/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,waitsFor,jasmine,runs*/ define( ["../../src/resolve/RequireConfigurator", "../../src/load/Bundle"], function (RequireConfigurator, Bundle) { "use strict"; describe("The RequireJS configurator", function () { var mockRequire, configurator; beforeEach(function () { mockRequire = jasmine.createSpyObj( "requirejs", [ "config" ] ); configurator = new RequireConfigurator(mockRequire); }); it("configures RequireJS when invoked", function () { // Verify precondition - no config call expect(mockRequire.config).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // Configure with an empty set of bundles configurator.configure([]); // Should have invoked require.config expect(mockRequire.config).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("assembles configurations from bundles", function () { configurator.configure([ new Bundle("test/a", { configuration: { paths: { a: "path/to/a", b: "path/to/b" } } }), new Bundle("test/b", { configuration: { paths: { b: "path/to/b" }, shim: { b: { "exports": "someExport" }, c: {} } } }), new Bundle("test/c", { configuration: { shim: { c: { "exports": "someOtherExport" } } } }) ]); expect(mockRequire.config).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ baseUrl: "", paths: { a: "test/a/lib/path/to/a", b: "test/b/lib/path/to/b" }, shim: { b: { "exports": "someExport" }, c: { "exports": "someOtherExport" } } }); }); }); } );