 Open MCT Web, Copyright (c) 2014-2015, United States Government
 as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
 Administration. All rights reserved.

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 "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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 under the License.

 Open MCT Web includes source code licensed under additional open source
 licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with
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 at runtime from the About dialog for additional information.
    <span ng-controller="PlotController as plot"
          ng-mouseleave="representation.showControls = false">

        <div class="gl-plot"
             ng-style="{ height: 100 / plot.getSubPlots().length + '%'}"
             ng-repeat="subplot in plot.getSubPlots()">
            <div class="gl-plot-legend">
                <span class='plot-legend-item'
                      ng-repeat="telemetryObject in subplot.getTelemetryObjects()">
                    <span class='plot-color-swatch'
                          ng-style="{ 'background-color': plot.getColor($index) }">
                    <span class='title-label'>{{telemetryObject.getModel().name}}</span>

            <div class="gl-plot-coords"
                 ng-if="subplot.isHovering() && subplot.getHoverCoordinates()">

            <div class="gl-plot-axis-area gl-plot-y">

                <div class="gl-plot-label gl-plot-y-label">

                <div ng-repeat="tick in subplot.getRangeTicks()"
                     class="gl-plot-tick gl-plot-y-tick-label"
                     ng-style="{ bottom: (100 * $index / (subplot.getRangeTicks().length - 1)) + '%' }">

                <div class="gl-plot-y-options gl-plot-local-controls"
                     ng-if="axes[1].options.length > 0">
                    <div class='form-control shell select'>
                        <select class="form-control input shell select"
                                ng-options="option.name for option in axes[1].options">


            <div class="gl-plot-display-area"
                 ng-mouseenter="subplot.isHovering(true); representation.showControls = true;"

                <div class="gl-plot-hash hash-v"
                     ng-repeat="tick in subplot.getDomainTicks()"
                     ng-style="{ left: (100 * $index / (subplot.getDomainTicks().length - 1)) + '%', height: '100%' }"
                     ng-show="$index > 0 && $index < (subplot.getDomainTicks().length - 1)">
                <div class="gl-plot-hash hash-h"
                     ng-repeat="tick in subplot.getRangeTicks()"
                     ng-style="{ bottom: (100 * $index / (subplot.getRangeTicks().length - 1)) + '%', width: '100%' }"
                     ng-show="$index > 0 && $index < (subplot.getRangeTicks().length - 1)">

                <mct-chart draw="subplot.getDrawingObject()"
                           ng-mouseup="subplot.endMarquee($event); plot.update()">

                <!-- TODO: Move into correct position; make part of group; infer from set of actions -->
                <div class="gl-plot-local-controls"
                     style="position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 8px;">

                    <a href=""
                       class="t-btn l-btn s-btn s-icon-btn s-very-subtle"
                       title="Restore previous pan/zoom">
                        <span class="ui-symbol icon">&lt;</span>

                    <a href=""
                       class="t-btn l-btn s-btn s-icon-btn s-very-subtle"
                       title="Reset pan/zoom">
                        <span class="ui-symbol icon">I</span>

                    <div class="menu-element btn icon-btn s-very-subtle btn-menu dropdown click-invoke"
                         ng-if="plot.getModeOptions().length > 1"
                         ng-controller="ClickAwayController as toggle">

                        <span class="l-click-area" ng-click="toggle.toggle()"></span>

                        <span class="ui-symbol icon type-icon">{{plot.getMode().glyph}}</span>
                        <span class='ui-symbol icon invoke-menu'>v</span>

                        <div class="menu dropdown" ng-show="toggle.isActive()">
                                <li ng-repeat="option in plot.getModeOptions()">
                                    <a href="" ng-click="plot.setMode(option); toggle.setState(false)">
                                        <span class="ui-symbol type-icon icon">


                <span class="t-wait-spinner loading" ng-show="plot.isRequestPending()">
            <div ng-if="$last" class="gl-plot-axis-area gl-plot-x">

                <div ng-repeat="tick in subplot.getDomainTicks()"
                     class="gl-plot-tick gl-plot-x-tick-label"
                     ng-show="$index > 0 && $index < (subplot.getDomainTicks().length - 1)"
                     ng-style="{ left: (100 * $index / (subplot.getDomainTicks().length - 1)) + '%' }">

                <div class="gl-plot-label gl-plot-x-label">

                <div class="gl-plot-x-options gl-plot-local-controls"
                     ng-if="axes[0].options.length > 0">
                    <div class='form-control shell select'>
                        <select class="form-control input shell select"
                                ng-options="option.name for option in axes[0].options">
