* added persistance check to edit properties action
* adding persistence check in browse bar as well as reverting passing in openmct in bundle and now passing it in through appliesTo method
* adding other actions that need to be persistable
* adding persistance check to set primary location action
Co-authored-by: Andrew Henry <akhenry@gmail.com>
* WIP: added new move action plugin, added to default plugins in mct.js
* WIP: removed old move action and references, added new root action, working, needs tess
* added tests for move action
* removing focused tests
* using composition collection now, optimized some calls
* removed test for removed function
* minor spec change, format only
* updated for new action registration and 3 dot
* removing comments
Co-authored-by: Shefali Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* WIP: refactoring legacy dulicate action
* WIP: debugging duplicate duplicates...
* WIP: fixed duplicate duplicates issue
* added unit tests
* removing old legacy copyaction and renaming duplicate action
* removing fdescribe
* trying to see if a done callback fixes testing issues
* fixed tests
* testing autoflow tests on server
* tweaked autoflow tests to stop failing
* minor updates for new 3 dot menu
Co-authored-by: Deep Tailor <deep.j.tailor@nasa.gov>
* no-implicit-coercion and no-unneeded-ternary
* End every line with a semicolon
* Spacing and formatting
* Enabled semi-spacing
* Applies npm run lint:fix to code after master merge
* Fix merge issues
* Switched operator-linebreak to 'before'
Co-authored-by: Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* complete working go to original action, todo (css class for action)
* Fix layout when a menu item does not have an icon
* Removed superfluous keystring conversion
* Updated Karma and Jasmine versions
* Added DOMObserver class. Supports promise-based testing of DOM changes
Update asynchronous test specs to use promises or done() instead of waitsFor/runs
* Modified ActionCapability to duplicate context object properties as own properties for better object equality comparisons
* Global find + replace to fix syntax issues
* Fixed various issues caused by non-deterministic runtime order of tests in Jasmine 3. Fixed issues caused by changes to determination of object equality
* Addressed review comments
* Resolved merge conflicts with master
* Fixed style errors
* Use spy.calls.count() instead of manually tracking
* [Notifications] Added timestamp and object name to copy notifications \n
-Fixes issue #331
-Added timestamps to all notifications
-Added object name to copy success notification
-Updated placement and style of notification timestamp as discussed with Charles.
Define applicability of Move/Copy/Link using appliesTo, to avoid
errors being thrown due to lack of context during instantiation.
Addresses immediate cause of nasa/openmctweb#120.
The entanglement bundle defines move, copy, and link actions, and
exposes them as context menu actions.
* The Move action moves an object from it's current parent to a new
parent object.
* The Copy action deep-copies an object to a new parent object.
* The Link action links an object to a new parent object.
These actions are implemented by three new services: moveService,
copyService, and linkService.
Mocks are provided for each service for easy testing of components
that depend on them.
Additionally, this bundle provides a DomainObjectFactory that simplifies
the construction of mockDomainObjects for tests.
These actions are exposed to the user as context menu options.