/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../../src/gestures/GestureRepresenter"], function (GestureRepresenter) { "use strict"; describe("A gesture representer", function () { var mockGestureService, mockGestureHandle, mockScope, mockElement, representer; beforeEach(function () { mockGestureService = jasmine.createSpyObj( "gestureService", [ "attachGestures" ] ); mockGestureHandle = jasmine.createSpyObj( "gestureHandle", [ "destroy" ] ); mockElement = { someKey: "some value" }; mockGestureService.attachGestures.andReturn(mockGestureHandle); representer = new GestureRepresenter( mockGestureService, undefined, // Scope is not used mockElement ); }); it("attaches declared gestures, and detaches on request", function () { // Pass in some objects, which we expect to be passed into the // gesture service accordingly. var domainObject = { someOtherKey: "some other value" }, representation = { gestures: ["a", "b", "c"] }; representer.represent(representation, domainObject); expect(mockGestureService.attachGestures).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockElement, domainObject, [ "a", "b", "c" ] ); // Should not have been destroyed yet... expect(mockGestureHandle.destroy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Destroy representer.destroy(); // Should have destroyed those old gestures expect(mockGestureHandle.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); } );