext); }); it("only applies to objects with parents", function () { expect(RemoveAction.appliesTo(actionContext)).toBeTruthy(); mockContext.getParent.andReturn(undefined); expect(RemoveAction.appliesTo(actionContext)).toBeFalsy(); }); it("mutates the parent when performed", function () { action.perform(); expect(mockMutation.invoke) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function)); }); it("changes composition from its mutation function", function () { var mutator, result; action.perform(); mutator = mockMutation.invoke.mostRecentCall.args[0]; result = mutator(model); // Should not have cancelled the mutation expect(result).not.toBe(false); // Simulate mutate's behavior (remove can either return a // new model or modify this one in-place) result = result || model; // Should have removed "test" - that was our // mock domain object's id. expect(result.composition).toEqual(["a", "b", "c"]); // Finally, should have persisted expect(mockPersistence.persist).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); } );