/***************************************************************************** * Open MCT, Copyright (c) 2014-2024, United States Government * as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space * Administration. All rights reserved. * * Open MCT is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Open MCT includes source code licensed under additional open source * licenses. See the Open Source Licenses file (LICENSES.md) included with * this source code distribution or the Licensing information page available * at runtime from the About dialog for additional information. *****************************************************************************/ /* Collection of Time List tests set to run with browser clock manipulate made possible with the page.clock() API. */ import fs from 'fs'; import { createDomainObjectWithDefaults, createPlanFromJSON, navigateToObjectWithRealTime } from '../../../appActions.js'; import { createTimelistWithPlanAndSetActivityInProgress, getEarliestStartTime, getFirstActivity } from '../../../helper/planningUtils'; import { expect, test } from '../../../pluginFixtures.js'; const examplePlanSmall3 = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( new URL('../../../test-data/examplePlans/ExamplePlan_Small3.json', import.meta.url) ) ); const examplePlanSmall1 = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( new URL('../../../test-data/examplePlans/ExamplePlan_Small1.json', import.meta.url) ) ); const TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN = 2; const HEADER_ROW = 0; const NUM_COLUMNS = 5; const FULL_CIRCLE_PATH = 'M3.061616997868383e-15,-50A50,50,0,1,1,-3.061616997868383e-15,50A50,50,0,1,1,3.061616997868383e-15,-50Z'; /** * The regular expression used to parse the countdown string. * Some examples of valid Countdown strings: * ``` * '35D 02:03:04' * '-1D 01:02:03' * '01:02:03' * '-05:06:07' * ``` */ const COUNTDOWN_REGEXP = /(-)?(\d+D\s)?(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/; /** * @typedef {Object} CountdownOrUpObject * @property {string} sign - The sign of the countdown ('-' if the countdown is negative, '+' otherwise). * @property {string} days - The number of days in the countdown (undefined if there are no days). * @property {string} hours - The number of hours in the countdown. * @property {string} minutes - The number of minutes in the countdown. * @property {string} seconds - The number of seconds in the countdown. * @property {string} toString - The countdown string. */ /** * Object representing the indices of the capture groups in a countdown regex match. * * @typedef {{ SIGN: number, DAYS: number, HOURS: number, MINUTES: number, SECONDS: number, REGEXP: RegExp }} * @property {number} SIGN - The index for the sign capture group (1 if a '-' sign is present, otherwise undefined). * @property {number} DAYS - The index for the days capture group (2 for the number of days, otherwise undefined). * @property {number} HOURS - The index for the hours capture group (3 for the hour part of the time). * @property {number} MINUTES - The index for the minutes capture group (4 for the minute part of the time). * @property {number} SECONDS - The index for the seconds capture group (5 for the second part of the time). */ const COUNTDOWN = Object.freeze({ SIGN: 1, DAYS: 2, HOURS: 3, MINUTES: 4, SECONDS: 5 }); const FIRST_ACTIVITY_SMALL_1 = getFirstActivity(examplePlanSmall1); test.describe('Time List with controlled clock @clock', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.clock.install({ time: getEarliestStartTime(examplePlanSmall3) }); await page.clock.resume(); await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); // Create Time List const timelist = await createDomainObjectWithDefaults(page, { type: 'Time List' }); // Create a Plan with events that count down and up. // Add it as a child to the Time List. await createPlanFromJSON(page, { json: examplePlanSmall3, parent: timelist.uuid }); // Navigate to the Time List in real-time mode await navigateToObjectWithRealTime(page, timelist.url, 900000, 1800000); //Expand the viewport to show the entire time list await page.getByLabel('Collapse Inspect Pane').click(); await page.getByLabel('Collapse Browse Pane').click(); }); test('Time List shows current events and counts down correctly in real-time mode', async ({ page }) => { const countUpCells = [ getTimeListCellByIndex(page, 1, TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN), getTimeListCellByIndex(page, 2, TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN) ]; const countdownCells = [ getTimeListCellByIndex(page, 3, TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN), getTimeListCellByIndex(page, 4, TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN) ]; // Verify that the countdown cells are counting down for (let i = 0; i < countdownCells.length; i++) { await test.step(`Countdown cell ${i + 1} counts down`, async () => { const countdownCell = countdownCells[i]; // Get the initial countdown timestamp object const beforeCountdown = await getAndAssertCountdownOrUpObject(page, i + 3); // should not have a '-' sign await expect(countdownCell).not.toHaveText('-'); // Wait until it changes await expect(countdownCell).not.toHaveText(beforeCountdown.toString()); // Get the new countdown timestamp object const afterCountdown = await getAndAssertCountdownOrUpObject(page, i + 3); // Verify that the new countdown timestamp object is less than the old one expect(Number(afterCountdown.seconds)).toBeLessThan(Number(beforeCountdown.seconds)); }); } // Verify that the count-up cells are counting up for (let i = 0; i < countUpCells.length; i++) { await test.step(`Count-up cell ${i + 1} counts up`, async () => { const countUpCell = countUpCells[i]; // Get the initial count-up timestamp object const beforeCountUp = await getAndAssertCountdownOrUpObject(page, i + 1); // should not have a '+' sign await expect(countUpCell).not.toHaveText('+'); // Wait until it changes await expect(countUpCell).not.toHaveText(beforeCountUp.toString()); // Get the new count-up timestamp object const afterCountUp = await getAndAssertCountdownOrUpObject(page, i + 1); // Verify that the new count-up timestamp object is greater than the old one expect(Number(afterCountUp.seconds)).toBeGreaterThan(Number(beforeCountUp.seconds)); }); } }); }); test.describe('Activity progress when activity is in the future @clock', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.clock.install({ time: FIRST_ACTIVITY_SMALL_1.start - 1 }); await page.clock.resume(); await createTimelistWithPlanAndSetActivityInProgress(page, examplePlanSmall1); }); test('progress pie is empty', async ({ page }) => { const anActivity = page.getByRole('row').nth(0); // Progress pie shows no progress when now is less than the start time await expect(anActivity.getByLabel('Activity in progress').locator('path')).not.toHaveAttribute( 'd' ); }); }); test.describe('Activity progress when now is between start and end of the activity @clock', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.clock.install({ time: FIRST_ACTIVITY_SMALL_1.start + 50000 }); await page.clock.resume(); await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); await createTimelistWithPlanAndSetActivityInProgress(page, examplePlanSmall1); }); test('progress pie is partially filled', async ({ page }) => { const anActivity = page.getByRole('row').nth(0); const pathElement = anActivity.getByLabel('Activity in progress').locator('path'); // Progress pie shows progress when now is greater than the start time await expect(pathElement).toHaveAttribute('d'); }); }); test.describe('Activity progress when now is after end of the activity @clock', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.clock.install({ time: FIRST_ACTIVITY_SMALL_1.end + 10000 }); await page.clock.resume(); await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); await createTimelistWithPlanAndSetActivityInProgress(page, examplePlanSmall1); }); test('progress pie is full', async ({ page }) => { const anActivity = page.getByRole('row').nth(0); // Progress pie is completely full and doesn't update if now is greater than the end time await expect(anActivity.getByLabel('Activity in progress').locator('path')).toHaveAttribute( 'd', FULL_CIRCLE_PATH ); }); }); /** * Get the cell at the given row and column indices. * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {number} rowIndex * @param {number} columnIndex * @returns {import('@playwright/test').Locator} cell */ function getTimeListCellByIndex(page, rowIndex, columnIndex) { return page.getByRole('cell').nth(rowIndex * NUM_COLUMNS + columnIndex); } /** * Return the innerText of the cell at the given row and column indices. * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {number} rowIndex * @param {number} columnIndex * @returns {Promise<string>} text */ async function getTimeListCellTextByIndex(page, rowIndex, columnIndex) { const text = await getTimeListCellByIndex(page, rowIndex, columnIndex).innerText(); return text; } /** * Get the text from the countdown (or countup) cell in the given row, assert that it matches the countdown/countup * regex, and return an object representing the countdown. * @param {import('@playwright/test').Page} page * @param {number} rowIndex the row index * @returns {Promise<CountdownOrUpObject>} The countdown (or countup) object */ async function getAndAssertCountdownOrUpObject(page, rowIndex) { const timeToFrom = await getTimeListCellTextByIndex( page, HEADER_ROW + rowIndex, TIME_TO_FROM_COLUMN ); expect(timeToFrom).toMatch(COUNTDOWN_REGEXP); const match = timeToFrom.match(COUNTDOWN_REGEXP); return { sign: match[COUNTDOWN.SIGN], days: match[COUNTDOWN.DAYS], hours: match[COUNTDOWN.HOURS], minutes: match[COUNTDOWN.MINUTES], seconds: match[COUNTDOWN.SECONDS], toString: () => timeToFrom }; }