open #74
view-switcher in object browse and edit moved to precede
action buttons, with margin;
Re-located CSS for .btn, etc. from _controls.scss to _layout.scss;
Cleaned up line-spacing in object-header in .frame;
open #74
Attempting to layout using flex - not working;
See for working example;
New _flex.scss added;
This commit is changed elements that are mostly solid;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for split pane holders;
drop shadow added to tree area;
Tree item cleanups;
This or earlier commit broke treeview nav action;
TO-DO: fix treeview nav action to hide menu;
open #74
CSS and markup changes for mobile,
particularly on grid-item;
Mod to behavior in tree for mobile nav:
leaf node grid-item click now navs to item;
Fixed info-button to work properly with mod to
Added styling to back and selection
arrow (tree). Also increased the space
allowed for selection arrow on tree item.
Info Button created on grid items for mobile.
Info bubble appears on tablet like desktop.
Also on mobile, info bubble fits to width.
New QueryService that returns if on iPhone.
Also formatted dialog box so that their is no
margin and takes up fullscreen on mobile.
Added info button to grid/list items
on mobile. When the button is pressed,
info bubble appears for 750ms or the
same infobutton is pressed to dismiss
When you are at the highest level the
back button fades out and is unclickable.
When you are able to go up a level the
back button appears/fades in and is
pressable. Also removed the object type
name from the header.
Cleaned the unused code for the
backArrow and long touch gestures.
Commented out functions for later use
Currently shows the back arrow, however,
only will print to console on press.
Edited tests where mobile checks were breaking
and fixed.
Set the width of the create menu
text/components to fit the menu
however it gets cuttoff sometimes.
Next steps are to Clean up screen,
change the create menu to fit the left side,
and fix bottom space.
Specifies amounts based on phone and tablet's
orientation. Not tested for the actual device,
but emulator. Also currently makes the create
button appear/disappear instead of smoothly sliding.
Menu slides, but not transition
css slides out on click. Currently
uses document, which needs to be
replaced with angular version using
and/or and/or
ng-class and/or ng-click.