* added persistance check to edit properties action
* adding persistence check in browse bar as well as reverting passing in openmct in bundle and now passing it in through appliesTo method
* adding other actions that need to be persistable
* adding persistance check to set primary location action
Co-authored-by: Andrew Henry <akhenry@gmail.com>
* WIP: added new move action plugin, added to default plugins in mct.js
* WIP: removed old move action and references, added new root action, working, needs tess
* added tests for move action
* removing focused tests
* using composition collection now, optimized some calls
* removed test for removed function
* minor spec change, format only
* updated for new action registration and 3 dot
* removing comments
Co-authored-by: Shefali Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* WIP: refactoring legacy dulicate action
* WIP: debugging duplicate duplicates...
* WIP: fixed duplicate duplicates issue
* added unit tests
* removing old legacy copyaction and renaming duplicate action
* removing fdescribe
* trying to see if a done callback fixes testing issues
* fixed tests
* testing autoflow tests on server
* tweaked autoflow tests to stop failing
* minor updates for new 3 dot menu
Co-authored-by: Deep Tailor <deep.j.tailor@nasa.gov>
* upgrade to ESLintv7, added overrides for rules violated
* removed overrides for spec files
* fixed no-prototype-builtins issues
* added rules for default-case-last, default-param-last, grouped-accessor-pairs, no-constructor-return, and added override for one violation
Co-authored-by: Andrew Henry <akhenry@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Shefali Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* no-implicit-coercion and no-unneeded-ternary
* End every line with a semicolon
* Spacing and formatting
* Enabled semi-spacing
* Applies npm run lint:fix to code after master merge
* Fix merge issues
* Switched operator-linebreak to 'before'
Co-authored-by: Joshi <simplyrender@gmail.com>
* complete working go to original action, todo (css class for action)
* Fix layout when a menu item does not have an icon
* Removed superfluous keystring conversion
* dont show error dialog when user moves an object from one location to another
* add test for not showing blocking message on remove action
* Move to webpack build
* Use webpack for building openmct. Move SCSS to one folder and load
all core css up front. Remove bower, begin removing gulp in favor
of npm run.
* Uses eslint instead of jshint and jscs. Merge style checking rules
into .eshintrc.js, carrying over core parts of crockford style and
our adaptations. Current code base fails to pass the linter, want
to separate linter changes from fixes to linting rules.
* Support for Vue SFC with example
* Remove outdated examples
* Use HTML loader for html (supports relative imports of resources e.g.
images) and raw-loader for when javascript must be loaded as text.
* Updated Karma and Jasmine versions
* Added DOMObserver class. Supports promise-based testing of DOM changes
Update asynchronous test specs to use promises or done() instead of waitsFor/runs
* Modified ActionCapability to duplicate context object properties as own properties for better object equality comparisons
* Global find + replace to fix syntax issues
* Fixed various issues caused by non-deterministic runtime order of tests in Jasmine 3. Fixed issues caused by changes to determination of object equality
* Addressed review comments
* Resolved merge conflicts with master
* Fixed style errors
* Use spy.calls.count() instead of manually tracking
* [Notifications] Added timestamp and object name to copy notifications \n
-Fixes issue #331
-Added timestamps to all notifications
-Added object name to copy success notification
-Updated placement and style of notification timestamp as discussed with Charles.