- When going from browse to edit mode, the wrapper
around the object being edited will now transition in
from its edges, and the edit controls toolbar will
animate its height;
- There is no transition applied for going from edit
to browse; to do this we'd need to mod the JS on
exiting to look for the end of an animation event;
- Tested in Chrome, Safari and Firefox;
- May not be smooth with very complex objects
like Layouts with a large number of components;
- Added transitional animations to .l-object-wrapper
and .l-edit-controls;
- New 'animTo' mixin added to _effects.scss;
Markup in index.html and about-dialog.html
changed to simplify and use :before/:after psuedos;
CSS in _logo-and-bg.scss modded for same;
Added _startup.scss to hold general CSS for
the startup screen;
Renamed startup.scss to startup-open.scss;
Modified SplashScreenManager.js to target renamed
outer container .l-splash-holder;
Added media query for startup screen on phone;
Cleanup: moved classes out of _effects into _global;
Still to-do: apply to WARP and VISTA, including needed
mods to their About dialog screens;
Many tweaks to fix some issues with tree, labels and Inspector.
warp #1596
open #425
Changes to autoflow styles, particularly in header;
Cleanup in effects.scss; CSS to be re-compiled;
(cherry picked from commit 5848077)
(cherry picked from commit 5151637 in warp1341)
telemetry.html now uses data-value instead of class;
Mods to effects.scss to add customKeyframes mixin;
Added default transition time to mixin trans-prop-nice in mixins.scss;