Completes Unit Test. Added a new file:
NewWindowActionSpec.js, which performs the
Jasmine test for NewWindowAction.js. The
test specifies a mockWindow with a mockUrl
and then adds both to a NewWindowAction.
Also suite.json contains the NewWindowActon
path. In order for NewWindowAction.jsWTD-16.
to be reached. WTD-16.
Adjusted the SASS file to
not hide the new window button. Also
removed the overwrite metadata function
that was used to temprarily allow us to
view the new window button. WTD-16.
Currently overwrites metadata
similar to the FullScreenAction in order
to temporarily display the new window button
until the css is modified to do so. WTD-16
Added CSS class "bubble-container" to BUBBLE_TEMPLATE;
bubble-container utilizes CSS "pointer-events: none";
Changed INFO_HOVER_DELAY constant from 500ms to 2000ms;
Work around normal behavior of Angular when path changes;
instead of reinstantiating controller for Browse mode
when Browse-initiated path changes occur, act as if the
route hadn't changed (so that the URL updates but the
currently-displayed state, e.g. tree expansion, is
preserved.) WTD-1149.
Added classes to and removed inline styles from drag handles,
Removed edge handles, leaving corner handles in NW, SW and SE only;
Added hover classes to display corner handles while editing;
Modified z-indexing to allow view switcher to be accessed while editing;
Changed CSS .l-infobubble-wrapper abs > relative;
Added display: block class for mct-container;
Tweaked bubble evaluation JS for 'goLeft' behavior;
Added constants for bubble max width and left/right margin;
Changed z-index of context menus and bubbles to put the menus above;
Changed text wrapping of 'value' td to no-wrap;
Changed min and max-width of .l-infobubble;
.t-view-switcher > .view-switcher;
Added CSS transition to hide/show of view-switcher;
Moved .view-switcher hide/show to _frame.scss;
Tweaked .frame:hover to raise z-index to show complete border;
Removal of 'icon-btn' class from *.html;
Cleanup of markup in switcher.html;
'name' span is now hidden when switcher is within frame;
Commented out unused css classes in _controls.scss,
Normalization of markup in object header when in main view and framed objects;
Icon sizing fixed in menus and switcher control;
Tightened up spacing in menus;
Refactoring in advance of style mods to switcher when in frame;
Moved btn styles from _controls.scss to _buttons.scss;
Markup cleaned up with css classing simplified;