/*global define,describe,it,expect,beforeEach,jasmine*/ define( ["../../src/objects/EditableModelCache"], function (EditableModelCache) { "use strict"; describe("The editable model cache", function () { var mockObject, mockOtherObject, testModel, testId, otherModel, otherId, cache; beforeEach(function () { testId = "test"; testModel = { someKey: "some value" }; otherId = "other"; otherModel = { someKey: "some other value" }; mockObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "domainObject", [ "getId", "getModel" ] ); mockOtherObject = jasmine.createSpyObj( "domainObject", [ "getId", "getModel" ] ); mockObject.getId.andReturn(testId); mockObject.getModel.andReturn(testModel); mockOtherObject.getId.andReturn(otherId); mockOtherObject.getModel.andReturn(otherModel); cache = new EditableModelCache(); }); it("provides clones of domain object models", function () { var model = cache.getCachedModel(mockObject); // Should be identical... expect(model).toEqual(testModel); // ...but not pointer-identical expect(model).not.toBe(testModel); }); it("provides only one clone per object", function () { var model = cache.getCachedModel(mockObject); expect(cache.getCachedModel(mockObject)).toBe(model); }); it("maintains separate caches per-object", function () { expect(cache.getCachedModel(mockObject)) .not.toEqual(cache.getCachedModel(mockOtherObject)); }); }); } );